bad novice?

Marath a'vron Tar d'Manetheren
Verfügbare Informationen zu "bad novice?"

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Ereleyn Aviar - Lyuna Sedai
  • Forum: Marath a'vron Tar d'Manetheren
  • Forenbeschreibung: Come, visit our Homepage at
  • aus dem Unterforum: The Mistress of Novices' Office
  • Antworten: 4
  • Forum gestartet am: Mittwoch 20.04.2005
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: bad novice?
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 18 Jahren, 9 Monaten, 31 Tagen, 18 Stunden, 28 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "bad novice?"

    Re: bad novice?

    Ereleyn Aviar - 24.06.2005, 03:22

    bad novice?
    Uh... Hello mother...
    *Piles around the half open door in the room*
    You wanted me to... *gulp* report?
    Seriously, I am not in controll of my powers, I told you.. erhm... erhm...

    Re: bad novice?

    Lyuna Sedai - 24.06.2005, 17:31

    Ereleyn Aviar wrote: of course! never! I cannot even handle the one power properly!
    *channels a bit of fire*
    oh, when did you start smoking? Or is that fire on the bottom of your coat? :lol

    I wonder how that can be 'not on purpose and not being able to control it prperly'... :arch

    Ereleyn, I want you to write a 500 words love story between Jar Jar Biggs and Loial :|


    Re: bad novice?

    Ereleyn Aviar - 27.06.2005, 03:34

    Jar Jar Biggs? Who is that? :eek a hybide between the great hero Biggs Darklighter and that... creature... Jar Jar?!?! :eek
    Can`t be true!

    But as you wish, mother. I will retreat now to my room.
    *Face sparkeling with Joy and exitement*
    *Little smoke rising from the bottom of her skirt*


    *Puts the fire out*
    See, mother? It just happens when I am excited! That`s why my mum sent me here!

    Re: bad novice?

    Ereleyn Aviar - 30.06.2005, 08:43

    *Returns to the office, hands mother with a bow a document.*
    :D the penalty! :D

    This is the story of two souls that found together.
    And about the evil events that ripped them apart again.

