The Essential Guide to Success in MLM!
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  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Gino Majeric
  • Forum:
  • Forenbeschreibung: Video Streaming in der eMail, auf der Homepage, auf das Handy, im Online-Konferenzraum mit MYVIDEOTALK
  • aus dem Unterforum: Goldene Tipps
  • Antworten: 1
  • Forum gestartet am: Donnerstag 14.09.2006
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: The Essential Guide to Success in MLM!
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 17 Jahren, 7 Monaten, 20 Tagen, 8 Stunden, 58 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "The Essential Guide to Success in MLM!"

    Re: The Essential Guide to Success in MLM!

    Gino Majeric - 22.09.2006, 09:30

    The Essential Guide to Success in MLM!
    By: Michael Russo

    Marketing Plans, Success Ladders, Diamonds, Gold Leaders, World's Best Products and on and on and on . . . .

    Every company has a pitch - usually a good one. Every company has compensation plans - most are fairly reasonable. Every company has amazing success stories - some people always do well. Every company has great products with terrific scientific testimonials - and most are accurate.

    So how do you choose which to join and which is best for you? The First decision you need to make is what you are joining a company for? Are you looking for innovative products or a business that will make you money or both?

    Have you had any experience with MLM in the past? What did you like and what didn't you like? What is different now as opposed to the last time you looked at MLM. Be careful that you don't base your decisions on past experiences where YOU were the problem and NOT the company or product.

    Many times people spend so much time focusing on the company business plan, the products or get sold on a good pitch that they forget that what they are looking at may not even suit them.

    There are some of the basic principals of MLM that will never change:

    The companies with longevity have CONSUMABLE PRODUCTS,
    Upline (& company) SUPPORT is paramount in building the business,
    REJECTION & playing the NUMBERS GAME is part of the package,
    PERSISTANCE & hard work is always required for success,
    Like any industry not all companies are the same and
    There is no such thing as GET-RICH-QUICK!

    When you understand these basic principals you then need to check if YOU fit into the company profile. Some companies are more product specific than others and you many need some knowledge in the area. Others have more general products but if you never talk to your friends about Make Up (Guys) or Car Lubricate Enhancers (GIRLS) you're unlikely to start now no matter how good the products are or how much money is attached.

    Choose a company that promotes products you will use and you can feel comfortable talking to others about. This will make it feel less like a sale pitch every time you open your mouth to someone.

    Understand that not everyone will suit your product or company even though the company may tell you everyone needs this stuff. Each company has a unique feel or culture about it - find people that fit that culture and you'll build your downline so much faster.

    Remember that it's more important to be respected than to be popular. Some people will talk and talk to everyone regardless of if they show interest in the concept and try to 'convert' them in the hopes that building a big downline quickly and making lots of money will make them recognized and popular in their company.

    It's better to build a firm foundation that will last for years based on respect. Sometimes your most successfully distributions in your downline are those who initially said no when first asked. Respect people's decisions (whether they join or not) and you will earn their respect as your business grows. Long term CREDIBALITY is what you need from a company and what they need from you.

    Once you have joined a company learn their system (don't re-invent the wheel) but always looks for ways to be innovative. There's nothing stopping you from improving on what is working. Also remember that what works in another MLM company may or may not work for you in your new one. Test new strategies and techniques for prospecting and generating leads. Look outside the industry if you have to as you may find just as useful suggestions outside the industry as within.

    All knowledge is for your benefit so learn as much as you can about what you are doing. Keep in mind that not everything you do may work the first time. You may have to change companies several times to find one that suits. When you find it, however, stick to it. Develop contacts that may be useful in other ventures also. MLM may lead you onto bigger and better things as it did me.

    Keep Learning,

    Michael Russo

    Author of "Passive Millionaire"

    Visit his web site on for a Free DVD on wealth creation and mind conditioning. To order his report on "How to Choose a Multi-Level-Marketing Winner" phone 1800 300 939. © 2006 Design Your Life International - All rights reserved world wide.

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