What are you reading?

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  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: metalamazon - Roxy - power_metaaaaaaaal - atlantis - USArmy - blindhammer - Kamil - Fistfulofmetal
  • Forum: www.iron-savior.com
  • Forenbeschreibung: Official Iron Savior Forum
  • aus dem Unterforum: General Discussion
  • Antworten: 53
  • Forum gestartet am: Montag 03.05.2004
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: What are you reading?
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 18 Jahren, 2 Monaten, 12 Tagen, 15 Stunden, 23 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "What are you reading?"

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 06.10.2005, 10:39

    What are you reading?
    Hello! I´d like to find out what you are reading.
    I´m really reading a lot, mainly scifi- and fantasy novels,
    but also a lot of other stuff, like books about astrophysics,
    history and so on.

    At the moment I´m reading "Star Wars/Dark Nest2: The Unseen Queen"

    I like the Dark Nest trilogy much better than most of the other
    new SW-novels. It´s really got me hooked again after the rather
    strange ending of the Yuuzhan Wong invasion had almost made
    me stop reading SW.

    Oh, another question: What language do you read mainly?

    I mainly read novels in English. :)

    Re: What are you reading?

    Roxy - 06.10.2005, 15:01

    Great!!! I LOVE talking of books!! I read quite a lot and I almost always have a book in my bag, just to have something to read when I'm waiting for the bus to come.... or when I travel by train... or... anytime I have a free moment! :D
    I read a bit of this, a bit of that.... from classics to history, from gothic/horror novels to poems.... it depends... The last book I read was a psychology one, the title is *YOUR ERRONEOUS ZONES* written by W.W. Dyer. At first it sounded a bit like a New Age book... you know, how to set your spirit free and similar stuff. Ok, but not great. But I kept reading it and in the end I really liked it! :D
    Now I'm reading *The Princess Who Believed in Fairy Tales* by Marcia Grad. It's again a psychology book but written just as a children fairy tale. It's very....uh.... sweet, I would say, and it somehow shows how women can get a higher self-consciousness and get rid of wrong relationships. In few words: don't believe in Prince Charming who will save you and make you happy; just believe in yourself and be happy for what you are and not for the partner you may have. Well, you see... I'm reading quite a lot about emotional independence at the moment...
    After this I'll probably read *The Da Vinci Code*; I'm very interested in everything about Leonardo Da Vinci (I visited his house last year! Cool!), so I can't miss this... I already started reading it months ago, but it was my sister's book and... she wanted her book back and I had to stop my reading!! :D

    As for the language, I mostly read Italian books, but it's ok reading English stuff (especially if it's the writer's mother tongue). I'd like to read more German, but I'm not so good with that and it takes quite a looooooong time to read and understand all! :(

    Re: What are you reading?

    power_metaaaaaaaal - 07.10.2005, 09:08

    At the moment i'm reading Deuteronomy Ch33, written by Moses :D

    Anyone else read the Bible?

    Re: What are you reading?

    Roxy - 07.10.2005, 11:51

    Though I'm not Catholic and don't belong to any other religion, I have a big interest in reading anything about religion and history of religion (especially Eastern religions). But I must say I don't open the Bible since quite a long time...

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 09.10.2005, 00:00

    I used to read the bible when I was a teen, somehow I was really religious back then, and somehow I´m not really religious any longer.

    I really can´t explain why, but today I´m rather agnostic, I think that human beings can never be sure if there is a deity or not. That doesn´t mean I´m atheist or religious, I just don´t know. :?

    Re: What are you reading?

    atlantis - 10.10.2005, 07:02

    I recently read The Lexicon of Stupidity. It's an awesome little collection of stupid things people have said/written/done... it's really funny. There's one quote.

    Some of our friends are for it and some are against it. We're with our friends.

    lol! :D

    Also, I love the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy and have been reading part 5, Mostly Harmless slowly for months. :roll:

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 10.10.2005, 17:54

    Hitchhiker´s guide to the galaxy?! Coooooooooooooool! I loved the books and the old TV-series, but I think the Movie was a bit lame. :)

    If you like to read stuff by Douglas Adams, do you also like Terry Pratchet?

    Re: What are you reading?

    USArmy - 11.10.2005, 01:16

    I'm reading a bunch of crappy Army Regulations manuals for classes.