    The wheel turns, and ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legends. Legends fade... sooner or later... and someday, even the deepest wounds are forgotten in the mist of time. But in this age, called the third one by some, an age yet to come, an age long past (come to the point, will I?) a wind blew through the long flappy ears of a strange creature. Its eyes were big and round, its face long, with sparkles, a big mouth and nostrils that blew a little storm themselves. No, it was not a horse. Its skin was leathery, it (kindof) walked on two legs, and it had clothes out of another world. And just now it bumped into the tallest creature available in the forest, Loial, the Ogier.
    "Oupsi!" The creature said.
    "Ouch!" Loial said.
    "A trolloc!" The others screamed.
    "Mesa Jar Jar Binks!" the creature protested, but all in vein.
    Perrins axe, Mat`s staff and Rand`s sword hit it all at once.
    Jar Jar, however, was Jar Jar. His Luck is greater than even Mats, and his Clumpsyness is legendary, saving him war after war. So, the staff hit, and the sword hit the staff, and the axe hit the sword, and the power of all of them drove poor JAr JAr right back into the arms of Loial.
    "That is no Trolloc!" The Ogiers voice rumbled. "That is... such a lovely... cute... Jar Jar!" And his arms closed protectively around the creature.
    "Sesa? Mesa bein Jar Jar. Hello, boyos!" the creature said, his long ears still flapping in the wind.
    Loial smiled warmly down at him. "And I think this cuty puty dudelidu... dude will better come with us. It is sooo dangerous here for a little, nicey baby boy like this one." His big, clumpsy fingers stroked lovingly over Jar Jars head. "Ouuuhooo! Yousa guy bombao! Mesa liken tis."
    "Nooo!" Mat screamed in despair. "Can we give him to the wolves?" Perrin asked. "He will be your responsibility!" Rand stated.
    After a few days travelling through the woods, Loial had become totally consumed by his love for Jar JAr, the tents had been consumed by the fire of the torch that JAr Jar had accidentally thrown into them, and the ther three were totally consumed by the plans of how to get rid of that creature. That was, when the tragedy unfolded itelf. Unbeknownst to our heros, the dark one himself was followi ng their trail (not too difficult, just follow the "oupsie`s, murder-screams and "stop, I love hin, and I`ll kill everybody who lays a Hand on JAr JAr" statements halling through the woods at least every hour. Yes, in the night, too.
    When the Dark One finally cached up to them, he had a bad headache, and was in an even worse mood than usual.
    "Finally, I`ve found you!" He screamed, jumping in the middle of the camp, a cloak of darkness erasing every light the fire gave them.
    "How wude!" Jar Jar said. "Mesa was reading! Hosa yousa?"
    "I am the Dark One, and you`ll all die!" he answered in his best grave-voice.
    "Noooo!" Loial screamed, and his big body raised in front of JAr JAr, protecting him. "Take them!" He pointed at Rand and his friends "But show mercy on us, who have just found their love!"
    Rand, however sight. "You have come, finally. What took you so long?" The Dark One shook his shoulders. "Couldn`t bear coming nearer for a while. But I see why you called me." Mat answered:"Then dooo something!!!" Perrin stared at the dark figure. "Didn`t know "The dark One" was meant literally." He mumbled.
    "Well... so... you promise not to damage my beautiful hair or skin in our last battle if I help you now?" The Dark One said. "Sure!" Rand answered unnerved. "That`s what I told Lanfear to tell you, isn`t it?" "And... you will no longer stare at me with your spooky yellow eyes? Never again? I get bad dreams of them!" He asked Perrin, who nodded agreement and lowered his gaze immediately. "And... Mat... will be my toy for a night?" Mat sight. "I still think we could have skipped that part." He said.
    "Bombad! Mesa likin tis! Yousa maxibigi boy, Darky.""Oh, Jar Jar, your voice is sooo lovely!" Loial rumbled.
    "Well, yes. I guess it is necessary." Mat sight again. "Blood and bloody ashes, it is agreed."
    The dark one Nodded gravely. "So be it. Step aside." The three friend did so immediately. Loial`s eyes, however, widened.
    "What are you doing? You can`t... I mean... Nooo! I won`t let you do that!" His heavy axe came out of his belt, for the first time since month, and his face was a grimace of pain and fear and hate. Rare with an Ogier. "Not my JAr JAr!" He rumbled as loud as never before, and even today people claim to have heard his scream in Camlyn, Falme, Rhuidean, and even at Shayol Ghul. Though it could be that the Dark One ordered his servants to say so, in order to let nobody forget his heroic deed.
    "Loial, sit!" Perrin screamed. The Ogier`s heavy body fell to the ground. "Watch out! Ogier Elders in search for you!" Mat screamed, and Loial los his axe out of shock. "Let me handle Jar JAr!" Rand yelled and wove the One power into a net of Air, heaving Jar JAr above the still while sitting huge body of Loial."
    "Cawazy!" Jar JAr laughed. Then, the Dark ones Balefire hit him, and he was gone, erased from the pattern, forgotten by even his love. The only one who remembered what was, was the Dark One himself. And perhaps the Creator, but he keeps quiet about it.
    Perrin stared at the dark one with his yellow eyes, Mat laughed at his face when he asked him to follow to shayoul ghul for the promised night, nd Rand, that Bastard, burned his hair while chasing him away!
    So, the Dark One returned to his lonely prison, with no reward at all, and lonely as before. Even the Shadowspawn laughed behind his back. And in the darkness of the blight, that smiling face with the big, round eyes, the lovely long ears, and the little sparkles on his nose, haunted his dreams, and he found that he was desperate in love with the JAr JAr Creature. He would only have to seal his mouth shut.

    Thus ends our little story. May at least you never forget the great deed the Dark One did, for he prevented Jar Jars presence in Episode III as well with his balefire, as everybody can clearly see.

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