What do you think about the war?

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  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Rocky Balboa - atlantis - spiderman - Elmatto - Danath - Roxy - USArmy - Helloweenie - Yenz - Angelvi - Observador Celeste - Phoenix - Belletainen - strangehighways
  • Forum: www.iron-savior.com
  • Forenbeschreibung: Official Iron Savior Forum
  • aus dem Unterforum: General Discussion
  • Antworten: 32
  • Forum gestartet am: Montag 03.05.2004
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: What do you think about the war?
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 19 Jahren, 8 Monaten, 21 Tagen, 5 Stunden, 25 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "What do you think about the war?"

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Rocky Balboa - 08.06.2004, 22:52

    What do you think about the war?
    Hi guys.
    What's your opinion about Irak war?
    I think that is a stupid war by a stupid man called bush and his stupid boys like Collin Powell.
    Was this war necessary?
    Well I'm disagree with all the people that makes the terrorist act of 11-S against the twin towers in wich died about 5000 persons but, must a entire nation pay for it? I'm sure that not and I'm sure that this war will be another Vietnam for the american people and Rambo is not here for save them, I hope be wrong....
    Well Spain has retired, luckily....
    and what do you think?

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    atlantis - 09.06.2004, 16:30

    I actually don't have any comments. While I don't think it's "right" to have to go on invasions (I won't say 'war' because to be a war you need 2 sides fighting lol :P), I appreciate the way they did it - I mean, even with BILLIONS against the idea - they did what they wanted to, and it doesn't matter what the world thinks.

    That's one thing I appreciate, but as usual, war is a sign of fear or jealously - not good in ANY way.

    So, no comments, lol *little too late, Parimal* lol :P

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    spiderman - 09.06.2004, 18:56

    of course , the war is very stupid :cry: . i don't have any problemes with the soldiers , they's only a poors youngs guys . but i hate the politicians . they takes a decisions but they can't make a war himselfs ; they sends innocent soliers to death . f**k him , they don't have any courage .
    make heavy metal , no war .

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Elmatto - 10.06.2004, 00:13

    yea, well, i get to go and fight for this war if bush is elected again...god forbid. There's rumor he'll reinstate the draft so...yay! I get to go frollic into my inevitable death! I hate bush, and i hate what he's done to our country. He's made us look like pompous assholes when a majority of us are not.

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Rocky Balboa - 10.06.2004, 17:49

    I'm glad to see you think like me, For a while I thinked one of you was agree with war.
    F**k Bush!!
    C'mon Bush go with an assault rifle and kill'em all!! Make YOU tha "democracy" that you promised

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Danath - 13.06.2004, 04:15

    A completely waste of time and lifes,the Irak war.Just thinking about all the people who has died because of that bastard which is Bush,makes me feel anger. :x

    And look what we have now after the invasion: a neverending Vietnam as Rocky well said.

    Glad to see Spanish soldiers retired after a drastical change of president we had here.... :D

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Roxy - 14.06.2004, 11:36

    Oh Lord, I could write an epic poem to tell you all the negative opinions I have about the war. (about EVERY war, but this one in a special way). I've been raised by a father who spent most of the second world war as a prisoner in Germany and since I was a child, thank God, he often told me about the horror he saw there to teach me how wrong all that was. I grew up reading books of M L King and Gandhi, how can I agree with a war? In a special way this one, 'cause it was openly started only for economical interests, hidden behind a fake promise of democracy. Someone should tell Mr Bush that forcing another country to accept your will is not exactly democratic, you know... :roll:

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    USArmy - 09.07.2004, 06:57

    Let me tell you something
    You're absolutely PATHETIC.

    "I think that is a stupid war by a stupid man called bush and his stupid boys like Collin Powell. "

    I think you're pissed that Europe lost their balls. Apparently, you hoity-toity Socialist Western Europeans don't have the scrotums to rid the world of maniac dictators bent upon keeping their power by any means. Thank God people like you weren't around in the 40s, otherwise Hitler'd have marched right into Barcelona.

    "another Vietnam for America"

    Can you name one battle we lost in Vietnam?

    No, didn't think so. Thank you.

    "war is a sign of fear or jealously - not good in ANY way."

    Yea, right. Tell that to the Kurds.

