Saga...und Canada

Verfügbare Informationen zu "Saga...und Canada"

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Black Dog - SwingCat
  • aus dem Unterforum: SAGA
  • Antworten: 2
  • Forum gestartet am: Sonntag 25.09.2005
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Saga...und Canada
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 18 Jahren, 4 Monaten, 27 Tagen, 13 Stunden, 38 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Saga...und Canada"

    Re: Saga...und Canada

    Black Dog - 06.12.2005, 21:47

    Saga...und Canada
    Leider in englisch, Kathrin :-(
    Kann Andreas übersetzen?

    Legacy, legend...we just call them Saga!
    The rest of my week will be spent on reflections I've been too busy to actually post. The first of these is on my all time favourite band, Saga. In my eyes, we've performed the best example of the Canadian tradition on these guys, but subbing our own when they do what we often fail to do at home: represent Canada in a positive and beneficial light on the world's stage. It happens with actors, with athletes, and very much with Saga!

    For the record, despite most of my Canadian peers not knowing who these guys are anymore, the band still sells out massive concerts in Germany, Purto Rico and Denmark, with fairly good support in the UK, Belgium and random east-European countries. On top of this, the lead singe Michael Sadler, put out a solo album in September that has been ignored here but is getting airplay in the ever-stingy United States!

    So with this in mind, it amazes me every time that the Canadian government announces that his has to *protect* Canadian musicians from those monsters in the rest of the world who would otherwise swallow up our homegrowns in our own markets. Might I offer a reason why the government would feel this way: new Canadian acts suck! There wasn't a problem like this 25 years ago and wouldn't be a problem like it today if our more qualified and experimental musicians have a better chance on our government-sanctioned stations instead of raising artificial bands which are only trying to be maple-syrup-mimics of American acts (Nickelback for example).

    There are bands out there, like Saga, that don't require or take government funds since they can make it on their own. These are the true Canadian ambassadors to music and the real place to find "Canadian music". You need only go to a Saga concert in Toronto where half of the audience drove up from the States to realize this; we're selling ourselves short...again!

    Re: Saga...und Canada

    SwingCat - 06.12.2005, 21:54

    Nein kann er nicht, er ist beschäftigt mit der roten Nebenfrau.... :cry:

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