    I got out of boot camp and am in Advanced Individual Training at an Army post in the US. Yea, bab-ee.

    Re: What are you reading?

    atlantis - 12.10.2005, 07:02

    "Advanced Individual Training" actually does sound interesting...

    And metalamazon, I haven't got around reading any Terry Pratchett although I've been planning to (for years lol). Someday...

    Re: What are you reading?

    blindhammer - 14.10.2005, 04:08

    Eon by Greg Bear very good sic fi that mostly what I read.

    Re: What are you reading?

    power_metaaaaaaaal - 14.10.2005, 09:29

    The Book Of Joshua, The Bible, written by God.

    Re: What are you reading?

    Roxy - 14.10.2005, 11:06

    metalamazon wrote: Hitchhiker´s guide to the galaxy?! Coooooooooooooool! I loved the books and the old TV-series, but I think the Movie was a bit lame. :)

    Again this Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy!! :lol: My best friend loves it and he even tried to bring me to see the movie (but we ended up drinking beer in a pub :roll: ). I really have no idea what these books are about, though everybody talks about it... Could you explain me, pleeeeease? :D

    Re: What are you reading?

    power_metaaaaaaaal - 14.10.2005, 13:26



    Re: What are you reading?

    Roxy - 14.10.2005, 13:52

    Thank you! :D Oh, I see... there was an old tv series... I had no idea about that, since we never had it here in Italy. It seems to be fun and the little cute robot with that round head is really too sweet! :D

    Re: What are you reading?

    power_metaaaaaaaal - 14.10.2005, 14:45

    Heh you should watch the movie it's hilarious! If you like the stupid humour kinda films.

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 15.10.2005, 08:58

    At the moment I´m reading "Mechwarrior/Dark Age - Heretics Faith"...

    And somehow I think that after that I will read some of the old "Ringworld" -stuff again. Or something about the "Kzin-Wars".

    Re: What are you reading?

    Roxy - 15.10.2005, 11:12

    @power_metaaaaaaaal: Yes, I love stupid hilarious movies... so... I think I'm going to get the dvd when it will be out... :D

    @metalamazon: what's the stuff you talk about, sci-fi or fantasy? (at least it sounds like... :D )

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 15.10.2005, 11:25




    SciFi! :D
    Oh, and Mechwarrior (or BattleTech) isn´t only a book series, it´s also a strategic tabletop game, and there are some video games for computer, too.

    I´ve read all Ringworld novels years ago...I think I´ll read them again, they are just great.

    And I read almost all BattleTech/Mechwarrior and DarkAge novels, I think I still need to read 2 or 3 of the very early ones. :)

    Re: What are you reading?

    Roxy - 15.10.2005, 14:51

    Nothing to do with Sci-Fi... but did any of you read anything by Rudolf Steiner? Just checking some of his works, but I don't know where to start... he wrote so much...

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 15.10.2005, 15:45

    I only read about his "Arbeiterschule" when I was studying.
    But did you know this:

    Oh, just found out that there is a new Ringworld novel, cool...

    Re: What are you reading?

    Roxy - 17.10.2005, 14:04

    metalamazon wrote:
    But did you know this:

    Didn't know about it, thanks for the link! It's weird to see someone who wrote entire books against racism accused of being a racist himself! :shock: Btw, the fact that nazis hated him, makes me love him so much!! :wink: :lol:
    Most of all I'm interested in his studies on karma and spirituality and his works about art seen from a spiritual/philosophical point of view...

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 19.10.2005, 19:01

    Now I´m reading "Mechwarrior/DarkAge - Fortress Republic"

    Sometimes I think I read too much...last week I finished 3 novels. :?

    Re: What are you reading?

    Roxy - 21.10.2005, 15:16

    Oh, I am a real *books-maniac*! If I could, I would spend my time reading and reading and reading....... :roll: Just today I bought a new book, *The black book of witches*. It's about inquisition times, a document about superstition and women persecution; it seems to be very interesting

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 21.10.2005, 15:20

    @Roxy: A book about witches?! Wow!

    Hey, let´s ride together on our broomsticks on Helloween! 8)

    Re: What are you reading?

    atlantis - 21.10.2005, 15:36

    I've been reading product documentations. This one's quite nice, actually: http://ardour.org/manual/ :P

    Re: What are you reading?

