Also Aufklärung

Das Forum der Allianz
Verfügbare Informationen zu "Also Aufklärung"

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: braemar
  • Forum: Das Forum der Allianz
  • Forenbeschreibung: Bruderschaft des Schmerzes ~~ Die Bruderschaft ~~ Circle of Friends
  • aus dem Unterforum: [IMG] [/IMG]
  • Antworten: 5
  • Forum gestartet am: Mittwoch 20.09.2006
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Also Aufklärung
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 17 Jahren, 7 Monaten, 9 Tagen, 8 Stunden, 18 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Also Aufklärung"

    Re: Also Aufklärung

    braemar - 21.09.2006, 23:21

    Also Aufklärung
    So ich habe bei eine ACC für uns eingerichtet

    Hier könnt ihr alle eure Bilder hochladen

    Unter diesen Hochgeladenen Bildern steht dann im 3 textfeld [IMG]Address[/IMG]

    Dieses bitte in eurer Signatur einfügen

    ACC Name: Braemarforum
    Passwort : Braemar


    danke ich hoffe das ihr das so macht weil es mir zu viel wird wenn ich das für jeden einzelnen machen muss ^^


    Re: Also Aufklärung

    braemar - 22.09.2006, 10:38

    Re: Also Aufklärung

    braemar - 22.09.2006, 10:40




    Re: Also Aufklärung

    braemar - 22.09.2006, 10:52

    test test test test test test test test

    Re: Also Aufklärung

    braemar - 22.09.2006, 10:54


    For strikethrough use %0D and %E2%80%93, for example:


    If you want to use both of them in one line you will have to use %20 to dispose the next block of modifying symbols:


    As you see all modifying symbols for whole line are put after %0D in one string after the whole modifyable text and not after each modifyable word. This makes easy to put on and take off modifying string for whole line when it`s necessary.

    If the text is on several lines, each line has its own disposition of modifying symbols:


    Theese are only some examples how to use symbol combining. Using %0D and other symbols from Windows Charmap you can easy make images of characters which even doesn`t exist in any font.
    19-Aug-2006 01:43
    If you want to make an image through GET with text in several lines, use %0A for line separating, for example:


    As also you can make php generated images without other knowing that they are php-made. Simply add the image extension in Apache httpd.conf file:

    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .png

    And call image as normal png image:


    Of course real .png files will be now treated as php, but if you don`t have png files on your webserver, this won`t be a problem. Or you can use this code for displaying real png images through php code:
    <php filename='realpngfile.png'>thomas at tgohome dot com
    18-Aug-2006 01:01
    I wrote this script to fetch details about a GIF image. I wanted to use it for avatar details on a CMS system, so I wrote it to return an array of details (instead of having to go through all of the functions)

    Without further ado, here the script is:
    * Get GIF image data
    * Returns an array of data, including GIF image type, and
    * the width and height of the image, plus transparent colour
    * details and much more.
    * Copyright 2006 Thomas Oldbury.
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    * (at your option) any later version.
    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    * GNU General Public License for more details.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

    * This function takes one argument, $file, a direct link to the image in
    * question. Perhaps in future versions it will get the file from an image
    * resource, but for now, it will have to do.
    function fetch_gif_data($file) {

    * First, we need to get the contents of the file in question, or we print
    * a warning using trigger_error().
    $file_data = @file_get_contents($file) or trigger_error("File $file does not exist", E_USER_WARNING);

    * Now we need to fetch the gif image's version. We'll use strpos to fetch
    * gif89a, gif87a or if we don't get that then we will print an error.
    $image_type = strpos($file_data, "g");

    * Now we check to see wether it is actually a GIF image, as it may not be
    * an image and if this is the case, problems could occur.
    if($image_type === false) {
    trigger_error("File $file is not a gif89a or gif87a compatible image", E_USER_ERROR);

    * Now, we need to fetch the image type by fetching the text at a certain
    * position, using PHP's function substr.
    $image_info[version] = substr($file_data, 0, 6);
    $image_info[file_reg_version] = substr($file_data, 3, 3);

    * Let's get the total number of colours in this image using a special
    * piece of code, which fetches all the image's colours.
    $im_gif = imagecreatefromgif($file);
    $image_info[total_pallete_colours] = imagecolorstotal($im_gif);

    * Now, the next thing we need to do is get the width and height of the
    * image in question by using imagesx(); and imagesy();
    $image_info[width] = imagesx($im_gif);
    $image_info[height] = imagesy($im_gif);

    * Let's fetch the transparent color of the image, if there is one.
    $id = imagecolortransparent($im_gif);
    $image_info[transparent_color_id] = $id;
    $image_info[transparent_color_values] = imagecolorsforindex($im_gif, $id);

    * Now, we return all the data.
    return $image_info;
    * Usage Example:

    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';

    This script returns something like:

    [version] => GIF89a
    [file_reg_version] => 89a
    [total_pallete_colours] => 251
    [width] => 100
    [height] => 100
    [transparent_color_id] => 16
    [transparent_color_values] => Array
    [red] => 0
    [green] => 0
    [blue] => 0
    [alpha] => 127


    Tested on PHP 5.1.2, but should work on older versions.

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