Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay

Tokio Hotel - Fanfictions
Verfügbare Informationen zu "Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay"

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Girl called Kill - Anonymous - whatsername182
  • Forum: Tokio Hotel - Fanfictions
  • Forenbeschreibung: Das original TH-FF-Board. Schau rein, bleib da und mach's dir gemütlich. .: since Jan. 2006 :.
  • aus dem Unterforum: Gedichte, Songtexte, poetische Gedanken.
  • Antworten: 11
  • Forum gestartet am: Mittwoch 04.01.2006
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 18 Jahren, 1 Monat, 4 Tagen, 6 Stunden, 31 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay"

    Re: Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay

    Girl called Kill - 26.03.2006, 00:04

    Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay
    Soo.. Alles English, kann mich auf English einfach besser ausdrücken

    Cresting Waves

    Inhale the salt-sweet tang

    as the sea surges in

    filling all the cracks

    and crevices with

    White spume

    The oncoming fury of

    relentless penetration

    frothing over the

    curvature of shore; the

    Crashing sound of ecstasy

    My lover the wind

    The hair lifts from my shoulders
    Heavy curtain parting
    Nape of my neck exposed
    Laid bare by the phantom hands of
    My lover, the wind

    I feel his ghostly fingertips
    Caress my cheek
    Lingering in tenderness

    Soft kisses that leave me
    Breathing him in deep



    I came inside

    And though the floor had been cleaned
    A hundred times already
    And oh, how you hate to mop

    You smiled, and my
    Stomach and words tumbled
    "I love you"


    i'm so damn tired of waiting
    for it to end
    of crying and hoping
    of needing a friend
    of being in this hole
    and trying to sleep
    when i tried to climb out
    but the sides are too steep

    tears are streaming down my face
    because ive lost something that i cant replace
    you cant give it back
    so dont even try
    dont go looking
    and dont ask why

    you gave me something new to feel
    but it was never you, and it was never real
    you cant give it back, so dont even try
    it hurts so much
    i cant say goodbye


    passing drugs
    telling lies
    it's just a matter of time
    until he dies

    wondering how
    why, when, who
    he's wasted tonight
    puking on his shoe

    thugging with gangsters
    passing out aftzer fights
    he's gonna die soon
    one of thoose terrible nights

    we can't stop fighting
    our love breaking apart
    our relationship was doomed
    right from the start

    now he's slipping through
    his time already up
    one last dose of heroin
    wine? one more cup

    Re: Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay

    Anonymous - 26.03.2006, 08:49

    :shock: :shock: :shock:
    Soll ich erhlich sein?
    Das ist sooo schön!
    Schreib noch welche! :cry:

    Re: Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay

    Girl called Kill - 26.03.2006, 11:29

    tom-is-yummie hat folgendes geschrieben: :shock: :shock: :shock:
    Soll ich erhlich sein?
    Das ist sooo schön!
    Schreib noch welche! :cry:

    danke danke danke *überwältigt is*
    mach ich

    Re: Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay

    Girl called Kill - 26.03.2006, 11:33

    Ode to Liner Notes

    Oh booklet square
    Slick pages that shine
    The scent of ink drifts to my nose
    As I flatten your spine

    The images leap out
    Wailing guitar, strumming bass
    Clash of cymbals and pounding drums
    Close-up of the singer's face

    The words whisper and moan
    Sometimes even scream
    They rise up off the page
    To tell how it's been

    How it is, and will be
    The could-have, should-have, would-have-been's too
    The stories of a lifetime
    All wrapped up in you.

    Re: Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay

    Anonymous - 26.03.2006, 16:00

    :shock: :shock:
    Mann, mann mann...
    Sag bist du mit Shakespear (ka wie man den schreibt) verwand?
    Oder Goethe?
    Oder J.K.Rowling?
    Du kannst Sau gut Gedichte, Geschichten und was weiß ich noch schreiben!!
    :shock: :shock:

    Re: Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay

    Girl called Kill - 26.03.2006, 18:45

    tom-is-yummie hat folgendes geschrieben: :shock: :shock:
    Mann, mann mann...
    Sag bist du mit Shakespear (ka wie man den schreibt) verwand?
    Oder Goethe?
    Oder J.K.Rowling?
    Du kannst Sau gut Gedichte, Geschichten und was weiß ich noch schreiben!!
    :shock: :shock:


    und ich glaube ich bin keiner von denen..

    Re: Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay

    Girl called Kill - 26.03.2006, 19:01

    Too Far

    Spinning memories
    Wreaking havoc in my heart
    Music pounding
    The rhythm
    One my body knows
    Even though my mind has
    Buried it all

    I watch them move
    And I ache to move with them
    While I stare
    Through the lens of

    Not without my Sister

    All my life
    She’s been by my side
    Looking into her eyes
    I see part of myself

    The blood we share
    Is not only in body
    Our souls, too, are linked

    United in purpose
    In forgiveness

    Bound together by love


    I lose myself in their depths

    No deception
    No pretenses
    The truth, it
    Lights your soul

    I swim in madness
    In the glorious
    In the moonlit secrets
    That reveal themselves to me

    All is known now
    All is forgiven
    There is only love
    There is only you.

    Even Exchange

    Once before
    I’d seen that sight
    The curl of smoke
    The sharp report

    The heavy thud of impact

    To think of it now
    When I am helpless

    It drives me to my feet
    Offering my life for hers
    So many emotions
    In her eyes

    The cold steel swings
    Presses against my throat
    I am paralyzed
    But she…

    She is free.

    Re: Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay

    whatsername182 - 27.03.2006, 00:04

    wow.. bin derbe geplättet..

    kannst dich echt saugeil ausdrücken.. mir fällts im deutschen dann doch leichter.. an englishe gedichte hab ich mich noch nie rangetraut

    Re: Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay

    Girl called Kill - 28.03.2006, 18:28

    ich kann sowieso insgesamt viel besser english schreiben und mich ausdrücken^^
    kommt wahrscheinlich, weil ich soviel mit ammis laber
    schreib auch fanfics normalerweise auf eng.

    Re: Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay

    Girl called Kill - 28.03.2006, 18:36

    soo und mehr, weil mir grad sowieso scheiß langweilich is und ich auf ner koffeinhöhe bin


    first this way, then that
    twin moons shining
    in the near darkness
    dark peaks interrupting the light
    texture appearing
    and smoothing
    with my breath

    like silk crumpling beneath my tongue

    Dawn Blush

    The snow hints at dawn
    Seemingly lit from within

    White radiance

    With the embrace of the sun.

    Duelity of a Kiss

    Your fragrant lips
    Taste of my essence
    Evoking sensory memory
    Of your tongue
    Inciting lust


    Bright Spirit

    Naught but cheery yellow will do
    When thinking of you, my friend
    For as days pass
    And time heals
    Your memory lifts the corners
    Of my heart

    And I can smile.

    Re: Milky Goodness, Yay Yay Yay

    Girl called Kill - 28.03.2006, 18:37

    A Love like That

    A glance
    A look
    A gentle touch
    Soft fingers on her face

    A tender moment, frozen in time
    Two souls lost in each other’s eyes
    The world around them fades away
    As does mine around me
    Held motionless, speechless
    Hardly daring to breathe
    There is such magic in the air

    The magic of a soul-born love
    Two people, meant to be
    A pureness of heart, an innocence
    This jaded world rarely sees

    And as I watch them find their way
    See them stumble, perhaps fall
    I know that each will catch the other
    They have made believers of us all.

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