    Roxy - 22.10.2005, 11:54

    metalamazon wrote: @Roxy: A book about witches?! Wow!

    Hey, let´s ride together on our broomsticks on Helloween! 8)

    :lol: :lol: :lol: I have always supposed there's a little nasty witch inside me!! I have an interest in old pagan religions and, among them, the importance of women's spirituality, which had been condamned later by the inquisitors. This book is not about the *magic* side of the story, it only shows how ignorance brought to the persecution of women (just as ignorance brings to the persecution of different races, different religions, different believes and attitudes etc.)

    @ atlantis: Are you a *manual-reader*? :lol: I am, in a way! I do love reading manuals about different techniques (but I'm talking mostly of craftsworks... I have over 50 manuals: from patchwork to papier machè, from painting on walls to cross stitch, from sculpting to...ahem... making *table-fountains*!! :lol: Learning to do something new is my drug!! :shock: )

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 22.10.2005, 12:41

    Roxy wrote: I have always supposed there's a little nasty witch inside me!! I have an interest in old pagan religions and, among them, the importance of women's spirituality, which had been condamned later by the inquisitors. This book is not about the *magic* side of the story, it only shows how ignorance brought to the persecution of women (just as ignorance brings to the persecution of different races, different religions, different believes and attitudes etc.)

    Ignorance sucks. I´m always shocked when I talk with "normal" ppl who think that all metalheads are satanists and that all pagans are satanists, and that all goths are satanists...there are far too many ppl around who think that we all worship the devil and eat babies. :(

    I often try to convince them that the real evil ppl cannot be spotted so easily by their clothing or by the style of music they´re listening to.

    I also often wonder how the catholic church managed to make two of the most prominent pagan festivals into christian, namely winter solstice (vikings and germans used to take green banches into their homes and light the house with a lot of candles on the 21st of December to mark the "return" of the sun) and the festival the spring, when the hens started to lay eggs again after the winter and ppl gave these eggs to each other as a present and as a sign for fertility. (Easter?!)

    Really funny, that. :roll:

    Re: What are you reading?

    power_metaaaaaaaal - 24.10.2005, 09:54

    Me just started reading 'The Heavenly Man'

    About a guy who became a Christian in China and about all the hardships he suffered during the cultural revolution etc Very good and moving book.

    Re: What are you reading?

    atlantis - 25.10.2005, 06:03

    Reminds me of "Heavenly"... such a good band. What happened to them, anyway? After those three left...

    Product manuals... I'm mostly into electronic devices and software! :P
    Reading the manual that came with my Mac mini is fun! ... even though it mostly talks about starting the computer up, ejecting a CD, using Finder, cleaning... lol, but the the design and language is so well done, you just have to read it for the heck of it ;)

    I used to be in to paper crafts once. It was sometime before I realized I wasn't really good at it :P

    Re: What are you reading?

    power_metaaaaaaaal - 25.10.2005, 12:17

    Ahhhh Heavenly are awesome! One of France's best produced bands :)

    I'm also reading through Joshua in the Bible at the moment, the book is mostly about how he led Israel into the promised land and killed kings and burned cities :)

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 25.10.2005, 20:08

    I finished reading "Ringworld Children" yesterday,
    and now I´ve run out of stuff to read. :roll: :? :?:

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 03.11.2005, 22:32

    I´ve just finished reading Jack Vance "Drangonblood"...ok, not really fantastic, but ok. I like other Jack Vance stuff better. :?

    Re: What are you reading?

    Roxy - 05.11.2005, 11:56

    metalamazon wrote:

    Ignorance sucks. I´m always shocked when I talk with "normal" ppl who think that all metalheads are satanists and that all pagans are satanists, and that all goths are satanists...there are far too many ppl around who think that we all worship the devil and eat babies. :(

    I also often wonder how the catholic church managed to make two of the most prominent pagan festivals into christian, namely winter solstice (vikings and germans used to take green banches into their homes and light the house with a lot of candles on the 21st of December to mark the "return" of the sun) and the festival the spring, when the hens started to lay eggs again after the winter and ppl gave these eggs to each other as a present and as a sign for fertility. (Easter?!)

