Bindings (bind x)

Verfügbare Informationen zu "Bindings (bind x)"

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Anonymous
  • Forum: USOA-Clan
  • Forenbeschreibung: Wolfenstein: ET Clan.
  • aus dem Unterforum: Scripts & Configs
  • Antworten: 1
  • Forum gestartet am: Montag 01.10.2007
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Bindings (bind x)
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 16 Jahren, 6 Monaten, 28 Tagen, 7 Stunden, 1 Minute
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Bindings (bind x)"

    Re: Bindings (bind x)

    Anonymous - 15.10.2007, 15:39

    Bindings (bind x)
    Tutorial ist in Arbeit

    bind -mit “bind” wird in der Regel eine Taste mit einem Befehl verknüpft.
    Ich habe bei den Scripten immer nur die Taste “X” genommen, dies mußt Du entsprechend mit der richtigen Taste Deiner Wahl belegen.

    unbind -um eine Taste wieder frei zu machen von jeglicher Belegung mußt Du in der geöffneten Konsole eingeben:
    /unbind X
    (Für Taste "X")

    Voice Commands

    Beispiel fürTastenbelegung:
    bind p "vsay_team PathCleared"

    // wm_quickstatements //

    PathCleared "Path cleared."
    EnemyWeak "The enemy is weakened."
    AllClear "All clear."
    Incoming "Incoming!"
    FireInTheHole "Fire in the hole!"
    OnDefense "I'm on defense."
    OnOffense "I'm attacking."
    TakingFire "Taking fire!"
    MinesCleared "Mines cleared."
    OnMyWay "On my way."

    // wm_quickrequests //

    NeedBackup "I need backup!"
    CoverMe "Cover me!"
    NeedEngineer "We need an engineer!"
    NeedOps "We need Covert Ops!"
    Medic "Medic!"
    NeedAmmo "I need ammo!"
    // NeedTarget "I need a target!"
    WhereTo "Where to?"

    // wm_quickcommands //

    FollowMe "Follow me!"
    LetsGo "Let's go!"
    Move "Move!"
    ClearPath "Clear the path!"
    HoldFire "Hold fire!"
    DefendObjective "Defend our objective!"
    DisarmDynamite "Disarm the dynamite!"
    ClearMines "Clear the mines!"
    ReinforceDefense "Reinforce the defense!"
    ReinforceOffense "Reinforce the offense!"

    // wm_quickattack //

    DestroyPrimary "Destroy the primary objective!"
    DestroySecondary "Destroy the secondary objective!"
    DestroyConstruction "Destroy the construction!"
    ObjectiveDestroyed "Objective destroyed!"
    RepairVehicle "Repair the vehicle!"
    DestroyVehicle "Destroy the vehicle!"
    EscortVehicle "Escort the vehicle!"
    FireOnTarget "Fire on my target!"

    // wm_quickobjectives //

    CommandAcknowledged "Command acknowledged!"
    CommandDeclined "Command declined!"
    CommandCompleted "Command completed!"
    ConstructionCommencing "Construction underway!"
    ConstructionCompleted "Construction completed!"
    ConstructionDestroyed "Construction destroyed!"
    ObjectiveFailed "Objective failed!"
    ObjectiveCompleted "Objective completed!"

    // wm_quickmisc //

    Affirmative "Yes!"
    Negative "No!"
    Thanks "Thanks a lot!"
    Welcome "You're welcome."
    Oops "Oops!"
    Sorry "Sorry!"

    // wm_quickglobal //

    Hi "Hi!"
    Bye "Bye."
    Cheer "Yeah!"
    GreatShot "Great shot!"
    GoodGame "Good game!"

    // wm_sayplayerclass //

    IamSoldier "I'm a soldier."
    IamMedic "I'm a medic."
    IamEngineer "I'm an engineer."
    IamFieldOps "I'm a field ops."
    IamCovertOps "I'm a covert ops."

    // wm_quickfireteams //

    FTMeetWaypoint "Meet at waypoint!"
    FTAttackWaypoint "Attack waypoint!"
    FTDefendWaypoint "Defend waypoint"
    FTAttack "Attack!"
    FTFallBack "Fall back!"

    // wm_quickfireteamssoldier //

    FTCoverMe "Cover me!"
    FTCoveringFire "Soldier, covering fire!"
    FTMortar "Deploy mortar!"

    // wm_quickfireteamsmedic //

    FTHealSquad "Heal the squad!"
    FTHealMe "Heal me!"
    FTReviveTeamMate "Revive team mate!"
    FTReviveMe "Revive me!"

    // wm_quickfireteamsengineer //

    FTDestroyObjective "Destroy objective!"
    FTRepairObjective "Repair objective!"
    FTConstructObjective "Construct the objective!"
    FTDisarmDynamite "Disarm the dynamite!"
    FTDeployLandmines "Deploy landmines!"
    FTDisarmLandmines "Disarm landmines!"

