Remains of the day

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  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Lauri
  • Forum: Abijahrgang-2007-Forum
  • aus dem Unterforum: Abitur
  • Antworten: 1
  • Forum gestartet am: Donnerstag 26.01.2006
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Remains of the day
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 17 Jahren, 4 Monaten, 31 Tagen, 8 Stunden, 24 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Remains of the day"

    Re: Remains of the day

    Lauri - 06.12.2006, 21:53

    Remains of the day
    falls es wen interessiert..
    packe hier mal meine zusammenfassung von remains of the day rein..
    diese kästchen waren mal pfeile;)

    The Remains of the day – Summary

    1. Prologue: July 1956 – Darlington Hall

    - Mr. Farraday´s suggestion to undertake the trip
    - Ms. Kenton´s letter
     motivation to untertake the trip
    - other topics Stevens deals with:
    -> staff plan
    -> planning the trip
    -> professional matters ( his job is his life)
    -> bantering
    -> past (colleauges)

     in the end: decision to undertake the trip because he wants to solve the staff problems ( he wants to visit Ms. Kenton)

    2. Day One: Evening – Salisbury

    - he is in Salisbury in a guesthouse
    - quite satisfied with the day
    - talks about his feelings when he left Darlington Hall (DH)
    - stop! -> took the footpath up to the best view over the British countryside
    - visited Salisbury (a beautiful cathedral)
    - enjoys the landscape
    - Greatness of Britain (countryside)
    - discusses the qualities of a great butler
    - definition of dignity ( 3 examples (stevens´ father))
     Greatness and dignity are very important!

    3. Day Two: Morning – Salisbury

    - wakes up early -> thinking about Ms. Kentons letter
    -> Ms. Kenton is staying with a friend
    -> Stevens thinks she is lonely and wants to return to DH as a housekeeper
    -> quotes of passages of teh letter are sad
    -> Ms. Kenton mentions the past, so Stevens thinks about it:
    • Ms Kenton and Stevens´father came to DH in 1922
    • Ms Kenton was always very professional and worked at DH for many years
    • Excellent history
    • ST. Father is very old -> sickness
    • Ms Kenton points out errors of St. Father
    • She thinks St. Father has too many responsibilities
    • Stevens tells her she is wrong
    • ST. Father falls down the stairs -> overworked
    • LD wants Stevens to reduce his fathers work
    • Conversation between both Stevens´ -> father shows no emotion
    • Father hoped to find some jewels where he fell

    - conference (1923):
     LD is a good friend of KH Brehmann, a German-soldier.
     he is angry that the Treaty of Versailles made postwar Germany´s economy fall into ruin ( Brehmann shot himself)
     tragedy made LD act
     prominent figures of several countries will come together in DH
     they have to think of a way to revice the Treaty of Versailles to aleviate the situation in Germany
     prominents should influence the heads of their countries
     extra task: tell Reginald Cardinal the facts of life -> two failed attempts, never solved task!
     Background discussions: LD and Lewis ( about French attitude), Lewis & Dupont (about LD)
    Fathers condition:
     fell ill!
    Second day:
     Stevens wants to talk to father, later: father wants to know if everything is ok and tells that he is proud of him, Stevens says everything is ok and that he´s glad father is feeling better
     Heated discussions
     MS Dupont: fuck you Lewis, toasted LD
     Mr Lewis: LD = looser and amateur, toasted professionalism
     LD: he himself is full of honor
     Kenton says father is very ill> Stevens cares about conference, no time to go upstairs
     Reginald Cardinal & LD ask ST. If anythiong is wrong, Stevens seems to cry  was a hard day
     Ms Kenton Tells him that father died -> takes first care of his duties

     Stevens tells us that this night was a turning point in his development (professiojnal), because is dignity was worthy of his fathers´ triumph!

    4. Day Two: Afternoon – Mortimer´s Pond, Dorset

    - discusses the quality of greatness in a butler!:
     butler is associated with his household and employer
     butler should choose his employer
     the employers reputation improves the butler´s social standard
    - That day:
     smell of engine stop!
     Large victorian mansion -> man fixes his ford (needs a refill of radiator water)
     Conversation: Steve asks about household -> it is sold , Steve tells him that he works in DH and denies(!) having worked for LD.
     Stevens tells that guests of Mr. Farraday have asked him the same-> he denied it!
     he is not ashamed of having worked for LD , but only wants to avoid unpleasentness, because foolish things are saud about LD!
     LD had a great moral status
     Stevens is proud he worked in a truly distinguished household!

    5. Day Three: Morning, Tauton, Sommerset

    - Stevens stays in Taunton in a small Inn
    - He goes down to the bar guest make jokes about the host and his wife
    -  Stevens tries to banter-> no laughing-> he is disappointed
    - mismorning tea in Tauton  Given & Co = silver polishing company
    - example: Mr Marshall (great butler) was praised because of polished silver
    - Stevens was praised, too.  visit of Lord Halifax and Rippentrop -> Halifax was impressed of polished silver -> better frame of mind! (Halifax)
    - Stevens says LD didnt know the true nature of the Nazis while working together with them.
    - Even Rippentrop was a famous person before
    - Excuses LD´s actions
    - Happy to have worked in DH
    - Staff shortage -> errors
     Ms Kenton returns -> no errors again!