    Really funny, that. :roll:

    Oh babies!! Babies are not that bad at breakfast, with a bit of butter and marmelade! :lol: :lol: :lol: (hey, for all of you with no sense of humour at all: I AM KIDDING!! :shock: )
    As for what you wrote about the Catholic church, there's an historical reason for all that, but since there are religious people here, I don't feel comfortable in talking about it, I wouldn't like to offend any of them. If you want we'll talk about it in private... :wink:

    Re: What are you reading?

    USArmy - 09.11.2005, 04:55

    The reason was to ease the transition for pagans who converted to Christianity. Many things were taken and used to teach the new Faith; all in all it worked out quite well.

    As for the Catholic Church and the Inquisition there were in actuality three major periods of "Inquisition" - the most famous of which was the Spanish Inquisition. It lasted for around 350 years and tried around 48,000 people; of which only around 4000 were convicted and sentenced by the state (The Church never imposed punishment; only the State. Pedro II of Aragon was the first noble to announce the punishment for heretics in his kingdom would be death). In reality, the Inquisition was the most fair and lenient judicial system of it's day. Civil criminals would blaspheme in order to be tried by the Inquisition. When it was all said and done, the Spanish people staged a mini-revolt when the Inquisition was dismantled. At its height, only around a dozen Inquisitors for the entirety of Spain existed.

    And as far as womens rights go, you can thank Catholicism for the current amount of freedom. Up until the Church was established women had little to no rights - it wasn't until the Church recognized the dignity of a woman that they were then able to inherit property, choose for themselves their own vocation in life, choose their own husbands, and gain their civil rights. If you're looking for with hunts, look to northern, Protestant Europe. The actual lack of any sort of Ecclesiastical judicial system resulted in the 'witch hunts' popularized in 17th century propoganda pamphlets - except they were in Protestant lands, not Catholic.

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 09.11.2005, 19:18

    Ah, thanks for enlightening me. I really don´t know many catholics, and have almost no idea of what they believe. Where I live, most ppl are muslims, and most of the small rest of ppl are protestants or jews. I guess that is what gives me the impression that catholics are a really small minority. At least in my neighbourhood, they are.

    You tend to get funny ideas about ppl you don´t really know, imo. :roll:

    Oh, happy belated Bayram to all! :)
    Rhamadam is finally over, since Tuesday!

    Re: What are you reading?

    USArmy - 16.11.2005, 04:52

    You know I've found most religions are that way.

    Islam for instance... The people are nice. But the Immams and Sheiks twist their religion and use the people as their pseudo-hitmen. Hospitable people for the most part, though (Wahabists are an exception); I actually am proud to be meeting them come next year on deployment.

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 16.11.2005, 18:23

    Yes, I´ve heard about wahabism...that is the state religion of Saudi Arabia, I think?! Must be very strange. Most ppl here are Alevits, and some are Sunni or even fewer are Shiite. Actually, the vast majority are Alevits, which is a very moderate strand of islam.

    I´ve actually heard that some ppl from Saudi-Arabia are trying to "missionate" muslims here...which is annoying. They are paying for religious schools, and they´ve just build the biggest mosque in Berlin, which is really huge...next to airport Templehof. :?

    You can often tell if ppl are Sunni or Alevits...the Sunni women often wear headscarf, Alevit women normally don´t, although that is no real rule. :?

    Re: What are you reading?

    power_metaaaaaaaal - 06.12.2005, 17:06

    I'm currently reading through the Book of Ruth in the Bible.

    Also reading 'War & Grace' by Don Stephens, a book with 13 mini-biographies of people who became Christians between 1914 (start of WWI) and 1945 (end of WWII) Great book some of the testimonies are awesome, an intresting one is the story of the guy who 'Q', from the James Bond movies, is based on. I didn't realise he was based on a real person from WWII!

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 28.12.2005, 18:09

    I started "Star Wars - Dark Nest 3: The Nest War" today. Amazon finally managed to deliver that today! :lol:

    Now I´m really looking forward to finding out how Ben Skywalker grows up. :)

    Re: What are you reading?

