Jin'do, der Naseweiß!

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  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Alone - Mituxarus
  • Forenurl: Klick
  • aus dem Unterforum: Zul Gurub Informationen
  • Antworten: 5
  • Forum gestartet am: Montag 17.10.2005
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Jin'do, der Naseweiß!
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 18 Jahren, 1 Monat, 3 Tagen, 20 Stunden, 59 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Jin'do, der Naseweiß!"

    Re: Jin'do, der Naseweiß!

    Alone - 21.04.2006, 13:13

    Jin'do, der Naseweiß!
    Naja, nachdem wir letzte Woche so extrem knapp gescheitert sind (ich denke, knapp 10 sek länger an Kontrolle und dann kontrolliertem Sterben :D hätten gereicht), habe ich mal das Internet ... for Porn ... ähm, also das Netz nach Tipps und Hinweisen durchsucht, die ich einfach mal dran hänge:

    Naja, auch die Allianz hat wohl ihre Not mit ihm:
    Zitat: This guy is absolutely nuts. It's insane how difficult he is. This is the only fight in the game that requires a great deal of
    luck. If our main tank gets teleported into it's basically a wipe cause from what I heard he's immune to taunt.

    First off, some general tips: Keep all mobs health bar with the V key. This will allow you to take down weak shades fast as
    quite often some less DPS oriented classes can't get them down much.

    Here's what we do.

    First, prepare...

    Cast Shadow buffs on everyone, it reduces damage from the shades. Keep all buffs up, warlocks keep up Demon armour, priests
    inner fire. Basically any damage reduction you can get. This will probably save your butt if you get teleported as it usually
    takes even a good computer a couple seconds of lag before you can move again.

    We keep one paladin back to take care of skellies when someome gets teleported into the pit. It saves clothie lives if he does

    We drain his mana as fast as possible. People say that it doesn't help, it does. He does drop less totems and hex less
    frequently when he does. That means everyone who can mana burns. Priests, Hunters, Locks. We typically bring 3-4 priests to
    this fight. All priests but one is draining his mana. This will take his mana down to zero fast. Not a single class can burn
    mana down as fast as the priests. It should only take 40 seconds tops to drain his mana.

    Kill totems via tab targeting. Mages can burn down totems pretty quick with pyroblast. Enough that rogues can finish it in a
    couple hits. Healing totems are priority. Take them first. Mind control totems second. Burn your cooldowns if you are a melee
    class. A warrior who blasts his Intimidating shout while mind controled can spell bad news for the raid. As a priest I tend to
    fear away things that attack me.

    DPS the crap out of him as fast as you can. Jindo has only about 400K hp. Take totems down as fast as you can. There are some
    helpfull macros that mages can use that will auto target the totems, cast a pyroblast and go back to Jindo with the touch of a
    button. (I'm not sure how it works I'm not a mage, best check the UI forum) If the healing totem is up for more then 5 seconds,
    Jindo gets 3% of his health back. They cannot stay up longer then that. (That's an additional 12K hp you have to burn off him
    everytime those totems stay down too long)

    How to deal with shades?

    Keep the ranged CLOSE to the melee so they don't have to go chasing down shades half the time they are cursed. Keep the
    clothies between the two pillars outside of Jindo's little room (Where the pull infront of him is)

    People laugh at me when I say the best people to get cursed are priests and warlocks. I'll tell you why now. DoT's. Just
    freaking tab target every dang shade you see and toss a SW:P or whatever curse the warlocks do. I do believe SW:P does 80% of
    the HP of every shade and the Warlock one kills it outright. But if they don't kill them it brings them to a level that
    warriors and rogues can just tear through the things. Everyone who gets cursed aside from the MT has to be on shades. We've
    got to a point where shade control is excellent and we don't have much trouble with them anymore.

    Sometimes we can beat Jindo on our first try without losing a single person. Sometimes we wipe 5 times in a row. It's a very
    random fight that causes us a lot of trouble yet. But hell, some of the loot he drops is worth it. Evil Eye 4TW.

    Sometimes I pull my hair out in frustration with this guy. Nothing is more aggrivating then Jindo teleporting our tank into
    the skelleton pit, hexxing him at the same time runs halfway to the pit then he drops a mind control totem in the middle of
    the pit mind controlling the priest who has the most mana which then starts healing Jindo as the main tank is pulling him back
    into position.

    Just too random. The fight is based too much on pure chance.

