Beth wirklich?

Da Kine Bail Bonds
Verfügbare Informationen zu "Beth wirklich?"

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Angel
  • Forum: Da Kine Bail Bonds
  • Forenbeschreibung: Plattform für alle Dogfans
  • aus dem Unterforum: Beth
  • Antworten: 1
  • Forum gestartet am: Mittwoch 04.04.2007
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Beth wirklich?
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 17 Jahren, 1 Monat, 7 Tagen, 19 Stunden, 32 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Beth wirklich?"

    Re: Beth wirklich?

    Angel - 07.04.2007, 19:10

    Beth wirklich?
    Dieser Beitrag stammt von Kaikala

    da ich den Tread in einem Forum aufgemacht hab kann ich ihn ja auch hier psoten:
    Es gibt ein Forum die behaupten ständig das Wenn man was negatives über beth sagt man aus diesem Forum von beth rausgeworfen wird, was denkt ihr darüber ?

    Ich hab schon wieder was gefunden wo beth angeblich den fans das leben schwer macht, weil sie beth nicht mögen.

    Glaubt ihr das beth so viel zeit hat und ein paar foren angreift ???
    Eure meinung würd mich dazu interessieren

    06 Mrz 2007, 11:28
    Thema Closing of the Support the Chapman's Myspace
    Haupttext: Unfortunetly, I feel it necessary to shut down this Support the Chapman's Myspace. I have continuely been inudated by rude, threatening, disgusting, emails and messages from Beth
    Chapman and her band of followers.Even going as far as making a Myspace site dedicated to me, with a picture taken from MY personal myspace page, and a bunch of cow and moo comments.
    This site was to support and help in any way possible, Dog, Leland, and Tim Chapman in their fight against extradition, and yet, Beth Chapman, who should be spending her time
    helping and supporting her husband is harrassing ME, and/or encouraging HER fans to do so.

    I want to thank every single one of you that has helped with our letter drive to Rep. Ward.

    I will continue to keep my proboard up to date on Dog, Leland, and Tim's situation. So, if you want, please check out:

    I will leave this site up for a couple of days so that if there is anything you would like to copy, you can.

    Thank you all again for your support of this site, and of the Chapman men.

    And to Beth Chapman, and all those others (you know who you are) you can kiss my ass. You need to grow up, get a life, and remember what is important in life.

    Und das hier hat angeblich beth dieser person geantwortet:

    06 Mrz 2007, 11:28
    Thema Closing of the Support the Chapman's Myspace
    Haupttext: Unfortunetly, I feel it necessary to shut down this Support the Chapman's Myspace. I have continuely been inudated by rude, threatening, disgusting, emails and messages from Beth
    Chapman and her band of followers.Even going as far as making a Myspace site dedicated to me, with a picture taken from MY personal myspace page, and a bunch of cow and moo comments.
    This site was to support and help in any way possible, Dog, Leland, and Tim Chapman in their fight against extradition, and yet, Beth Chapman, who should be spending her time
    helping and supporting her husband is harrassing ME, and/or encouraging HER fans to do so.

    I want to thank every single one of you that has helped with our letter drive to Rep. Ward.

    I will continue to keep my proboard up to date on Dog, Leland, and Tim's situation. So, if you want, please check out:

    I will leave this site up for a couple of days so that if there is anything you would like to copy, you can.

    Thank you all again for your support of this site, and of the Chapman men.

    And to Beth Chapman, and all those others (you know who you are) you can kiss my ass. You need to grow up, get a life, and remember what is important in life.

    Quelle: Bulletin von ~Still Supporting Tim, Leland, and Dog

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