    // wm_quickfireteamsfieldops //

    FTCallAirStrike "Call airstrike!"
    FTCallArtillery "Call artillery!"
    FTMortarBarrage "Call mortar barrage!"
    FTResupplySquad "Resupply squad!"
    FTResupplyMe "Resupply me!"

    // wm_quickfireteamscovertops //

    FTExploreArea "Explore area!"
    FTExploreAtCoordinates "Explore at co-ordinates!"
    FTSatchelObjective "Destroy satchel objective!"
    FTInfiltrate "Infiltrate!"
    FTGoUndercover "Go undercover!"
    FTProvideSniperCover "Provide sniper cover!"

    Voice Commands

    Beispiel fürTastenbelegung:
    bind p "vsay_team PathCleared"

    // wm_quickstatements //

    PathCleared "Path cleared."
    EnemyWeak "The enemy is weakened."
    AllClear "All clear."
    Incoming "Incoming!"
    FireInTheHole "Fire in the hole!"
    OnDefense "I'm on defense."
    OnOffense "I'm attacking."
    TakingFire "Taking fire!"
    MinesCleared "Mines cleared."
    OnMyWay "On my way."

    // wm_quickrequests //

    NeedBackup "I need backup!"
    CoverMe "Cover me!"
    NeedEngineer "We need an engineer!"
    NeedOps "We need Covert Ops!"
    Medic "Medic!"
    NeedAmmo "I need ammo!"
    // NeedTarget "I need a target!"
    WhereTo "Where to?"

    // wm_quickcommands //

    FollowMe "Follow me!"
    LetsGo "Let's go!"
    Move "Move!"
    ClearPath "Clear the path!"
    HoldFire "Hold fire!"
    DefendObjective "Defend our objective!"
    DisarmDynamite "Disarm the dynamite!"
    ClearMines "Clear the mines!"
    ReinforceDefense "Reinforce the defense!"
    ReinforceOffense "Reinforce the offense!"

    // wm_quickattack //

    DestroyPrimary "Destroy the primary objective!"
    DestroySecondary "Destroy the secondary objective!"
    DestroyConstruction "Destroy the construction!"
    ObjectiveDestroyed "Objective destroyed!"
    RepairVehicle "Repair the vehicle!"
    DestroyVehicle "Destroy the vehicle!"
    EscortVehicle "Escort the vehicle!"
    FireOnTarget "Fire on my target!"

    // wm_quickobjectives //

    CommandAcknowledged "Command acknowledged!"
    CommandDeclined "Command declined!"
    CommandCompleted "Command completed!"
    ConstructionCommencing "Construction underway!"
    ConstructionCompleted "Construction completed!"
    ConstructionDestroyed "Construction destroyed!"
    ObjectiveFailed "Objective failed!"
    ObjectiveCompleted "Objective completed!"

    // wm_quickmisc //

    Affirmative "Yes!"
    Negative "No!"
    Thanks "Thanks a lot!"
    Welcome "You're welcome."
    Oops "Oops!"
    Sorry "Sorry!"

    // wm_quickglobal //

    Hi "Hi!"
    Bye "Bye."
    Cheer "Yeah!"
    GreatShot "Great shot!"
    GoodGame "Good game!"

    // wm_sayplayerclass //

    IamSoldier "I'm a soldier."
    IamMedic "I'm a medic."
    IamEngineer "I'm an engineer."
    IamFieldOps "I'm a field ops."
    IamCovertOps "I'm a covert ops."

    // wm_quickfireteams //

    FTMeetWaypoint "Meet at waypoint!"
    FTAttackWaypoint "Attack waypoint!"
    FTDefendWaypoint "Defend waypoint"
    FTAttack "Attack!"
    FTFallBack "Fall back!"

    // wm_quickfireteamssoldier //

    FTCoverMe "Cover me!"
    FTCoveringFire "Soldier, covering fire!"
    FTMortar "Deploy mortar!"

    // wm_quickfireteamsmedic //

    FTHealSquad "Heal the squad!"
    FTHealMe "Heal me!"
    FTReviveTeamMate "Revive team mate!"
    FTReviveMe "Revive me!"

    // wm_quickfireteamsengineer //

    FTDestroyObjective "Destroy objective!"
    FTRepairObjective "Repair objective!"
    FTConstructObjective "Construct the objective!"
    FTDisarmDynamite "Disarm the dynamite!"
    FTDeployLandmines "Deploy landmines!"
    FTDisarmLandmines "Disarm landmines!"

    // wm_quickfireteamsfieldops //

    FTCallAirStrike "Call airstrike!"
    FTCallArtillery "Call artillery!"
    FTMortarBarrage "Call mortar barrage!"
    FTResupplySquad "Resupply squad!"
    FTResupplyMe "Resupply me!"

