My wish to be a part of the Sagon.

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  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Angelon - Doron - Lothlorian - Faxifu Stormleaf - Magical treeman - Silverhand - Kombinora
  • Forum: Welcome to the Sagon
  • Forenbeschreibung: Forum of the Sagon
  • aus dem Unterforum: General
  • Antworten: 8
  • Forum gestartet am: Mittwoch 21.07.2004
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: My wish to be a part of the Sagon.
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 18 Jahren, 3 Monaten, 29 Tagen, 19 Stunden, 35 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "My wish to be a part of the Sagon."

    Re: My wish to be a part of the Sagon.

    Angelon - 07.01.2006, 01:27

    My wish to be a part of the Sagon.
    OOC: First of all I want to make it clear, I have another character, Windrake. And I'm not playing him anymore. Angelon is the one and only character I will be playing from now on. Statment done. <bows>

    Dear Sagon.

    <kneeling down in front of you all>

    come before you this day to give you my humble respect and loyalty.
    With the following words I want to tell you the reason why I wish to become one of your embraced and spiritful members of the Sagon.

    agon, then I mean all of you, seems to be very kind and gentle, just like Ixos. I've already had the experience to get to know some of you. It's been just wonderful. People from the Sagon are more than just kind and gentle. You are willing to help those out who need it even if you are in the middle of something.
    Elyas, helped me out once with a large bag of loot just outside the Horned Fox's hideout. I can't remember if he was busy or not, but he sure went all the way from Edron to Kazordoon to help me mail the bag to my depot. Kind and friendly I would call Elyas.
    Kajala, gave me her trust by inviting me to her house. It was a brave act to do so, since she didn't know me that well back then. We went to her roof and had a little chat. As more people came along we ate really tasty food and had an amazing time. It was more than great. Kajala is the believer in trust and goodness.
    Tychoneus, was my tradingpartner for a while. Even though I didn't really know if I could trust him or not, I arranged him runes. I then took the first step by sending them to his Venore depot. Later, I recieved money from him and I then knew I could trust him. We made these deals quite some time til I decided to stop. Because of that he didn't turn me down. We are still friends now and I am glad it's so. Trustworthy and honest I would call Tychoneus.
    These amazing people who have now ended up as my friends are just a little piece of what the Sagon can give me...Honorable Friendship.

    companionship, a guild with Trust, Honesty and Unity, is something I would love to be a part of. To join you is the one thing I wish for the most right now. Because you are Trust itself, Honesty itself and Unity itself.
    The same as you have offered me, I will offer you.

    friend is something everyone should have. To me a friend is something I value the most. I don't care if my friends are followers of the Dark or whatsoever. As long as they are honest, loyal and ready to stand by me when I need it the most...then they are more than just a friend to me, like Ixos.
    And you, Sagon members, you are not only my friends, you are my comrades for life, no matter what, even if death has to take me. <raising my head, staring at the sky>

    <lowering my head again>

    will do my best in any way possible to follow your ways of living. I believe doing your best if more important than being the best. <bows>

    If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. <smiles>

    Yours, honestly and truly, Angelon.

    Re: My wish to be a part of the Sagon.

    Doron - 07.01.2006, 09:40

    Noticed :) we will have a talk soon


    Re: My wish to be a part of the Sagon.

    Lothlorian - 07.01.2006, 15:24

    I will try to find my way through the mist and contact you soon, dear Angelon. :)

    Re: My wish to be a part of the Sagon.

    Faxifu Stormleaf - 07.01.2006, 19:02

    good luck old friend :-)

    Re: My wish to be a part of the Sagon.

    Magical treeman - 08.01.2006, 21:42

    Greetings Angelon.

    The story of your kindness has reach me all the way to Ank, i would love nothing more than to have a chat with you.

    Maybe in the lovely forests in ab. :)

    Take care and good luck with your apply.

    Yours MT

    Re: My wish to be a part of the Sagon.

    Silverhand - 09.01.2006, 08:58

    Re: My wish to be a part of the Sagon.
    Angelon wrote: <kneeling down in front of you all>

    Be greeted Angelon,

    free man don't need to go down at the knees. And we all are free and equal.


    Re: My wish to be a part of the Sagon.

    Angelon - 09.01.2006, 14:11

    Silverhand, greetings.

    I can tell you, I bow alot. And kneeling down sometimes as well.
    I know we are all equals, I already know that. But it's just...My way of living. I'm an honorable man. Atleast I try to be, and I want to be.
    So I show everyone, even my friends this, by bowing to them.

    I know you will accept it.
    I thank you. <bows>

    Yours, Angelon.

    Re: My wish to be a part of the Sagon.

    Kombinora - 11.01.2006, 01:13

    Please stay patient, I think we will have soon a decision. Good luck, dear knight.

    *smiles*, Kombinora

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