Freitag, 26. Oktober 2007

Verfügbare Informationen zu "Freitag, 26. Oktober 2007"

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Mourist (Jäger) - Seraphun - Yorî
  • Forum: Aetérnítas
  • Forenbeschreibung: Der Stolz der Horde
  • aus dem Unterforum: News aus der Wow-Welt
  • Antworten: 3
  • Forum gestartet am: Freitag 01.12.2006
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Freitag, 26. Oktober 2007
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 16 Jahren, 6 Monaten, 7 Tagen, 10 Stunden, 3 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Freitag, 26. Oktober 2007"

    Re: Freitag, 26. Oktober 2007

    Mourist (Jäger) - 26.10.2007, 13:40

    Freitag, 26. Oktober 2007
    Willkommen bei den Aetérnítas News.

    Zu den Heutigen Nachrichten:
    Es gibt neue Bilder von Verschiedenen sets:
    Und 2 Cloth:

    Für Hunter: Die Mindestreicheweite eurer (und meiner :D) Schüsse wird auf 0,91 Meter reduziert. Hier ein Beweisbild:

    UPDATE: Die Reichweite wird doch nicht 1 Yard sein, sondern 5! Es handelte sich um einen Tooltipfehler!

    Ein Neues Reittier wird eingefügt: Der Steigdrachen.... Wie man ihn bekommt ist noch ungewiss:

    Des weiteren bekommt man bei den Sporeggar mit Ruf ehrfürchtig einen Rochen als Minipet.

    Hier noch weitere Infos was in 2.3 geändert wird (leider auf Englisch :D)

    * Silence effects now have diminishing returns when used on PvP targets.
    * You can now obtain a tiny Sporebat pet with exalted Sporeggar faction.
    * An Azure Whelp pet now drops from the blue dragonkin in Azshara.
    * If you are seated and try to use abilities that require you to be standing, you will stand up and use them. This can be disabled with: /console autoStand 0 .

    Racial Abilities

    * Humans: Sword Skill now increases the critical strike chance with swords and two-handed swords by 1%.
    * Orcs: Axe Skill now increases the critical strike chance with axes and two-handed axes by 1%.


    * If you are in a shapeshift form and try to use an ability that may only be used in caster form, you will leave the form and use that ability. This means that you can shift from one form to another in one action. If you don’t have mana to shift form, you will get an error message and remain in your current form. This can be disabled with /console autoUnshift 0


    * Aimed Shot (Marksmanship) now reduces healing done to that target by 50% for 10 seconds.


    * Paladin seals no longer have a low chance to be dispelled if you have 3 points in Sanctified Seals.
    * Judgement of Wisdom: It is no longer possible for the mana energize effect to trigger off of reapplication of the Judgement of Wisdom.


    * Starshards: The damage per tick of this ability no longer changes during the duration of the effect.
    * If you are in Shadowform and try to use an ability that my not be used in Shadowform, you will leave Shadowform and use that ability. This can be disabled with /console autoUnshift 0
    * Mind Soothe: This spell will now consume Inner Focus.


    * Cheat Death (Subtlety) chance to trigger increased to 33/66/100% and now also causes the rogue to take 90% less damage for 3 seconds when the effect triggers. This effect cannot occur more than once per minute.
    * Sap: Multiple Saps placed by multiple Rogues will now be handled correctly in all cases.
    * If you are in Stealth and try to use an ability that may not be used while stealthed, you will leave stealth and use that ability. This can be disabled with /console autoUnshift 0


    * Sorting of auction house searches has been simplified so you can only sort by one column, and automatic sub-sorts have been created for those columns to be as useful as possible. In addition, sorting is now done on the server so as you page thru results, items will appear to be sorted across the entire results instead of just the page you’re looking at.
    * If you get a message "Interface action failed because of an AddOn", this means that an AddOn interfered with the Blizzard UI in some way. To diagnose this, enter the following into chat "/console taintLog 1" and restart the game and try to reproduce it. If you reproduce it, you can quit the game and search through the file Logs\taint.log for the word "blocked" and mail the log to the author of the AddOn listed there. Once you have done this you can turn off logging by entering the following into chat "/console taintLog 0”


    * Nethermancer Sepethrea's Frost Attack now reduces movement speed by 25% rather than 50%.

    Bug Fixes

    * Reverse cooldowns are correctly refreshed when a buff is reapplied by another player.

    Diese Infos kommen von der Quelle:

    Vielen Dank für Eure Aufmerksamkeit und bis Montag!

    Re: Freitag, 26. Oktober 2007

    Seraphun - 27.10.2007, 19:28

    das mount sieht zusammengebastelt aus desshalb denke ich vllt an des ingi mount ^^

    Re: Freitag, 26. Oktober 2007

    Yorî - 27.10.2007, 19:43

    ne das ingi mount is ein gyrokopter^^

    Mit folgendem Code, können Sie den Beitrag ganz bequem auf ihrer Homepage verlinken

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