Pliers Make Poverty History...

Live 8 Forum
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  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: X
  • Forum: Live 8 Forum
  • aus dem Unterforum: Your story
  • Antworten: 1
  • Forum gestartet am: Sonntag 03.07.2005
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Pliers Make Poverty History...
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 18 Jahren, 9 Monaten, 28 Tagen, 23 Stunden, 1 Minute
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Pliers Make Poverty History..."

    Re: Pliers Make Poverty History...

    X - 04.07.2005, 17:45

    Pliers Make Poverty History...
    I didn't have a ticket to enter Live 8. But as I watched it at 1400 GMT with Bono and Paul McCartney taking the stage to do a duo, I just knew I had to be there, especially as a couple of my mates were already there. So I jumped in my car and drove down to Hyde Park, arriving at about 1500.

    Armed with a pair of pliers, some rope, a fake press ID pass and an illuminous jacket (to look like a security guard), I walked around the periphery of the park trying to gain entry but security was tight. I hooked up with two Australians first and we tried to scale a wall at one of the entrances on Knightsbridge. We barely got onto the wall and a security guard spotted us.

    They soon gave up, but I soon hooked up with another guy (Paul) from Brixton, and we attempted to enter near the Lancaster entrance. We jumped over a fence near the fountains and ran across the field only to be intercepted by several security guards rugby tackling us! A few jovial exchanges as we were escorted out, then our search continued for that weak spot that would allow us to enter the most revered concert of the century.

    We then hooked up with several others trying to gain entry - at this point, we were back on Knightsbridge.

    We found a fence attached to the adjacent fences by tie wraps only! The pliers came into use here. We walked away, and a few seconds later the fence came crashing down onto the pavement. Security guards and a police officer came running to the scene but all were as baffled as each other. After the dust settled, we continued to wait as the security guards continually changed positions and moved around... until, by chance, there were no security guards near this part of the fence. We opened the fence like a door, climbed over the smaller fixed fence altogether and stormed in running towards the crowd. Security guards blew their whistles and we dispersed in all directions. People sat on the grass at the back of the crowd cheered as we pegged it into the fora. As I ran swiftly further into the crowd, which was getting denser and denser, I dived to the floor, removed my jacket and lay low for a while. People around me were smiling and laughing at my successful attempt at gatecrashing.

    Minutes passed, then I rose up and moved through the crowd... and by sheer luck found Paul doing the same. He'd made it too. Don't know about the others though. And then we went straight to a burger van where I bought a hot dog and a burger before going to watch Snoop Dogg finish off his performance.

    The whole event was amazing - Madonna, Sting, Pink Floyd, The Who, Joss Stone, and Paul McCartney at the end (my favourite moment).

    I've always had a superficial appreciation of the problems in Africa, but this event has certainly succeeded in my eyes. I now understand much better the problems and impact of poverty on the children of Africa. And I believe that the solution is not just to cancel debt, make trade laws fair and increase aid... but to prevent the corrupt governments absorbing the benefits of these things through Western oversight and a certain degree of control as part of the deal. That is the only way to ensure the longevity of this plan if we are to make the people of Africa live improved lives on a self-sustainable level.

    Thank you to my pliers for helping me to reach this enlightenment... :P

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