    "There's rumor he'll reinstate the draft"

    Uh, yea... It's too bad all the sponsors of the Bill are DEMOCRATS! Go toss your polarized stuff elsewhere.

    "F**k Bush!! "

    F**k you!!

    Bush is the President of the United States of America. Show respect, whether you agree with him or not.

    "Just thinking about all the people who has died because of that bastard which is Bush"

    Yea, just thinking about all the people who were saved makes me happy, all thanks to a man with guts: George Washington Bush. Thank goodness for him.

    "Glad to see Spanish soldiers retired after a drastical change of president we had here...."

    Yay for Socialism. That's why you're taxed out your a**holes and your economy is in ruins.

    "(about EVERY war, but this one in a special way)."

    NO WAR! EVER!!!

    Yea, except for Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Racism, and now Radicalism, WAR HAS NEVER SOLVED ANYTHING!

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Roxy - 09.07.2004, 12:18

    Well, the disrespect you show for those whose opinions are different from yours speaks by itself...

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Helloweenie - 10.07.2004, 03:06

    Opinion about war...
    :!: :!: :!: I think that BOTH sides have to accept that WAR is a too big topic to accept only one opinion! Please respect eachother and different opinions and stop writing something like "F**k" to anyone, even if you use "**" in the word! I think that there are other ways of saying that you don't aggree to something than saying "F**k you" or "a**hole"! :!: :!: :!:

    :arrow: To USArmy: I hope you not only registered to state or to "promote" a different view on this board!? :?:

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    USArmy - 10.07.2004, 10:15

    "Well, the disrespect you show for those whose opinions are different from yours speaks by itself..."

    The disrespect they show to the United States and her allies speaks for itself. The absolute filth they throw around oh-so-nonchalantly is disgusting, and I won't stand for it.

    No, Halloweenie. I joined because I actually like the band. Good v Evil, liberty, justice. That sort of thing. Good stuff.

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Roxy - 10.07.2004, 14:12

    Re: Opinion about war...
    Helloweenie wrote: :!: :!: :!: I think that BOTH sides have to accept that WAR is a too big topic to only accept one opinion! Please respect eachother and different opinions and stop writing something like "F**k" to anyone

    Maybe it wasn't clear, but that was what I meant. There's no need to shout at someone 'cause he/she shows a different opinion, or to call morons those who stands for beliefs different from yours. It could be also interesting to freely talk about such big subjects, but I know well it's hard to see people discussing in a POLITE and RESPECTFUL way.

    Btw, before I call myself out of this discussion (since I don't wanna insult anyone or be insulted by anyone), I want to make a point clear... at least, reading the other posts I thought it was clear, but better stress it out... I think we are all talking of a decision taken by governments and politicians and that this has nothing to do with American individuals and their culture. Nobody here meant to insult the USA (I hope so) and their people, we only discussed about a war started by governments which too often do not listen to the people's voices. Just to make an example, my country is one of the US allies and I can't hide it was a real shame for me to see that my government was going to support this war. This doesn't mean that I hate my country and my people now, I simply don't agree with a decision taken by our politicians. I don't consider myself a sheep that blindly follows its government; if our prime minister decides to do something I don't like, I shout it out loud and clear, but this doesn't mean I'm offending my country. That's the same for this thread, it was a general discussion on a big subject, not a statement of hatred against Americans (at least that's how I meant it). I wanted to point this out since there are other guys from the States on this board and I wouldn't like to see they got somehow offended.

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Yenz - 11.07.2004, 04:24

    What do you think about the war
    Wow, you're discussing some pretty heavy subjects here on the board. World Politics and Religion were always the ultimate danger zones, simply because that's where the discussion turns personal. Terms like The Truth and Logic all depends on where you're coming from and where you're heading.

    I would like to say that I'm proud of the fact that Roxy and USArmy came to this forum in the first place, namely because of interest in the metal band I play in.

    Let me make you both a suggestion. If you got the new album, play "Riding Free" at maximum volume!

