Phone Call - Instalment One

Daenys Desktop
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  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Luthien - M - daenerys
  • Forum: Daenys Desktop
  • Forenbeschreibung: Ein völlig überfüllter, ungeordneter Schreibtisch. Hier fühlen wir uns wohl! DAS Forum zu
  • aus dem Unterforum: Reale Personen
  • Antworten: 6
  • Forum gestartet am: Dienstag 11.01.2005
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Phone Call - Instalment One
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 19 Jahren, 2 Monaten, 22 Tagen, 1 Stunde, 52 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Phone Call - Instalment One"

    Re: Phone Call - Instalment One

    Luthien - 03.02.2005, 19:04

    Phone Call - Instalment One
    Hö hö, ich liebe es, neue Foren zu entjungfern *g* Und dann auch noch mit ner englischen Story... ich bin ja echt so böse.

    Egal, hier eine RPS über die Darsteller Tom Felton und Daniel Radcliffe (HP-Darsteller Draco Malfoy und Harry Potter).


    Title: Phone Call - Instalment One
    Author: luthien82
    Rating: G? (dunno, actually)
    Disclaimer: Never happened, will never happen and I hope Tom and Dan aren't homophobic.
    Summary: Tom calls Dan and tells him about a rather strange event.

    Comment: This was written for the lone purpose of dealing with my anger about the treatment of the fans in Cologne on December, 18th. So, somehow, this story is dedicated to my poor friend Li who actually DID cry on the phone about all this (she was one who couldn't see Tom).

    Many Thanks for the beta goes to Sera! Love you, girl!


    Dan was listening to "Jacqueline" from his favourite band "Franz Ferdinand" and did some of his long overdue homework, when the phone rang. He reached for the cordless device absentmindedly, pushed the right button and held it on his ear.

    "Yes?" he mumbled into the phone and scribbled something down.

    "Hey, it's Tom," came the soft reply. "Am I interrupting something?"

    In an instant, Dan abandoned his work and a huge smile crawled onto his face. "Hey, are you back from your trip already?"

    "Yeah," was the slightly confused sounding answer. Dan frowned. "What's wrong?"

    "Nothing, actually," was the other boy's reply. "But remember my last signing in Germany in Cologne last year? When I overdid my wrist with writing?"

    The smile on Dan's face returned and morphed into a grin. "How could I forget THAT?" was his cheerful reply. Actually, the whole set had teased Tom for overdoing his wrist. But their innuendos were rather obvious and Tom had to cope with it for some weeks.

    And the boy hadn't forgotten this incident. Dan could actually hear the frown on Tom's face. "Oh, don't start with that wanking issue again. The joke is overdone, too, you know?"

    "Okay, I quit it," replied Dan, smiling. Tom chuckled. "Naughty boy. I can't understand how people can think you're innocent."

    "Well," Dan started and grinned despite himself. "I WAS innocent until I met you."

    "Yeah, I'm the big, bad boy here, I know," came the sighed comment out of the phone. Dan laughed. "Damn right you are." Silence spread between them. Out of habit, Dan grabbed for his pencil and started drawing on his sheet of paper. Finally, he asked, "Well, how was it in Germany this time? Did you overwork your wrist again?"

    "Actually," Tom started and stopped before he ended in a rather confused voice, "Something really strange happened down there."

    "Something strange?" repeated Dan. "How's that?"

    "Well, there was this girl…," Tom started and stopped in an instant. "I really don't know how to explain that. Well, she came in as everyone else, too. But when she stood in front of me, she smiled down and asked 'Hi, could you point me to your manager, please?'"

    "She did what?" At Tom's words, Dan frowned. That was indeed strange. "What have you done, then?"

    "Well, I pointed her to Charlotte, actually. I didn't think it was important. But then, this girl smiled more brightly, held up a finger and said 'Just a second, I have to tell her something.' And with that, she stormed to Charlotte. And that is when it got really strange."

    "How so?" mumbled Dan and leaned back in his chair.

    "This girl, I don't even know her name, started to yell at Charlotte. I guess I'll never forget her words. She said 'I must say, you really have nerves, do you know that? Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to hear your friend on the phone crying and not being able to comfort her? Do you have any idea how many of the people who waited 7 fucking hours in the cold are angry with you? How many of them got sick? But guess what? They didn't care that they were shushed away from the security because they believed your words that everyone would get an autograph. And guess what, too? The people who didn't get one personally didn't even wanted one! The only thing they wanted was to SEE him. Just SEE him! Was that so damn difficult? Next time you should think about what real fans would do. He lost some, thanks to that stunt you pulled last year!' And then she turned and came back to me, smiled and said 'It was nice meeting you. Hope you're well and all?'"

