Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem

Samurai Legends
Verfügbare Informationen zu "Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem"

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Andriejj - wizard.dark - tegeus-Cromis - Forbidden - Anton - nooK - Shadow Phoenix - Lord.DarthVader - helisonkim - LDV
  • Forum: Samurai Legends
  • Forenbeschreibung: Official forums
  • aus dem Unterforum: Balance Issues
  • Antworten: 14
  • Forum gestartet am: Mittwoch 06.10.2004
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 16 Jahren, 6 Monaten, 9 Tagen, 19 Stunden, 55 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem"

    Re: Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem

    Andriejj - 20.03.2007, 21:15

    Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem
    There is a bug or rather a problem with one of the Yari Samurai's skills- it's the one with throwback. It can throw enemies into water and most heroes can't get out of it.

    It usually happens when a yari samurai and one of his enemies went to the shop on the island(you get there through an invisible bridge) and they start fighting. Yari's enemy ends in the water waiting for some enemy ranged hero's mercy :) .

    I think there are 3 ways to eliminate this problem:

    1. Add a "drowning" buff. When someone is in the water, he'll be drowning- he'll be constantly losing some amount of hp, let's say 20 per second.

    2. Add some invisible bariers at the water borders- they wouldn't allow falling into the water.

    3. 3rd way is to introduce a command -suicide(or -harakiri, -seppuku- to keep it in a japan style :) ) which would kill your hero. But it would make a problem- players would use it just before getting killed by an enemy hero not to provide him with additional gold.

    I hope nooK will consider this problem and respond to my request.

    Re: Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem

    wizard.dark - 20.03.2007, 22:46

    I dont belive this is considered a problem simply because it is one of a very strategic ways to eliminate your enemy.Especialy when using warlord using dragon soul it gives you some time to take down some lanes while enemies are trying to get out of a tough situation.Eather way thanks for telling me that works on yari to il try that next :D

    Re: Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem

    tegeus-Cromis - 20.03.2007, 22:48

    Don't kill me for suggesting a DotA solution, but here's my fix:


    When typed, your hero becomes immobile for a certain amount of time (about 1 min in DotA, I think), after which you will simply be teleported back to your base. The wait time is there to prevent abuse, of course.

    Re: Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem

    Forbidden - 21.03.2007, 00:14

    Thanks for the feedback. That definitely is a problem despite what wizard thinks.

    Worst case would be if they simply ignored you after youre stuck in the water. It would leave the the other team down a hero. None of your allies can attack you so they couldn't get you out of there without someone delivering an escape item to the trapped person. This would require Oaarashi (blink dagger) and a teleport scroll.

    Tegeus' solution sounds best atm. however...even if there was a minutes wait, it could still be abused. There should be some way to recognize that the person truly is stuck somewhere. Otherwise you could still abuse this to teleport to your base to shop. Example: After a long time out to fight you get damaged heavily in battle, you run to fountain and use this command, while you are healing you have no problem with being immobilised. After you are done healing you teleport to base and you can do shopping without gold spent on a mule. It saves you the buying of a mule and the trip to the base. Of course you'd still have to walk back to your lane. Still it would be worth it IMHO.

    Would it work if there was a timer of 1-2 minutes, that if during that time a person does nothing, the command becomes available?

    Re: Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem

    Anton - 21.03.2007, 06:42

    this has and still dose occur, not just in the lake and with the yari, ushaly it happens because of dragon soul and you have to get an friend(who can flying death or way of death in and out) to bring you a scroll of TP or ask nicely for someone to kill you. in a game once we where about to win and half the team charged at out town hall and both warlords dragon souled at the same time(man it looked cool) but everyone got stuck in the building...it was kinda funny :)

    Re: Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem

    tegeus-Cromis - 21.03.2007, 08:32

    I don't think the scenario you propose is really a problem, Forb. If you plan on doing this more than once in the course of a game, the gold you'd lose from all that time spent waiting instead of farming will exceed the gold you'd have spent on a mule.

    Re: Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem

    nooK - 21.03.2007, 09:22

    Code: -unstuck seems like a good idea.

    Re: Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem

    Andriejj - 21.03.2007, 16:58

    From my ideas, I think that drowning would be the best, but it would only prevent getting stuck in water. It would take some time, wouldn't happen immidiately and that's good.

    This -unstuck command could be used otherwise- getting back to your base can take even more than a minute.

    Re: Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem

    tegeus-Cromis - 21.03.2007, 18:17

    Can it really? It doesn't seem like it to me.

    Anyway, it can always be modified to whatever value is high enough that people would be wasting their time using it just to get back to base.

    Re: Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem

    Shadow Phoenix - 23.03.2007, 08:17

    Unstuck is good i think.

    You should see how long it takes to run from one town hall to the other, take that time and double it. Thats just my thoughts.

    Re: Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem

    tegeus-Cromis - 23.03.2007, 09:07

    Sounds reasonable. Maybe a few seconds could be knocked off that figure after getting it, though, since no one is actually going to use this in or just outside their opponents' base. After all, we're shooting for a wait time that will prevent abuse, yet minimise any unnecessary inconvenience to the poor bastard who was unfortunate enough to get stuck in the water/hills/whatever. :P

    Re: Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem

    Lord.DarthVader - 23.03.2007, 11:44

    Or creat command:


    Killimg Hero unit after 60sec.

    Re: Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem

    helisonkim - 10.10.2007, 22:09

    i think that when you put -unstuck your armor can get to 0 and the enemies could see you... (of course, it has 60 sec channeling)
    after all if you wanna get out doesn't matter that you'r killed right?:D

    Re: Yari Samurai's Skill has a bug, problem

    LDV - 10.11.2007, 22:22

    Lol man thats post is funny! Just look of date Lord.DarthVader
    PostPosted: 23.03.2007, 10:44 in last version map 0.96 is added -unstuck so why you write about same? :P

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