Playstation 3

Die Herz-Buben
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  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Nuzi - alexito
  • Forum: Die Herz-Buben
  • Forenbeschreibung: Muxinedrische Temposünder und gesetzloses G'sindel
  • aus dem Unterforum: Dosen schwassen und Mopped fohrn
  • Antworten: 2
  • Forum gestartet am: Dienstag 06.12.2005
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Playstation 3
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 18 Jahren, 2 Monaten, 29 Tagen, 5 Stunden, 15 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Playstation 3"

    Re: Playstation 3

    Nuzi - 07.02.2006, 00:10

    Playstation 3
    PS3 Features Revealed, PSP Well Cared

    PSM ScanJak_The_Man, An active member from US PlayStation forums, has posted a short article after reading the latest PlayStation Magazine. The information contained is very interesting...

    * PS3 will have online service that goes beyond Xbox live
    * PS3 will be a DVR (Digital Video Recorder)
    * It will be able to connect with the PSP
    * There are a lot of games being worked on for it right now in the US (a lot more then what people know about)
    * The final PS3 dev kit is a lot faster than they thought (according to the developer)
    * The PS3 will have an iTunes type service to let you download Hi-Def movies, music, etc
    * The PS3 will take the media center functionality the 360 has even further
    * PS3 will serve as a location free player for the PSP, means you can watch the DVD’s that you have in your PS3 on your PSP (from anywhere in the world), or any other video files you have on your ps3, though this is still only being planned.
    * PS3 will be able to send its files straight to the PSP from anywhere in the world, and it can also control its DVR functionalities
    * Firmware updates will add more functionality, much like with the PSP
    * The Blu-ray Player functionality doesn't cost as much as a stand alone player because the Cell and RSX can take care of a lot of the stuff the PS3 will need to do to be able to read the disks
    * Fall release date for PS3, no release date for online service, but expected to launch with the system

    All these new features makes a PSP worth buying… together with a PS3. ;-)

    As you can see, there are quite some strange icons we’ve never seen before in the photo of the PSP, a glimpse of the next firmware? This scan, as noted in the bottom left hand corner, discusses the CES (Consumer Electronics Show), held the beginning of last month. Sony definitely plans to keep updating their precious PSP and will surely use it to their advantage with the release of the PlayStation 3, interacting with it any way they seem fit. We are definitely interested to see what the future holds for the powerful handheld, and only hope that Sony will not quash any ability to play homebrew on a product we payed a good amount of money to do with as we please.

    Re: Playstation 3

    alexito - 09.02.2006, 12:12

    * PS3 will serve as a location free player for the PSP, means you can watch the DVD’s that you have in your PS3 on your PSP (from anywhere in the world), or any other video files you have on your ps3, though this is still only being planned.
    * PS3 will be able to send its files straight to the PSP from anywhere in the world, and it can also control its DVR functionalities

    des is jo der wahnsinn!
    do legst die nieder!

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