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Elmatto - 11.07.2004, 04:59

    USarmy huh? this is what i'm talking about here. I'm assuming your one of the guys who busted a nut over fahrenheit 911 huh? lost your shit over anothers opinon? yeah well deal with it. I support my troops and i believe in my country to the fullest. I love it for what it stands for and what it CAN be, but right now, I think there has been nothing but poor decisions made on our part. And if you read the history books, there is no country, no land that is perfect and clean of dirt. I learned so much shit about our history this semester in college that had me start questioning many things about our forefathers. It made me see that they werent these perfect beings of purity. It made me see that the things taught to me in elementary school were missing crucial facts. Through all of it I have come to understand what and why we founded this land, yet we have not actually fully comprehended it ourselves. I believe we have a lot of growing up to do as a country. As i said before, I believe in everything we stand for and love it with all my heart. America is a great place to live, but i dont think everything we say or do is perfect. ANd i want to get this straight, just cuzz we have our crosses to bear as a country, so does every other country out there. We arent the only ones that have dirt on our hands. NO one is perfect. And you know usarmy its better to have an open mind about certain subjects than act like a mindless drone and agree with everything the politicians say or do.

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Roxy - 11.07.2004, 14:23

    Re: What do you think about the war
    Elmatto, I fully agree with what you wrote... You are right, we all have *our dirty clothes to wash*, nobody's perfect... :roll:

    Yenz wrote: World Politics and Religion were always the ultimate danger zones, simply because that's where the discussion turns personal. ...
    I would like to say that I'm proud of the fact that Roxy and USArmy came to this forum in the first place, namely because of interest in the metal band I play in.
    Let me make you both a suggestion. If you got the new album, play "Riding Free" at maximum volume!

    Can you hear it, bro? It's Riding Free playing loud!! :lol:
    First of all, it's the first time I hear someone saying that he/she is proud for something I *caused* in a way or another, so I suppose I should say thanks :D
    You are right, talking of main subjects that effect us personally, like religion or politics, is always hard, but I think it's very useful. If I don't compare myself to the others, how can I know if what I've chosen to be is right or wrong? And it also helps you to *grow up*. When you only hear your side's voices you naturally tend to become extremist and that's not good for anyone. You see, I live spirituality in a very personal way but you certainly can't call me catholic (or anything else). A dear friend of mine, a very clever lovely girl, is a fervent catholic. What should I do? Should I stop our friendship or should I just avoid talking about it? Of course when we discuss on religion is always like walking on broken glasses and you gotta be very careful not to hurt the other's feeling, but it's good for both, we can learn a lot from our diversities.
    And I gotta say I am a bit like a little curios monkey, I wanna know the reasons WHY things happen. You can have a thousand opinions, but if you do not REALLY know what you are talking about and the reasons hidden behind a certain fact, I think your opinion will only be an empty and blind belief.

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Angelvi - 12.07.2004, 03:45

    My thoughts on all this...
    Most of you sound a bit on the anti-Bush side. Well... here goes...
    I wrote this a long time ago, but this is my opinion.
    Hope you guys can understand my point of view...


    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Elmatto - 13.07.2004, 10:02

    theres a bit of a difference here between wwII and this war vi. For one thing, not everything is on the line here. yea he's willing to finish it, but at what cost? And personally, i dont vote for a man who thinks that he was put into the white house cuzz it was "gods will". (I guess god has decided that this man was the perfect candidate. I guess it was also gods will that bush start a war.) I really have a thing against people who think god speaks to them or other crazy talk of the sort. I'm religious, i pray, but i dont go using god as an excuse for everything i do. And I'll be damned if it doesnt piss me off that people only vote for him cuzz he's a religious man. If thats the only reason, you got some problems. Personally, i dont really think kerry is a good candidate either. I would just rather see what he can do for our country, cuzz, i already know what bush can do.

