Was man alles so im Netz unabsichtlich teilt..

Zeger's Lenbach-Stüberl
Verfügbare Informationen zu "Was man alles so im Netz unabsichtlich teilt.."

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: lenbach
  • Forum: Zeger's Lenbach-Stüberl
  • Forenbeschreibung: Kunst- & PhilosophiePhorum>>> zurück zum Atelier
  • aus dem Unterforum: Computerzeugs-Archiv
  • Antworten: 2
  • Forum gestartet am: Dienstag 22.06.2004
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Was man alles so im Netz unabsichtlich teilt..
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 19 Jahren, 8 Monaten, 2 Tagen, 5 Stunden, 16 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Was man alles so im Netz unabsichtlich teilt.."

    Re: Was man alles so im Netz unabsichtlich teilt..

    lenbach - 07.08.2004, 15:21

    Was man alles so im Netz unabsichtlich teilt..
    zb das und das..

    der Fuchs Ernsti!!! :lol: - nasowas... :shock:


    (bis seite 40 hab ich's geschafft - von 55..)
    noch ein paar:

    wie alles begann:
    Zitat: The Found Photos started earlier this year while searching for mp3's using a filesharing program. I was searching through someones shared file list, and saw a folder named 'pictures'. I downloaded the folder and found 20 or so digital camera pictures of this persons life, taking pictures of himself, his friends etc. It made me wonder what else was out there, and after searching for more photos I found hundreds, thousands of them shared to everyone.

    I've been taking pictures since I was a kid, when my father gave me a Pentax K-1000. I remember being super excited taking my negatives to a foto lab to get them exposed, to see how close I came to what I imagined I would see on film. The digital camera world is so instant and so different - and people seem to be up to speed with that kind of spontanaiety. There still are people being more careful and planning shots with digital cameras, but there are way more people taking quick shots and looking at the LCD screen to see the end result and taking hundreds more just for fun. With film, you had to wait to see the end result, unless you were really experienced and knew what the end result was going to be ahead of time. Not to mention it's much more expensive to use film, with digital there's nothing to lose. You can afford to take over 100 photos of yourself in the same pose or your cat, dog, boyfriend etc. As i've found being shared out there.

    From all the pictures i've taken and                       ..und da iss ihm dann der text ausgegangen*gg*

    :arrow: HIER ist der vollständige text - plus presseartikeln!

    die eigentliche seite www.seewhatyoushare.com ist SEHR interessant!!!

    Re: Was man alles so im Netz unabsichtlich teilt..

    lenbach - 01.09.2004, 23:54

    zitat aus der :arrow: seite:

    "The Justice Department is finally addressing the classified and confidential files that are being shared via P2P. FBI investigations, dating back to June of this year are coming to a head. Arrests are finally being made. Those harvesting and using information that is inadvertently being shared will hopefully face justice. Possibly the publicity of these actions will demand that users and developers of P2P software be more wary. I can’t help but reflect on what good or advantageous means P2P has to offer the common citizen by allowing private and personal information, kiddy porn, software, movies, music (copyrighted material) to be shared. Are these files downloaded for pleasure or is there more on the receiving users’ mind? Extortion is always a possible motive as I doubt many people would purposely share naked pictures of a spouse, coming out of the closet letters (which he/she has not yet done), or even corporate databases that explain a hostile takeover. All of which are within a few keystrokes if you have the proper P2P application installed and know what to look for. Has the FBI looked at everything that is available and really taking the issue to heart? Are there other crimes that are being committed via P2P other than what they are really looking at right now?

    Why is it that child porn, personal information including social security numbers and credit card accounts, etc., are being offered, free for that taking via P2P? Most everyone associates the “Internet” as a space that is best viewed in a web browser. Had this information been available in a different setting maybe the results would have been different. After all, how many kiddy-porn web sites have you seen?

    Is there a problem? Hell yes!

    Let’s just take a moment and go through a hypothetical example.

    You share a file named “budget.xls”

    I see that you have a file titled “budget.xls” after running a search for “.xls” files being shared on the network that I am connected to. At this point, I download this file, see that it is a budget for so and so, and then “browse host” which will display everything you are sharing. Documents, images, emails, application installation packages, music, movies, etc. are free for the taking. Once someone takes these documents, it is next to impossible to get them back as they are then usually shared by several different other users simultaneously. After a user receives this document, image, etc, it is pulled and then usually shared. 2, 4, 8, or even 20 different computers could be pulling this information. Once downloaded, it is then shared worldwide, even though it is long gone from your computer, state, country or even continent. One person has it, then two and it spreads exponentially from there. That is how it works.

    I applaud the FBI for their recent accomplishments. It’s like finding a heartbeat in a horse that has been dead for three months. IP addresses and other means of identification of the individuals sharing, receiving or using this information is hard to get. However, I still think they and other agencies have just hit the tip of the ice burg. Hopefully their work with P2P will continue."

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