    // wm_quickfireteamscovertops //

    FTExploreArea "Explore area!"
    FTExploreAtCoordinates "Explore at co-ordinates!"
    FTSatchelObjective "Destroy satchel objective!"
    FTInfiltrate "Infiltrate!"
    FTGoUndercover "Go undercover!"
    FTProvideSniperCover "Provide sniper cover!"

    Voice Commands

    Beispiel fürTastenbelegung:
    bind p "vsay_team PathCleared"

    // wm_quickstatements //

    PathCleared "Path cleared."
    EnemyWeak "The enemy is weakened."
    AllClear "All clear."
    Incoming "Incoming!"
    FireInTheHole "Fire in the hole!"
    OnDefense "I'm on defense."
    OnOffense "I'm attacking."
    TakingFire "Taking fire!"
    MinesCleared "Mines cleared."
    OnMyWay "On my way."

    // wm_quickrequests //

    NeedBackup "I need backup!"
    CoverMe "Cover me!"
    NeedEngineer "We need an engineer!"
    NeedOps "We need Covert Ops!"
    Medic "Medic!"
    NeedAmmo "I need ammo!"
    // NeedTarget "I need a target!"
    WhereTo "Where to?"

    // wm_quickcommands //

    FollowMe "Follow me!"
    LetsGo "Let's go!"
    Move "Move!"
    ClearPath "Clear the path!"
    HoldFire "Hold fire!"
    DefendObjective "Defend our objective!"
    DisarmDynamite "Disarm the dynamite!"
    ClearMines "Clear the mines!"
    ReinforceDefense "Reinforce the defense!"
    ReinforceOffense "Reinforce the offense!"

    // wm_quickattack //

    DestroyPrimary "Destroy the primary objective!"
    DestroySecondary "Destroy the secondary objective!"
    DestroyConstruction "Destroy the construction!"
    ObjectiveDestroyed "Objective destroyed!"
    RepairVehicle "Repair the vehicle!"
    DestroyVehicle "Destroy the vehicle!"
    EscortVehicle "Escort the vehicle!"
    FireOnTarget "Fire on my target!"

    // wm_quickobjectives //

    CommandAcknowledged "Command acknowledged!"
    CommandDeclined "Command declined!"
    CommandCompleted "Command completed!"
    ConstructionCommencing "Construction underway!"
    ConstructionCompleted "Construction completed!"
    ConstructionDestroyed "Construction destroyed!"
    ObjectiveFailed "Objective failed!"
    ObjectiveCompleted "Objective completed!"

    // wm_quickmisc //

    Affirmative "Yes!"
    Negative "No!"
    Thanks "Thanks a lot!"
    Welcome "You're welcome."
    Oops "Oops!"
    Sorry "Sorry!"

    // wm_quickglobal //

    Hi "Hi!"
    Bye "Bye."
    Cheer "Yeah!"
    GreatShot "Great shot!"
    GoodGame "Good game!"

    // wm_sayplayerclass //

    IamSoldier "I'm a soldier."
    IamMedic "I'm a medic."
    IamEngineer "I'm an engineer."
    IamFieldOps "I'm a field ops."
    IamCovertOps "I'm a covert ops."

    // wm_quickfireteams //

    FTMeetWaypoint "Meet at waypoint!"
    FTAttackWaypoint "Attack waypoint!"
    FTDefendWaypoint "Defend waypoint"
    FTAttack "Attack!"
    FTFallBack "Fall back!"

    // wm_quickfireteamssoldier //

    FTCoverMe "Cover me!"
    FTCoveringFire "Soldier, covering fire!"
    FTMortar "Deploy mortar!"

    // wm_quickfireteamsmedic //

    FTHealSquad "Heal the squad!"
    FTHealMe "Heal me!"
    FTReviveTeamMate "Revive team mate!"
    FTReviveMe "Revive me!"

    // wm_quickfireteamsengineer //

    FTDestroyObjective "Destroy objective!"
    FTRepairObjective "Repair objective!"
    FTConstructObjective "Construct the objective!"
    FTDisarmDynamite "Disarm the dynamite!"
    FTDeployLandmines "Deploy landmines!"
    FTDisarmLandmines "Disarm landmines!"

    // wm_quickfireteamsfieldops //

    FTCallAirStrike "Call airstrike!"
    FTCallArtillery "Call artillery!"
    FTMortarBarrage "Call mortar barrage!"
    FTResupplySquad "Resupply squad!"
    FTResupplyMe "Resupply me!"

    // wm_quickfireteamscovertops //

    FTExploreArea "Explore area!"
    FTExploreAtCoordinates "Explore at co-ordinates!"
    FTSatchelObjective "Destroy satchel objective!"
    FTInfiltrate "Infiltrate!"
    FTGoUndercover "Go undercover!"
    FTProvideSniperCover "Provide sniper cover!"

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