Borring school...
Verfügbare Informationen zu "Borring school..."

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Gillia - Tyrio - Nucleus - Alred
  • Forum:
  • Forenbeschreibung: Knights of Goldshire - The Forum
  • aus dem Unterforum: The Fishermans Lodge
  • Antworten: 8
  • Forum gestartet am: Mittwoch 05.07.2006
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Borring school...
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 17 Jahren, 7 Monaten, 10 Tagen, 22 Stunden, 59 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Borring school..."

    Re: Borring school...

    Gillia - 05.09.2006, 11:29

    Borring school...
    People, start posting in the middle of the day, please.

    I've just started school and there's not much to do here, it seems, other than reading forums... So post post post :D

    Re: Borring school...

    Tyrio - 05.09.2006, 11:41

    heres something to waste your time on :D

    those yanks are hilarious

    Re: Borring school...

    Nucleus - 05.09.2006, 12:09

    Gillia - what do u want to hear from us bored in school? that school IS boring? mmmm... "school is boring" :D

    Re: Borring school...

    Gillia - 05.09.2006, 12:12

    Awwh, i'm so tempted to click your link, but I once had a bad experince clicking on stuff I don't know what is:

    Imagine a very borring math class in a new group og students, where noone knows each other so people aren't talking. I'm browsing on my laptop muted ofc, and are downloading some funny programs, which alter your desktop and stuff. I get to a file called "clickme.exe" and thinks "this seems like a bad idea" and click it. Then it un-mute all sounds and turn eveything up to maximum volume and a voice yells "HEY EVERYBODY! I'M WATCHING PORNO OVER HERE!!!".


    PS: I can't find the volume control t this PC, and i'm a wuss

    Re: Borring school...

    Nucleus - 05.09.2006, 12:31

    "chicken, BOOORK!!"

    Re: Borring school...

    Gillia - 09.09.2006, 03:25

    Oh my, what a bunch of sickoes. People confess the weirdest things.

    "I pay my sister for handjobs" <--- is that you, Tyrio?

    "I have a real biting fetish, it turns me on just thinking about being bitten or biting a guy. I wouldn't mind drawing blood either, if i were a vampire things would be much simpler"

    "I like throwing things at people and acting like it was someone else when confronted. It works every time, and has even started some fights. I often think about starting a website for dinosaur porn, just to see if any sickos would get off to that crap. I've had the same idea with pirate sex." <--- this guy is way too bored :)

    Re: Borring school...

    Tyrio - 10.09.2006, 12:20

    sicko :shock:

    Re: Borring school...

    Alred - 19.09.2006, 13:21

    having english ;( Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
    BTW nice movie :D Gillia :D

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