    Dann noch einen:
    Zitat: The Playing Field
    Jin'do is fought on a mostly flat surface, with some terrain changes around a nearby pit. This pit is full of quickly
    respawning skeletons named "Sacrificed Troll" At certain angles around this pit, Jin'do can go on evade. Avoid tanking him

    Hexxer's abilities
    The Hexxer has 6 main abilities.
    1) Physical Attack.
    He does an attack which will hit for, at most, 1000 damage crushing, and as little as 400. This is the least of your problems.
    In fact, in my experience, I found that I wasn't taking enough damage to have a healthy supply of rage when fighting Jin'do,
    so I removed my shield and used a 2-handed weapon. Lesser equipped tanks may not have this problem.

    2) Teleportation.
    If you have fought Immol'thar or Gandling, you are familiar with this teleportation. Jin'do will teleport you into the pit of
    rapidly respawning skeletons, thrusting you into certain doom, unless you have some quick help.

    3) Brainwash Totem
    This totem, when dropped, has approximately 4000 hit points, and mind controls someone through the use of a large green beam
    coming from the top of the totem to the person in question. While the target of the Brainwash seems to be somewhat proximity-
    based, he will never brainwash the person with the most aggro (which should be the MT).

    4) Powerful Healing Totem
    This totem, when dropped, has approximately 1000 hit points. It will heal him for roughly 1000 life a second.

    5) Dellusions of Jin'do
    This is a weak shadow-based curse DoT he will cast very frequently. Whenever this DoT is cast, two things happen. A Shade of
    Jin'do spawns out of the person it was cast on (similar to the haunted debuff in Stratholme), and the person with the curse
    will now be able to see and effect the Shades of Jin'do, where they normally wouldn't be able to. More on that later.

    6) Hex
    Magic-based debuff. Changes the target into a frog, who then wanders aimlessly, doing nothing for a few short moments.

    Additional factors in the fight
    Sacrificed Trolls
    These extremely weak mobs will spawn every few seconds after death. They respawn individually, so you cannot kill every single
    one except for one, and then tank it off in the middle of nowhere. The best way to deal with these mobs is to repeatedly kill
    them as often as they spawn.

    Shades of Jin'do
    One of these little buggers spawn every time someone is afflicted with the curse Dellusions of Jin'do. They are invisible, and
    unaffected by AOE, along with the totems. They are an entirely shadow-based entity. They hit for 1 damage, which serves to do
    little except interrupt spellcasting, and then Shadow Shock for 500-600 (noncrit)damage. Needless to say, two of these already
    do more DPS than Jin'do. The only time you can attack them is when you are suffering under the curse Dellusions of Jin'do.
    They have 1500 hitpoints, and are fairly easy to destroy. DoTs continue to affect them even after the curse is gone. Thorns,
    Retribution Aura, Fire Shield, and effects from items such as Essence of the Pure POS also work, regardless of the curse.

    How to Fight Jin'do
    The Setup
    Rogues should all have the highest ranked wound poison on their main hand weapon, and instant poison on their offhand. Pass
    Improved Thorns and Shadow Protection to everyone around the raid. Make sure hunter pets are on aggressive. (While the tactic
    to attack shades without being cursed no-longer works, setting pets to aggressive is still a good idea).

    The Pull
    Use a rogue or hunter to pull Jin'do. He will often curse them within a few seconds. It is important for DPS classes to get
    this curse.

    The Fight
    Destroying shades should be your top priority. Priests and Warlocks should DoT as many as possible in the 15 seconds that they
    have this curse. Shadow Word pain removes enough life that rogues can 1-shot the shades. Curse of Agony and Corruption
    combined will flat out kill a shade. The only person who does not kill shades will be your main tank, who should be doing his
    damndest to spam sunder and revenge, as Jin'do is immune to taunt. Paladins and Priests may use decursive during this fight,
    but not Druids or Mages. Additionally, it is a good idea to have one person dedicated to cleansing hex off the main tank.

    You want to pull Jin'do close to the pit, because when he teleports people, it is imperative that they are able to rejoin the
    fight as quickly as possible. While, often one mage can handle the pit alone, two can handle it faster, and safer.

    All the healers should be bunched up into one small pile. All healers will inevitable draw Shade of Jin'do aggro from healing
    so, when someone gets the curse, all the shades will be in one nice location, rather than spread out all over the place.
    Ranged DPS needs to be at a right angle to Jin'do and the Healers, as it allows them quick access to being able to damage both.

    You should bring along at least one warrior with Mortal Strike, to make sure that this debuff is constantly on Jin'do, which
    stacks with 5/5 wound poison. While these two things do not negate the healing totem, they reduce its effectiveness

    If you do not have Dellusions of Jin'do, you should be focusing on totems. Thanks to Mortal Strike and Wound Poison, Brainwash
    totems should be the first to go down. Especially since they are much easier to find thanks to their large green beam of mind
    controlling. If there are no Brainwash totems up, attack the healing totems.

