Hatesphere... noch einer weniger...

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  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Behemoth
  • Forum: Welcome to your own...
  • Forenbeschreibung: ...S L A U G H T E R H O U S E
  • aus dem Unterforum: Zeitgeschehen
  • Antworten: 1
  • Forum gestartet am: Freitag 25.05.2007
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Hatesphere... noch einer weniger...
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 16 Jahren, 7 Monaten, 29 Tagen, 35 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Hatesphere... noch einer weniger..."

    Re: Hatesphere... noch einer weniger...

    Behemoth - 18.09.2007, 18:26

    Hatesphere... noch einer weniger...
    Ist das überhaupt noch HATESPHERE?" wird sich wohl der ein oder andere Fan fragen müssen, angesicht der Tatsache, dass innerhalb der letzten Monate nicht nur die Rhythmusfraktion und einer der zwei Gitarristen ausgetauscht wurde, nein, jetzt verabschiedet sich auch noch Frontmann Jacob Bredahl von der Truppe. Das offizielle Statement der Band:

    "[As a result of] this and some unanticipated, economical circumstances, we have been forced to cancel our upcoming European tour with DIMMU BORGIR and AMON AMARTH. We are very sorry for that but have seen no other solution, as it would be too difficult to find a new singer in only ten days. The gigs we have after the tour will not be affected by this, and we promise you all to come back soon and make it up to you.

    "Jacob and Pepe [guitarist Peter 'Pepe' Lyse Hansen] have always been a part of what is called HATESPHERE, so no question that this is also weird for the rest of the band. As you probably know, Pepe has always been writing practically all the music, so as far as that matter goes, it shouldn't mean that much. Also, the songwriting for the next album is about to start and we are looking forward to work together as a new and revitalized group.

    We know all you fans will have tons of questions but what's been said here explains everything, so please refrain from asking questions regarding this subject. Jacob left on amicable terms and we are simply moving on. We realize this has to be weird for you guys, to see almost the entire band being replaced just within three months, but there's no other way and we have so much more music in us, so why stop now? Hopefully you will respect our decisions and support us in the future — we are still here and will be back sooner than you think, to kick you in the ass!

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