    Kamil - 28.12.2005, 23:07

    Actually i am reading "Ferdydurke" written by Witold Gabrowicz (in polish it's Gąbrowicz) and Book of pleasure by Austin Osman Spare. I also love to read Aleister Crowley books, i have them all in *.pdf:). There is one book that will be cool if it will be read by You, i mean - Uprising '44 by Norman Davies. It's a very sad book about young citizens of capital city of Poland who want to fight with nazis. It was very tragic moment of history of Poland and "thanks" to ZSRR and their propaganda many of people from eastern Europe and USA don't heard about that, or think it is a Uprisin in Warsaw Ghetto (that was in '43 not '44...). Actually i am searching book about Hungary and uprising they done to comunist regime of ZSRR and about polish and russian agression to hm... i don't know how wrote this in english, but i mean time when Czech Republic and Slovakia was toghether, one country. Anyone have something about this in *.pdf? :wink:

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 30.12.2005, 14:54

    I finished "Star Wars - Dark Nest 3: The Nest War" last night, now I´ve started "Star Wars - The last of the Jedi: Underworld"

    Oh, and "Star Wars - Dark Nest 3: The Nest War" was a good example that you should never expect anything, there was quite a lot about Ben Skywalker in the other two volumes, but nothing at all in this one! :shock:

    :D a great novel to read nevertheless...with a lot of War between the Stars! 8)

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 04.02.2006, 19:08

    :roll: Looks like nobody is reading anything?! :?

    I´m reading "Mechwarrior/DarkAge: Blood Avatar" at the moment.
    Seems like the Mechwarrior series is a bit less exciting than the old Battletech stuff, but ok, maybe it´s just me getting old. 8)

    Re: What are you reading?

    atlantis - 12.02.2006, 17:40

    I'm reading "Designing the 21st Century". It really inspires :)

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 14.02.2006, 00:32

    ^sounds interesting. Is that a novel, or non-fiction? Who is it from? :)

    Re: What are you reading?

    atlantis - 24.02.2006, 18:28

    It's a visual portfolio compilation of the best product designers (for furniture, consumer electronics, lighting, computers...). Plus a little about the designer's view on the future of design).

    Published 2001

    More like a really expensive magazine; I bought it during my trip to Thailand. Really worth it, though.

    Here's a link: http://www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/books/design/all/facts/02932.htm).

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 03.03.2006, 00:39

    @atlantis: That looks interesting! :)

    I got "Star Wars - Republic Commando Triple Zero" today.

    Let´s see how the clones are doing. :roll:

    Re: What are you reading?

    atlantis - 09.03.2006, 18:35

    Wow, you do read a lot!

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 11.03.2006, 23:53

    Yes, I´m hooked.

    You should see my room...all stuffed with books. I often wish the walls would give in, or something.


    Re: What are you reading?

    atlantis - 18.03.2006, 16:08

    Scott Adams' "God's Debris" is really wow. It's a free ebook at http://www.andrewsmcmeel.com/godsdebris/

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 18.03.2006, 19:16

    Thank you for the link! I know some stuff by Scott Adams, but I hand´t read that one before. :)

    Re: What are you reading?

    metalamazon - 18.03.2006, 23:24

    @Atlantis: That was really fun to read. It reminded me of some other stuff. I had a psychology professor at uni who was arguing almost the same way...and some years ago I read that SciFi series by W. Michael Gear about the Spider Warriors. Their way of thinking about God is similar:


    I fear its a bit longer than that Scott Adams book, though. :)

    Their god, the spider, is based on a North American Native legend. The spider god is bored in a way. The only possibility for it to make new experiences is to give away parts of itself to living beings. These beings don´t know that they are carrying a part of the Big Spider. They make their own decisions and experiences, and when they die, their part returns to the Big Spider. The day that there are no more experiences to be made, and everything has been learned, the Spider will destroy the world, because it is of no more use to it.


    Re: What are you reading?

    Fistfulofmetal - 25.06.2006, 06:52

    I'm starting to reread The Divine Comedy.

    Re: What are you reading?

    Roxy - 04.07.2006, 11:00

    books books books....
    Wow! The Divine Comedy! I love it!! It brings me back to the high school times.... quite a long time ago! :wink: I think the Inferno is the best part. Purgatory is not bad too, but not as good as the Inferno's book.

    Btw, I'm actually reading *Witch Child* by Celia Rees, the story of a girl whose mother is considered a powerful witch; after the Inquisition killed her grandmother, she starts a trip across the Ocean to hide from the Inquisitors. Nothing fantasy or horror, just the story of her travel and the discovery of her feminine witch powers. It was born to be a book for kids, but it's ok for adults too (to say it all, my niece gave it to me 'cause it was too boring for her! :lol: )

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