    If there ever is a time when there are no healing totems, no brainwash totems, and you have no curse, then you can apply some
    DPS on Jin'do.

    To help with positioning, you may want to tank Jin'do inside the pit completely. Simply tank him in one corner, have healers
    stand in the opposite corner, and then have your ranged DPS take up residence in one of the remaining corners. There shouldn't
    be more than three piles. Additionally, by doing this, you cause skeletons to aggro on the raid in a much more spread-out
    fashion, instead of concentrating on one poor person from the very beginning. This makes it much safer for your raid overall as
    the skeletons have less chance of killing one person.

    As long as you can keep the shades dead, Jin'do has very low DPS, and is by and large not a threat to your raid. He has a very
    small amount of hitpoints, so don't be discouraged if he heals large chunks of his life. Just continue to fight, and he will
    go down.

    Other things you can do
    Spirit of the Zandalar
    Jin'do is very close to Hakkar. You may want to defeat Hakkar first, then have the entire raid take a short break to go turn
    in the Heart of Hakkar, which will net the entire raid a powerful 2-hour buff which lasts through death.

    Shadow Protection Potions
    These will absorb the 1 damage pings taken from the Shade of Jin'do, which likes to knock your casting meter down. Much more
    valueable than healing potions. If your healers are having a hard time, definitely look into getting these for your healers.

    Major Recombobulator
    If you're horde, and are finding yourself lacking in removing the hex effect, pack one of these if you can. If you're cursed
    AND hexed at the same time, that's a lot of shades that you're not killing, which is detrimental for the raid in a big way.

    Sacrifice your survivability
    Many people like to pack stamina suits, or other gear that helps them live longer when raiding. Jin'do is a strange fight in
    that, unless the Shades are out of control, which only comes as a result of low raid DPS, then the raid will not be taking
    much damage. Get out your attack power gear, and start kicking ass. The best defense is a good offense.

    Make Macros
    Everyone should have macros that allow them to target shades and totems easier. Don't spam these macros, as they tend to
    target something nearby with a similar name, but if such an effect is in the area (you become cursed, or see a green beam),
    then the macro will help you decide what to attack first by pointint it out with a big red circle.

    Never hurts.

    Don't give up
    Luck is a huge factor in how difficult this fight is. If Rogues and Hunters are cursed the entire time, there's almost never
    going to be more than 2 shades up at a time. When less DPSable classes start getting the curse frequently, such as paladins,
    druids, etc, then there are going to be problems. If you failed, just try it again, and maybe you'll get lucky.

    Having that said: Good luck.

    und Nummer 3:
    Zitat: Group Composition
    This is a DPS-heavy fight. In particular, you need rogues and DPS warriors. A group laden with too many healers is stuffed if
    those healers get cursed. You need to kill shades, totems and Jin'do *fast*.

    Your DPS needs appropriate potions (mongoose, giants). You should also bring potions of shadow protection (no need for greater)
    to give out to each healer, as well as the mage on the skellie pit. That potion helps avoid interrupts from all the shade
    hits. Rogues must bring wound poison to reduce Jin'do's healing. Make sure that your buff cycle includes thorns on everyone --
    they hurt shades.

    All warriors charge a frog before the fight starts. They then blow Int Shout. If they do not, a mind-controlled warrior will
    wipe the raid. Then, Let your tank pull, and let him pull Jin'do all the way back to the crossroads near the skellie pit. Give
    the tank time for three or four sunders, minimum -- he needs to build up aggro. Jin'do is immune to taunt. Then, melee can

    Target priority
    Everyone but the main tank and MT healers has the following target priority: 1) Shades if you are cursed, 2) Totems if one is
    up, and 3) Jin'do. This is the most important part of the fight. If people do not make instant, correct decisions as to target
    priority, the shades will build up, and the MC/ Healing totems will overwhelm you. Your rogues and DPS warriors need to be

    Other Ways To Wipe
    Your main tank will be hexxed. This must be removed *immediately* (note, a feral druid makes a great MT for this encounter --
    bears can't be frogged!). Also note that all warriors should continue to blow Int Shout every time it refreshes.

    Skellie Pit
    Assign a mage to the skellie pit, so he can AoE them down when someone is teleported in. He can practice before the fight
    starts. A mage with 3/3 improved blizzard really shines here. Note, he may run out of mana during the fight. You need a backup
    mage ready, and they need to conserve some mana.