    "Um," was all Dan could say to that. Tom chuckled. "Well, I thought that, too. But I answered her that yes, I am fine and asked how she was. She nodded her head and replied 'Fine, now that I was able to say what I wanted to say. And after I could actually meet you. I was sick last time.' Well, I nodded and wanted to ask her what I should write on her autograph when she suddenly turned, gave me a last smile over her shoulder and said 'Well, have fun in Germany. And when you see Dan, tell him I appreciate his taste in music. Especially FF and Michael. He'll know what I mean.'"

    "She didn't," grinned Dan and faced the window. Tom, on the other end of the line, sighed and replied, "She sure as hell did and then left." He paused, before he rather hesitantly asked, "So, what's FF? And who's Michael?"

    Dan couldn't help himself and started to laugh silently. But before Tom could get affronted, he explained, "Actually, 'Michael' is a song performed by FF. And if you wouldn't have such a bad taste in music, I could play it for you some time. FF is 'Franz Ferdinand' and a rather good rock group."

    "I see," mused Tom. "But what's so special about this song that she actually winked at me?"

    "Well," started Dan, unsure how to explain it. "You could say it's sort of erotic… in a gay kind of way. I guess she knows why I like the band so much."

    "Because they sing about gay love?", was Tom's incredulous question. Dan laughed. "No, silly! The music is great, and as far as I know, 'Michael' is the only song which sounds kind of gay."

    "You never fail to amaze me, you know that?", smiled Tom.

    "And for a boy who actually had the privilege to act with the best actor's, you're rather oblivious sometimes," Dan talked back.

    Tom chuckled. "You wouldn't want to have me any other way, would you?"

    Dan sighed. "True. I'm guilty. I confess."

    Tom's answer contained in a hearty laugh. "You're too cute to be true."

    Dan grinned and replied, "And you wouldn't want to have me any other way."

    "Love you," was all Tom said to that. The grin morphed into a soft smile while Dan ran his index finger over the page where he'd scribbled Tom's name down, surrounded by a heart. "Love you, too. And miss you."

    "Me, too," came the quiet answer. "See you, then? On the set tomorrow?"

    "Definitely," replied Dan enthusiastically. "Bye, hun."

    "See you, then. Bye, sweety." A snap could be heard and Tom had hung up. Slowly, Dan lifted the phone from his ear and pushed the button to hang up, too. A small smile was still tucking at his lips while he rested his elbow on his desk and asked himself for the thousandth time how he and Tom actually got together without anyone noticing and them being so happy about it.


    Übersetzung ins Deutsche mehr als wahrscheinlich (wenn ich je die Lust dazu aufbringe, aber mich bearbeiten schon etwa 5 Leute, es zu tun). Und Franz Ferdinands Song "Michael" klingt WIRKLICH megaschwul!

    LG, Lu.

    Re: Phone Call - Instalment One

    M - 03.02.2005, 19:25

    Ok, dann bin ich die Sechste, die dich bearbeitet, das ganze ins Deutsche zu übersetzen.. hab zwar einiges verstanden und fand das wirklich.. öhm.. witzig.. und dann auch wieder niedlich.. *G*, aber ich würde doch gerne alle Pointen verstehen.. und ähm...
    Kannst du mir mal den Song schicken? Würd mich doch jetzt echt interessieren, wie der sich anhört... :lol:

    Ciao M

    Re: Phone Call - Instalment One

    daenerys - 04.02.2005, 12:52

    Nicht schlecht... wirklich gut. :lol:
    Allerdings bin ich dagegen, die Story ins Deutsche zu übersetzen, der Reiz geht hier meiner Meinung nach gerade vom Englischen aus, und in RL hätten die beiden sich ja auch in Englisch unterhalten, also finde ich es schon super gut, das du englisch geschrieben hast. ;)
    Wirklich alle Achtung, und ich kann behaupten, das ich recht viel verstanden habe. ;)

    Re: Phone Call - Instalment One

    Luthien - 08.02.2005, 16:48

    Ja, das mit der Übersetzung wird sich vermutlich auch noch laaange hinziehen. Wie ich schon sagte, ich drehe dem deutschen Fandom grad etwas den Rücken zu und versuche, im Englischen Fuß zu fassen. Was wirklich nicht easy ist, aber ich krieg meinen Fuß schon in die Tür *g*

    Freut mich aber, dass es trotzdem gefällt. Und dass Daeny endlich zur Vernunft gekommen ist *lach*

    LG, Lu.

    Re: Phone Call - Instalment One

    daenerys - 12.02.2005, 16:13

    *grmpf* ... was soll das denn heißen...
    aber du wirst dich nicht vor mir schützen können... du hastmit dem ganzen HP-Scheiß angefangen... *g*

    Und ich werde mich wohl nicht so schnell zurückziehen, eher das ganze noch verstärken. ;)


    Re: Phone Call - Instalment One

    M - 12.02.2005, 23:30

    *jubel*Yeah*g* Sala ist endlich auch dem HP-Virus verfallen.. *g*.. ich muß dazu mal was ins Diskussionsteil des Forums stellen.. *G*

    Ciao M

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