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Angelvi - 13.07.2004, 20:57

    Bush isn't wanting to cause more problems for everybody and start a war. If he really wanted to then the entire Middle East would've probably been blown up already. Instead he's trying to make peace with Iraq. (Btw, I'm not going to vote for someone just because they're religious. That's a stupid thing to do. I just wanted to clear that up.) But is it that wierd to think that God talks to people? I don't think so. He talks to me. That must mean I'm crazy then, :P. Now, I don't go around doing bad stuff saying "Oh, this is God's will," because well, that's a lie. God doesn't want you to do wrong things. But I'm getting off subject. I don't have to make any decisions as big as Bush does. And if you're the president, you're going to want to make the best decision you can make. (I'm sure he doesn't want to send troops to risk their lives in Iraq, but it has to be done.) Something's gotta be done over there anyway. Just look at the Iraqi's situation. They have terrorists controlling them. Terrorists who attacked us. So it's not like Bush is 'starting' anything. Instead he's trying to prevent anymore attacks from happening. Actually doing something. As I said in my last rant, it's because of Bush, we now have Sadam, whom I've seen on the news (responsible for a whole list of bad things,) for as long as I can remember. And NOW, something's done about it. Rather than 'starting a war', Bush is trying to protect this country. That's what a president's supposed to do. And just because he's religious doesn't mean you should or shouldn't vote for him. Anyways, that's all I have time to say...

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Roxy - 14.07.2004, 12:04

    Uh... I do believe that God talks to us, but I really don't think he talked to Bush or that he is there for His will... As far as I have read here and there, it's well known that during the elections Bush (like many other politicians have done in the past) played some bad tricks to win; I don't think that God would suggest something like that... as I wouldn't like to believe that God whispered in his ear that to go and drop bombs on women and children would be the best solution. In that case, next time I will vote for another God! :wink:

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Observador Celeste - 14.07.2004, 18:22

    War / Peace
    Somehow, this daring topics bring out our personalities and our educations. And that is their purpose in the first place; get to know each other. We can't be in the same phisical space, but we can cast out opinion away on this lines.
    Even if the discussion comes with something you feel harsh, remember that these are only words on a screen, and nothing personal. Perhaps if we explain why we came to think this or that way, we'll have a better perspective of the other's motivations, and we can let go his/her different opinion.

    And speaking of things we are proud of, we are all proud of the music that joined us here; we are all on the same side, the Metal side, no matter what!! :wink:

    I can't approve war, in any form. It really has to be absolutely no other way out for me to see it as a valid option. Same as martial arts; just because you can, it doesn't mean you gotta hurt people. Martial arts are there desirably never to be used. I rather believe in communication.
    But, then again, that's just me.

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    USArmy - 15.07.2004, 11:14

    "It really has to be absolutely no other way out for me to see it as a valid option."

    An opinion shared by many.

    Which is a pity, because it's terribly flawed. The number one flaw, I suppose, is the thought that "war is the final solution." I do not believe this to be so. Nor do many others.

    There are severals reasons for this. First and foremost - the obvious:

    No detente with evil. I'm not going to have a chat with evil so I may come to an "agreement" with it. I prefer to defeat the bad guys, not make deals with them.

    Conflict is inevitable. Even with detente, a boiling point will be reached. It always is. This leads to the third reason;

    You're painting yourself into a corner. Sign agreement, after agreement, after agreement. Eventually, you'll be like a cat surrounded by wolves; the only option you have is to lash out with everything you've got.

    And to justify those reasons, I'll give you some examples with Iraq...

    Bush shouldn't have delt with Hussein; because he was a bad guy. One million plus of his own people dead; and for what? To serve himself. To tickle his ambition and get his jollies. Waiting any longer, means more people dead. Has anyone ever heard of Halabja? A few Iraqi jetplanes flew over, spreading chemical weapons. 5,000 dead.

    And we're to let this guy remain in power? Disgusting. When you're shouting, "NO WAR IN IRAQ!" be sure to shout:


    Let the secret police run around, beating people left and right. Let them live in fear.

    Number two; conflict was inevitable. I think Hussein has proven himself to be a pretty unstable character. Iran, then Kuwait. Anyone remember Abu Nidal? Yea, he hid him for awhile - also bankrolled terrorists in Palestine. Fired on UK/US fighter planes patrolling the no fly zone every day after he signed an agreement not to. Disregarded 16 UN Resolutions (which went unenforced, and in many cases blatantly ignored [it is now coming to light that nations such as France, Russia, and Germany were all making illegal backdoor deals with the former Baathist regime during the Oil-For-Food program]).

    And raised two homicidal maniacs as heirs. If Hussein didn't start something, these kiddies would've. And although there might not have been a massive WMD program (there is also evidence coming to light that they were moved to Syria; the other Baathist regime in the Middle East), these guys would've started one. And when they did, the entire face of Middle Eastern politics would've changed, because then...