    This isn't a MC grind boss -- you have to be on your toes. If DPS, particularly rogues and DPS warriors, don't *instantly*
    wipe out totems, you'll wipe. If MS warriors and wound-poison rogues don't continually reduce his ability to heal via totems,
    you'll wipe. If cursed people don't instantly wipe out some shades, you'll wipe. Fun stuff

    Good luck with the Hexxer. This is my second-favourite fight in the game, after Razorgore. It's interesting, and it requires
    all 20 people to be both clever and quick. It's satisfying to finally beat old Jin'do, then carry his head home in a bag!

    Einen letzten habe ich noch:
    Zitat: Perhaps the hardest in boss in ZG is good ole Jin’ do Hexxer. A lot of guilds can tear through Hakkar and his aspects with no problems but get stumped when they get to Jin’ do. So I decided to write up this guide on how my guild takes out Jin’do. Enjoy!

    This fight really comes down to just micro managing four different task. The problem is that everyone’s role tends to change a lot during this fight which tends to throw off a lot of guilds.

    Jin’ do abilities are as follows;

    Totems- Jin’do has the ability to drop two types of totems. The first one is a brainwash totem which once dropped will immediately mind control someone and start attack people. This totem as around 3k HP and should be drops ASAP. He can also drop a Powerful healing totem that will heal Jin’do for 1,000 every sec. The totem itsself only has 1k HP and is pretty easy to take down but if you leave one up for more then 7 sec your really hurting your chances of surviving the encounter.

    Delusions of Jin'do- Jin’do Will randomly target some one and put a curse on them called “Delusions of Jin'do” When a person gets the curse a shade will spawn from their body and start attacking someone. The curse last for 20 sec and during that time you will be able to see and attack the shades. The shades themselves only do 1 dmg a hit and can shadow shock for 600. The real threat from these is interrupting the healers.

    Hex- Jin’do will usually Hex the MT and turn him/her into a frog. There is really nothing you can do to avoid this. Jin’do usually returns right to the tank once the Hex is over.

    Porting - Randomly Jin’do will port someone into the pit of skeletons that are in the area. The skeletons are very squishy but since their there so many of them that they can take your cloth wearers out rather quickly.
    Setting Up

    This is how you’re going to set up and fight Jin’do

    The two mages are positioned to the right and left of the pit exit in order to save the person who gets ported.

    The healers are all clumped up together in the spot marked on the map. (HIGHLY IMPORTANT)

    The tank and the melee will fight Jin’do at this point. The tank needs to try his/her best to keep Jin’do in this spot but in all honestly he will move the group just try to keep him away from the healers as best as possible.

    The rest of the ranged DPS (hunter, extra mages, and warlocks) should be positioned in between the healers and the melee DPS but a little off set to create a triangle. This will allow them to switch DPS between all three jobs with minimum movement.

    The Fight

    Once ready the tank pulls Jin’do to the tanking spot and starts building good solid agro. We usually wait for the first totem to drop before starting in melee DPS. If the tank has mortal strike its needs to be applied as soon as possible to dilute the healing totem. If he/she doesn’t have it have the rogues use wounding poisons.

    1st Job

    The first main job of the DPS is to watch for the Totems. The totems must be taken out as soon as possible. Usually it’s a good idea to put a quick rogue on the MT boxes and have him be the assist for the totems. If you’re not quick with the totems there is no hope for your group to take down Jin’do.

    2nd Job

    The second thing you have to do is manage the shades and this is how it’s done. If you are DPS (Hunters, Rogues, Warriors, and Locks) and you get the curse you need to stop doing whatever your doing and focus on killing shades. Normally as the shades spawn off of the healers and MT they will head towards the healing clump because of healing agro. If your group simply ignores these shades they will become quite the problem for healers. The shades hit very fast and if a healer has more then 4 on them they become basically worthless because the interrupts will be so bad that they won’t be able to heal. So if you’re a DPS class it’s your job to get the shades off the healers. So whenever you get the curse make sure you focus all your attacks on shades that are attacking your healers. This is why the healers stay clumped up in one spot, so that the DPS doesn’t have to scan a big area to find out who they need to help. My main is a hunter and I usually can take our 3 to 4 shades per curse. Even if you can’t kill a shade in time try to do as much dmg and pull the agro to you before you shift back into normal mode. Warlocks are really good here because one Curse of Agony and a Corruption is enough to kill a shade so they can basically can go through and curse a bunch shades which will tick them down to death. If you dot something and the curse runs out your dot will stay on the shade. If your having trouble here and being over run by shades have a Paladin put on Retribution aura and a druid buff everyone with thorns. These two effects will actually hit the shades regardless if you can see them or not.

