Joining Application

Welcome to the Tribe
Verfügbare Informationen zu "Joining Application"

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Anonymous - Juda escarlate - Legolas - Hugh Black - Haltan - Novato Knight
  • Forum: Welcome to the Tribe
  • Forenbeschreibung: Official forum of the Tribe
  • aus dem Unterforum: Joining Applications
  • Antworten: 10
  • Forum gestartet am: Montag 30.01.2006
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Joining Application
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 17 Jahren, 4 Monaten, 23 Tagen, 4 Stunden, 20 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Joining Application"

    Re: Joining Application

    Anonymous - 14.12.2006, 01:42

    Joining Application
    Greetings fellow Tibians and Tribe members!

    My name is Vicenso (Vincent irl). Nice to meet you all.
    I am a rl friend of Bas, I know his brother Hugh Black as well and I am familiar with Asmodeus, Mennorin and such.

    When I was 13 years old Bas came to my house to install Tibia on my computer. I´ve played for many lovely years on my char Red Knight Vince, it was a growing lvl 60 Knight with 87-85 in skills. My former guilds on RKV were The Herb Society, Fellowship of friends, The Tribe and The Graffa.

    Despitefull Red Knight Vince has been hacked 2 years ago and I am not able to get the account back. I stopped playing tibia for a while and like 2 weeks ago I started playing on my old UH maker char Vicenso;)

    I enjoy playing tibia again and I like to have fun, nice guildhunts and support from and towards The Tribe.

    I am a 19 year old guy from Amsterdam who likes to chill, smoke and play tibia;). I am studying Commercial Economics, on the same school as Bas and Meesterlijk (who is trying to join this guild as well).

    If you have any questions, please let me know and just gimme a message in game.



    Re: Joining Application

    Juda escarlate - 14.12.2006, 04:37

    I see you got experience from the other char. But what do you expect from us?
    Good luck!


    Re: Joining Application

    Legolas - 14.12.2006, 10:41

    I'd like to know a bit more about your character. (not ooc)

    Re: Joining Application

    Anonymous - 14.12.2006, 16:27

    I am a lvl 26 druide with magic level 30. I used to be an old rune maker but nowerdays i got for the level. And for the exciting hunts. I exspect many nice adventures still to come. I am a very helpfull druide and i am always ready to give a hand wherever you need it.

    Re: Joining Application

    Hugh Black - 14.12.2006, 21:27

    Hey vince,

    I think you have to and can put some more effort in it. Remember that thias guild likes free mindness and rpg more than level and skills, although we like the fact that you already have experience in the game.

    Make a nice story, show why we should pick you out of 1000ths of little kids, make yourself worth it ;)

    Like i said to meesterlijk; Take a look at some other applications and give us some more input....look at Sharna's application for example. It must be something special and good, doesnt neccesarily have to be long.

    Good luck :)


    Re: Joining Application

    Anonymous - 15.12.2006, 03:21

    The myth of Con Rosso.

    Once there was a baby Tibian. He always dressed Red, he was a Knight and his name was Vince. That's why he got the name 'Red Knight Vince'. He started to explore the world of Antica and killed his first rats, to survive and get money to buy a stronger weapon. Once he got a spikeword from his good friend, he started to train, because he thought a a skillful and well-prepared Knight will get strong rapidly. Little Red Knight Vince trained and trained till he thought he could handle the real work. He was very young but decided to kill the big Cyclopses. Because he was well trained and prepared, so he always survived them. After he saved money to buy a Firesword, he slayed his first dragon. All his friends were very proud on him because RKV was young though. He dreamed of a Giant Sword, because it was a two-handed weapon, and RKV loved to slay creatures. He had much fun in Antica and the world was peacefull. In Ab'Dendriel there were always people who wanted to train, and peacefull Druides who healed the wounded knights. RKV trained a lot, together with (at that time little sister) Sashra he got better and better in fighting the beautiful swords. He had a big collection, he loved the swords.
    RKV had a little brother, his name was Vicenso. Vicenso was quite a smart kid. He was also very friendly and always willing to help whenever his help could be used. He obviously was a Druide. Vicenso's big brother RKV learned Viceno tricks, life lessons and show him places which were save and which not. Vicenso was very young, but his big brother RKV made him experienced and gave him all the knowledge he had to know to survive in the World of Antica. He told him that there were a lot of nice and friendly people, but there will always be people who try to do bad to you. So becareful for what you say and what you do, always be alert, and Vicenso did. RKV said always help the ones that need, but always think of yourself. Don't forget what your big brother said. Because once, little brother, you will be big enough to go where you want to, to make your own choices, and than I will follow my path and you will follow yours. On a cold and cloudy day, I will be gone. Gone like the snow that fell. And you my brother, you are going to be a Legendary Druide. One of the Con Rosso's, just like me, dad, mum and the other family members. It is a honor to be chosen as one of the Con Rosso's.
    At the time you deserved your name, grown enough to be thrown in the darkness, you will join a wonderful guild, where you will met new and old friends. Help them like I learned you to. Serve the guild like it's your destiny and never forget the following words little brother, you are:

    A man with a mission,
    A man with a goal,
    A true believer,
    A man with a Loyal Soul.

    Be greeted,

    Vicenso Con Rosso

    Re: Joining Application

    Legolas - 15.12.2006, 12:36

    I liked your story, Vicenso. Nice work!

    Re: Joining Application

    Haltan - 15.12.2006, 17:57

    Nicely done Vicenso. I enjoyed reading it.


    Re: Joining Application

    Novato Knight - 16.12.2006, 23:25

    Nice story, and I appreciated to know you are former Herb Society :P

    Good luck!

    Re: Joining Application

    Hugh Black - 18.12.2006, 23:13

    Be greeted,

    I am proud to welcome a former member of the Herb Society to our Tribe, you have passed our selection.

    Since you apparently just entered my house I will already have explained to you what I explained to Meesterlijk in person, before you read this.

    Good luck!


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