    Number three. You've got to meet their chemical weapons with something just as nasty: Incendiary weapons; or other chemical agents. You've painted yourself into a corner and are now paying the price.

    Sorry; but war is necessary.

    Sort of like that sting you get from using an anti-biotic.

    Pacifists simply don't have reason on their side.

    As for Bush and God; Bush is a religious man. If he asks God for guidance, that's his perogative. Personally, I like to hear it; I'm relieved that our leader is seeking guidance from the Divine as it shows me he's doing the right thing.

    And, Roxy, pay attention to your Catholic friend. St Augustine makes a lot of sense.

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Roxy - 15.07.2004, 14:19

    Re: ...
    USArmy wrote: And, Roxy, pay attention to your Catholic friend

    I'm not sure I got what you mean with this... I pay a lot of attention to my catholic friend, be sure, and I have a big respect for her (if I didn't, she would have probably broken up our friendship a long time ago), as she has got a big respect for me. But respecting someone else doesn't mean to always agree with him/her and make yours his/her opinions and belief at any rate. As I've said we can learn a lot from our diversities, I can learn from my catholic friends as my catholic friends can learn from their muslim or atheist or buddhist friends.. that's why this world is so varied and multicolored, and that's what makes it so beautiful to me...

    As for your statement *Pacifists simply don't have reason on their side*, I would friendly suggest you to be a bit more open minded. Statements like this make you sound a bit extremist, you know. Remember that a coin has got always two sides and the responsability of a mistake is NEVER ONLY on one side. :wink:

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Observador Celeste - 15.07.2004, 16:33

    Necessary Wars...
    I understand why you said that. I know some things have to be stopped; somehow is like bullies on school, you have to beat the crap of one of them, for all the rest to leave you alone. And believe me, I understand that point of view, but when we are kids, and can't see the whole picture, we haven't understand the full meaning of our actions, is a valid outcome, but not as grown ups. As adults, there are many other ways to get things done.

    "No detente with evil. I'm not going to have a chat with evil so I may come to an "agreement" with it. I prefer to defeat the bad guys, not make deals with them."

    "raised two homicidal maniacs as heirs"

    See, that's what I'm trying to say. Is just a problem of communication. Believe me, I am also amazed of how the hell those guys treat their own women, and I find all their religious fanatism beyond my comprehension, but unfortunately, IS NOT their fault. They have been raised that way, but that doesn't make them evil. They are misleaded in our way to see things, but we have no right to force them, we need to communicate with them in a long process. Example: native americans, and aztecs; they were exterminated out of ignorance by our forefathers. We lost a great deal of knowledge because of that. Even wolves were considered evil someday, they were natural homicidal maniacs for public opinion, and now they are trying to replenish their numbers, and are under protection because we came to figure out how important they are.

    They take little childs and program those concepts in their minds, just like in us; we have our own share of concepts due to our different background. I think it will take time, but we can get peace. Some of them even have started to change...

    Now, about wars that could not be avoided...

    Is easy to remember bad incidents, because they left a huge scar, but instead, we must think in how many wars have been stopped in elsewhere by treatments, agreements and peace. Far too many lives have been saved by words than with swords.
    You can point Hussein, but I can point Ghandi. Well, I must agree that this guy really went too far, and perhaps is rather unbelievable he succeeded doing what he did; perhaps he is extreme, but he proves that somehow it can be done...

    As for Bush and God; Bush is a religious man. If he asks God for guidance, that's his perogative. Personally, I like to hear it; I'm relieved that our leader is seeking guidance from the Divine as it shows me he's doing the right thing.

    The fact is my friend, that every Taliban thinks the same way as you do.

    That proves that we are no different; we are all humans. You are supporting your God and your leaders, but so are them, see?

    Perhaps we find a little extreme their behavior, but if you consider valid that your leader is seeking guidance in God, you are validating all of their acts also, because, after all, if they crashed a plane on those towers, was because God himself told them to. Those guys see the devil in America, just as many of you se devil in all Middle East. By going to war with them, you prove to be no different.

    "God", "Good" and "Evil" are relative concepts, therefore invalid. They depend on whose side you are.

    None of us are right or wrong, we are different, that's all. We just need to break the circle; if no one stops, it will continue forever. We are just generating more neverending anger and resentment.