    3rd Job

    The finally thing you really need to watch out in this fight is Jin’do’s porting ability. The mages are going to be ones in charge of saving your ass so make sure to thank them for the water they give you on the way to Jin’do. When you’re ported you will see you screen pause for couple of seconds and then it will switch to a view of the pit. A lot of people complain that when they are ported they don’t see any people or mobs for a couple of seconds. No matter if you do or do not see people on the port the procedure is the same. As soon as you can move face your body towards the east and start running out. Its very helpful to something like this on vent the second when your realized your ported; “Name Ported” This notify your healers that they need to watch you while you try to escape as well and let the mages need to know they need to blow some undead up. Once the mages are done AOE’ing the skeletons down they need to reset to their positions and get ready to play lifeguard again. The first couple of times you do this fight it’s not recommended that your mages running this lookout DPS Jin’do. Once you get more familiar and comfortable with the encounter the mages and wand Jin’do as they wait.

    4th Job

    If there are no Totems up, you don’t have the curse and aren’t getting ported then its time to DPS Jin’do. The thing about this fight is that it’s very tempting to just stop following the jobs and stick on DPS as Jin’do isn’t that tough but you must remember this fight is all about structure. I’ve had wipes when Jin’do was down to 2% because people got bloodlust and just went for the kill ignoring healing totems. Those totems heal hella fast and just like that Jin’do was at 10%. You have to use a lot of control in this fight. It’s a fight of very light DPS spread over a pretty long time.

    Random Tips
    The hunters have a very nice view of the battle and I recommend having one of them call out the Rogues that have the Curse( you can see cause their heads turn purple-sih) because in the frenzy of Totem Kill its easy for the rogues not to notice the curse on themselves.

    If the MT is Hexed Jin’do will switch to a new target until the Hex runs out. If your that target run to the MT tank spot to cut the leg work that the MT will have to do once he back up.

    Some people have trouble targeting the Totems in the mess of people. A “/target Totem” macro will help you if your having that issue.

    If you wipe and you have people brain washed they will be release…it just takes about 5 minutes.

    Don’t fight people that are MC’ed just kill the totem.

    Shadow Protection Pots can help healers get off crucial heals since it will absorb the shades DMG for a bit.

    So, die Klamotten sind nicht von mir, die meisten habe ich bei
    http://www.wowhq.com/forum/showthread.php?t=958 gefunden.
    (Ist alles auf Englisch, aber solltet Ihr am Samstag eine der Taktiken probieren wollen, so werden es genug lesen und dann erklären können.)

    Re: Jin'do, der Naseweiß!

    Alone - 21.04.2006, 13:20

    ein Link zu einem Video, welches ich leider nicht abrufen kann. Vielleicht kann es wer anders sehen und dann die "Taktik" herauslesen.
    (Allerdings tippe ich auf "nuken im T2 aufwärts" als Taktik dieser Gruppe.)


    Re: Jin'do, der Naseweiß!

    Alone - 26.04.2006, 23:55

    So, seit heute ist auch Jin'do ein "Ex-Hexer". Es gibt in Zul'Gurub somit nur noch zwei Gegner, denen noch niemand von uns begegnet ist (die Ecke des Chaos), aber wenn wir bei denen ähnlich schnell während des Kampfes herausfinden, wie sie zu besiegen sind, wie es bei dem Untoten Riesenbaby von gestern war, dann stellen die auch kein all zu großes Problem dar.

    Ach ja, noch etwas: Welche Taktik bzw. Aufstellung führte heute zum Erfolg?

    Die Aufstellung, die im letzten "guide" im Bild angegeben ist, hat es schließlich gebracht, da wir die Geister vor den Priestern so enorm schnell ausmachen und töten konnten.

    Außerdem war Locknars "tödlicher Stoß" und das "Wundgift" von Sath und Bulkatho außerordentlich hilfreich.

    Alles andere haben wir gemacht, wie bei unseren vorherigen Versuchen.
    Erstmal Glückwunsch an alle, die dabei waren. Hat mir einen großen Spaß gemacht!


    P.S.: Vielleicht sollten wir doch wieder eine Zul'Ecke im Forum einrichten, damit diese Themen strukturiert liegen können?

    Re: Jin'do, der Naseweiß!

    Mituxarus - 27.04.2006, 07:34

    Ui.. Da hste dir ja viel Mühe gemacht! Danke, Alone! :D Lesen tue ich es ein andernmal... :P

    Re: Jin'do, der Naseweiß!

    Alone - 27.04.2006, 10:28

    Kopieren ist nicht so schwer! :lol:

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