About the Guildbank (=Bancher aso.)

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  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Jimfinn - Gillia - Eager - Hasassin - Guderian
  • Forum: http://beam.to/mightfish
  • Forenbeschreibung: Knights of Goldshire - The Forum
  • aus dem Unterforum: Suggestions
  • Antworten: 6
  • Forum gestartet am: Mittwoch 05.07.2006
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: About the Guildbank (=Bancher aso.)
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 17 Jahren, 8 Monaten, 24 Tagen, 2 Stunden, 35 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "About the Guildbank (=Bancher aso.)"

    Re: About the Guildbank (=Bancher aso.)

    Jimfinn - 14.08.2006, 08:04

    About the Guildbank (=Bancher aso.)
    There is rumors that the Guildbank is not managed fairly and even some speculations on "corruption" :(

    The only way to get an end to this is open managment. I therefore make a proposal for the arrangement of the matter :)

    Once a week (or once every two weeks) a list of how the "banks" has been managed.

    - the start up situation (only the first time)
    - incoming loot
    - donations by members
    - money spent (for example repair bott aso.)
    - handed out gear, jewelery, items (and to who)
    - other arrangements that effects the banks

    This is hopefully in all our best interest :D :D

    Re: About the Guildbank (=Bancher aso.)

    Gillia - 14.08.2006, 11:24

    It's sad that there are such speculations, so let me tell try to clarify some of it. We are trying to make a site, where we can list all the stuff in the guildbank. It's an upcomming event :)

    The gold in the guild bank is mainly used for 3 things:

    1. Repaibills for Guharm and Guderian (since we expect them to die 2-3 times in a wipe situation).

    2. Combat drugs for the tanks (Elixir of Titans f.ex.). This is propably our most expensive post.

    3. Repaibots (I've found an ok cheap way to make them and charges the bank 9g for each of them, because that's what they cost me to make if I buy the mats at an ok price, sometimes I loose money on them, however).

    Also, we've used some of the lave/fiery cores to make some FR for the two MTs, which is pretty expensive to make. You have to find an armorsmith, who's revered/exalted with Thorium Brotherhood and bribe him to go to BRD with you and craft it. Besides, we've had a low drop rate on fiery/lava cores (can't remember which, so we had to buy some of it).

    PS: we aren't e-baying the GB money and buying beers for it, no worries.

    Re: About the Guildbank (=Bancher aso.)

    Eager - 14.08.2006, 14:03

    In addition to Gillia's post i can add that, we also craft Onyxia Scale Cloaks, and FR gear for other classes aswell, when we have a surplus in our cores.

    Then we have the AQ20 Scarabs from the Scarab Coffers, those in our bank, is free to any member needing them for a ring/cloak/weapon.

    Tier 1 BoE's not handed out on a raid, is stored the bank, untill someone worthy of it comes along.

    Hope this helps to clarify how it all works, if any questions, just ask, and we'll reply :)

    Re: About the Guildbank (=Bancher aso.)

    Hasassin - 14.08.2006, 15:11

    I think these rumors starts because of lack of information. Every single time(on raids I've been on) somebody asks or question why fx gold-loot goes to guildbank, none of the counsel-players answers. And that will, of course, make ppl speculate.

    And for the guild paying for MT-gear/repair/drugs thats fine by me. We have very skilled and great MT's in our guild, and I would like to keep it that way, becaurse we do depend heavely on them. But we do also depend on good healing and extensive dps. And I have one question; do the MT's pay for anything themself? I use potions/poisons/repair etc for 20-40g at each raid, and I think it is only fair if they too have to pay something for all the cool gear they get.

    Re: About the Guildbank (=Bancher aso.)

    Gillia - 14.08.2006, 17:18

    Yea, MTs pay their own repairbill most of the raids, but on raids where things got a little out of control and they had to make two full repairs, the guild bank pays it.

    I'm not 100% sure on this, but pretty much: the MTs pay/make/get their own drugs except titans (which costs about 45g pr flask).

    Other than that, they pay for their enchants as well as we do, so actually they pay just as much as the rest of us (well... maybe not rogues, since we tend to overdrug ourselves a tad bit).

    PS: Not that we're doing MC in one day and aren't wiping a lot, it's actually not very expensive. We only need combat drugs at majordomo and raggi. That's (for rogues at least) is 4g in 2 mongoose pots, 4g in 2 fireres pots and last time i had a total of 4g repairs. Went there with 50s in my pocket and got out with 16-17g. That means I in theory could have made 5g if I hadn't used an extra fr pot at raggi and used agility and more mongoose pots to speed things up during trash.

    Re: About the Guildbank (=Bancher aso.)

    Guderian - 14.08.2006, 21:55

    Hi there,

    Regarding gold for MT's repair bills. We introduced this some time ago. It happened because in some fights the MT's would die 2-3 times in a combat. DEAD... Soulstone... DEAD... Combat ress... DEAD!!!
    That got pretty expensive and normally MT's gear would be broken a lot soon then the rest of the raid. So we can actually request the guildbank to pay half of our repair bill.

    I think it has been like a month ago since I have last used that option because we really kick ass at the moment and I hope that it will be a very long time before I again request that the guildbank again help on my repairbill.

    Drugs and enchants I pay myself.

    Best regards

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