    Remember: there was a day in the past, were slavery was a valid way of earning a living, black people were not considered human, animals were not as important as persons, and earth was the center of the universe. But we had to change that, man.
    The process isn’t over yet...

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Angelvi - 15.07.2004, 19:42

    Wow, USArmy, you brought up a lot of good points. I wanted to explain it before, but I'm not very good at making it sound good like you are. :P

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Roxy - 15.07.2004, 20:49

    Well, today I have no time for funny chats, I gotta use the net only to work, but I wanna shortly add that Observador Celeste got the words right out of my mouth! :) I agree with what you wrote, guy, and I hope nobody will make the mistake of thinking this is a war of Good against Evil... As Elmatto said before, there's no perfect nation on this planet... None of our Nations is so perfect to be considered the Good one designed to save the rest of us. To understand what I mean, since I have no time to go in details, I suggest you to read something from M. Moore; for example, you'll find out that Mr Hussein and Bin Laden were very well known by the USA secret services, since there has been a time in which they helped each other. And who sold those countries weapons until now? (also my country is on the list and I'm certainly not proud of it) I see nobody here has ever mentioned the fact that Middle East countries are economically and strategically oh so important. Do you really think this has absolutely nothing to do with this war? And why did the US government need to lie about mass destruction weapons (I'd like to remember that they didn't find any up to now) to have a *good* excuse to start a war though the UNO (and not only... even the Pope firmly condamned it) opposed to it? I don't think they started it to save children and women from a dictatorship; Amnesty International and other similar associations fight since YEARS against it and those who started this war now claim that's one of the reasons why they did it. Why do they show some interest only now and didn't do anything before? Sorry, but I honestly think that the cry of money and power is much stronger than that of mistreated women.

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Observador Celeste - 15.07.2004, 23:29

    I like Roxy...
    Wow, Roxy, WOW!...
    Money involved; The war as a business.
    Something we ALL have been forgetting.

    Osama B.L. trained by the very men now hunting him, yet another point to prove that are deeper issues behind, justified and disguised as heroism. They worked together sometime; they know eachother pretty well: that proves that they can dialogue, since they both were ok before, and therefore this can be solved without wasting innocent lives.

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Observador Celeste - 15.07.2004, 23:52

    Somehow this war thing is a very fragile chat, emotionally speaking, and I certainly don't like the idea of starting any rivalry between us.
    We got carried along. But the truth is that the guys who support war are not going to change, and neither the guys who don't. We all have our reasons and points of view; that's what makes us unique.

    So, perhaps is time to quit it, and to focus in what we do have in common...

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Roxy - 16.07.2004, 11:55

    Re: I like Roxy...
    Observador Celeste wrote: Somehow this war thing is a very fragile chat, emotionally speaking, and I certainly don't like the idea of starting any rivalry between us.

    Yes, you are right, though I meant it just as a usual discussion and not a rivalry :) I suppose we are all adults and openminded here to talk about it. But you're right (again!! Don't get used to it, boy! :lol: ), time to quit, it's going to become a neverending subject, kinda spyral of same repeated words in the end...
    Oh, thanks for saying you like me!!! -->Roxy's blushing and giggling right now<--- :D

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Phoenix - 25.07.2004, 07:01

    Politics is silent war and war is bloody politics :wink:

    A simple and accurate definition of war :wink:

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    Belletainen - 10.08.2004, 07:17

    I don't want you to think I am a hippy but that is my opinion: MAKE LOVE NOT WAR. So you will be happy...

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    USArmy - 11.08.2004, 00:24

    Make love after war.

    Re: What do you think about the war?

    strangehighways - 12.08.2004, 11:39

    Im not against getting rid of Saddam Hussain but I am against getting rid of him for the wrong reasons.. The argument for going to war was because of weapons of mass destruction, and the immediate threat these weapons carry. It was NOT because Saddam was an evil dictator. No weapons were found, it seems that the intelligence was highly flawed.

    So I think we went to war for the wrong reasons basically though ridding Saddam is a good thing.

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    Best guitar - gepostet von Rocky Balboa am Mittwoch 31.01.2007
    Iron Savior storyline. - gepostet von blizzard_beast am Sonntag 27.08.2006
    Dragonforce at Graspop - gepostet von metalamazon am Mittwoch 05.07.2006

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