    6. Day Three: Evening, Moscombe

    - Stevens tells us immidiatly sth. About the past:
     Caroline Barnet visited LD (1920s) (she´s in the British Union of fascists)
     She influenced LD!
     LD decided to fire two jewish maids!
     Stevens tells Kenton about it (at all-evenings-discussion)
     Stevens opinion: jewish maids have been excellent workers, but he does not question LD´s decision
     Kenton´s opinion: thinks it’s wrong to dismiss them, she will also quit (but she stayed because she had nowhere to go)
     A year later LD regrets to have fired them
     talk between Stevens and Kenton:
     Stevens tells her about it and his impression of it!
     Ms kenton is angry that Stevens is always pretending! (his emotions)
     new housmaid: Lisa -> bad references
     Ms Kenton improved her skills  success
     Lisa quits after 8-9 months because of a romance
    - Stevens starts thinking about change between Ms Kenton and him:
     turning point:
     Kenton goes in his pantry
     He reads a sentimental love story (to maintain language)
     Inappropiate behaviour of Kenton
     relationship turns into merely professional!
     Kenton is meeting another man (a butler)
     Kenton says Stevens must be content with his life because he is so excellent in his profession
     Stevens says he is content when LD is satisfied
     Week later:
    - Kenton is very tired -> they abandon the meeting over cocoa!
     Kentons aunt has passed away
     she cries alone in her room
     Stevens doesnt want to disturb her privacy
     Afterwards Stevens only asks whether everythins is in order..
     things would have turned out better, if he would have acted in another way!
     Stevens´car runs out ouf gas in the evening:
     he meets a couple, the Taylors
     Taylors and friends invite him to dinner
     They say Stevens is a true gentleman
     Stevens should tell what he thinks makes someone a gentleman
    ->Stevens says: Dignity!!
    -> Dr. Carlisle should meet him ( because he is a gentleman too)
    -> Stevens has to tell about his past (famous people he met, international affairs)
    -> Dr. Carlisle arrived looked at Stevens in a funny way
     stevens goes to bed
    - thoughts in bed:
     thinks about dinner guests (impressions)
     Hary Smith (a guest) had disagreed with his modell of dignity!
     Harry Smith modell:
     dignity is evident when a man ackknowledges his responsibilitie to vote and has strong opinions about political affairs!
     Stevens opinion:
     statement is to idealistic
     butler shouldnt be able to answer
     butler who form their own strong opinion lack loyality
     he is a great butler because of loyality
     no shame or regret to have served for LD!

    7. Day Four: Afternoon, Little Compton, Cornwall

    - Stevens is waiting for the meeting with Ms Kenton
    - He is sitting in the dining hall in Rose Garden, Hotel in Little Compton
    - Kenton will arrive at 3 o’ clock (40 minutes left)
    - Stevens recalls his morning:
     drove with Carlisle to gas
     talk about: gentlemen stuff, Harry Smith
     they fill up the tank  goodbye
    - Stevens muses on past:
     why didn’t he enter her room when her aunt had passed away?
     Other situation:
     Kenton is in a pensive mood
     She told him she will go out with a man
     The man wants to marry her
     Stevens thanks for information and excuses himself!
     Cardinal stuff:
     arrived unexpected
     LD and Cardinal holding dinner
     Rippentrop arrived uinder police escord
     Ms. Kenton:
     she tells that she accepted the marriage purposal
     Stevens offers congratulations -> then works
     Kenton: nothing more to say after all this years?
     Stevens: Events of global significance upstairs!
     Kenton: she and the man made jokes about Stevens working attitude
     Cardinal:
     alone in the library, wants Brandy
     he says LD was used by Hitler to have influence in Britain
     Nazis maipulated LD for theri advantages
     Stevens fetches a bottle of portwine from downstairs:
     Kenton stands in her door-> apologizes for joke
     Stevens: no time! -> bottle
     Later Stevens thinks Kenton is crying in her room
     a sense of triumph in him  he serves a man who will change history!

    8. Day Six: Evening, Weymouth

    - Stevens is sitting on a pier after the meeting
    - He is staying in Weymouth since yesterday afternoon!
    - meeting:
     Ms Kenton´s appearance:
     aged, but still gracefully
     impression of face is sad
     sparks that make her lively is lost
     talk about last 20 years:
     Kenton tells Stevens that she left her husband, but she is going to go back to him now, she is visting her daughter (pregnant) here!
     Stevens: tells her about DH and Mr. Farraday, Reginald Cardinals death. LD claimed to be a traitor, LD became invalide after his name was ruined!
     after two hours -> busstop!
     waiting at busstop:
     Stevens asks her, if she is being mistreated in some way ( because of letter)
     Kenton:
     husband didnt mistreat me
     unhappy: long time she didnt love her husband  daughter
     there have been times she thought she is making mistake
     there was atime she thought about a life with Stevens
     it´s not useful to think about past!
    Stevens realizes how much he loves her, says: my heart is breaking, but that Kenton is right!, she shouls do all sche can to ensure that she will have a good future with husband!
    - Kenton leaves with teh bus with tears in her eyes!!

    - after the meeting:
     man sits next to Stevens
     talk about being a butler
     Stevens tells him about DH and Farraday
     He realizes taht he made lots of mistakes and errors
     starts crying ( man gave handkerchief)
     LD made mistakes -> Stevens trusted LD completely
     no dinginty in this action!
     man says:
     not look back so much unhappier!
     The evening is the best time of the day!
     Stevens:
     agrees and apologizes!
     decides to make the best of what remains of his days!!!!
     wil improve bantering skills-> suprise for Farraday!

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