
HoI mod
Verfügbare Informationen zu "Schottland"

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: GuderianX
  • Forum: HoI mod
  • Forenbeschreibung: Vorerst die Seite der HoI mod 3R
  • aus dem Unterforum: noch zu machen
  • Antworten: 1
  • Forum gestartet am: Donnerstag 16.11.2006
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Schottland
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 16 Jahren, 11 Monaten, 22 Tagen, 15 Stunden, 11 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Schottland"

    Re: Schottland

    GuderianX - 02.05.2007, 20:26

    so ich hab die events für schottland soweit fertig nur die Id's und das Datum muss noch geändert werden
    und auch der Text muss in die datei

    # Unruhe in Schottland
    event = {
    id = 444444
    random = no
    country = ENG

    name = "Unruhe bei den Schotten"
    desc ins text verzeichnis
    desc = "Heute morgen hat ein Politker im Unterhaus der Parlaments einige Worte über William Wallace und Robert the Bruce verlor. In seiner Rede sprach XXX von William Wallace als einen Mörder, Dieb und Hochverräter und sagte ähnliches von the Bruce. Er meinte the Bruce wäre ein Feigling gewesen, der nur dank des Guerilliakrieges gegen die Engländer gewonnen hätte. Am schluss seiner Rede forderte er die Niederreissung des Wallace Monuments. Im unterhaus gab es unterschiedliche Meinungen und sogar zustimmung für diese Worte, doch bei den Schotten führte es zu Empörung und Streiks Einige aufgebrachte Schotten haben sogar Werkhallen in Glasgow zerstört"
    picture = "great_war_manifestion"
    style = 0

    date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }

    action_a = {
    name = "Schicken wir unsere Polizeitruppen"
    command = { type = dissent value = 10 }
    command = { type = construct which = ic where = -1 value = 9 }
    command = { type = resource which = supplies value = -30 }

    # Unruhe in Schottland
    event = {
    id = 55555
    random = no
    country = ENG
    trigger = {
    atwar = no

    name = "Unruhe bei den Schotten"
    desc = "Nachdem es massenverhaftungen gegeben hat, hat sich die Lage weiter zu gespitzt und die schottische Bevölkerung wird unruhiger und aufmüpfig."
    picture = "great_war_manifestion"
    style = 0

    date = { day = 2 month = january year = 1936 }
    offset = 1

    action_a = {
    name = "Das war dumm!"
    command = { type = dissent value = 5 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 3 value = 70 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 4 value = 70 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 5 value = 70 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 6 value = 70 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 8 value = 70 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 9 value = 70 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 7 value = 70 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 10 value = 70 }

    # Unruhe in Schottland
    event = {
    id = 55556
    random = no
    country = ENG
    trigger = {
    atwar = no

    name = "Unruhe bei den Schotten"
    desc = "Heute morgen haben schottische Offiziele den Rücktritt von Sir Walter Archer verlangt, doch dieser erhält unterstützung von der Regierung"
    picture = "great_war_manifestion"
    style = 0

    date = { day = 3 month = january year = 1936 }
    offset = 1

    action_a = {
    name = "Diese Regierung...!"
    command = { type = dissent value = 2 }

    # Unruhe in Schottland
    event = {
    id = 55557
    random = no
    country = ENG
    trigger = {
    atwar = no

    name = "Unruhe bei den Schotten"
    desc = "Als Zeichen ihres Widerstandes gegen Sir Archer haben sich die Schotten dazu entschlossen immer Kilte zu tragen und sehr viel mehr Dudelsack zu spielen aber es gibt auch radikalere Gruppen die Anschläge verüben"
    picture = "great_war_manifestion"
    style = 0

    date = { day = 4 month = january year = 1936 }
    offset = 1

    action_a = {
    name = "Lasst sie doch ihre Kilts tragen!"
    command = { type = dissent value = 1 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 3 value = 2 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 4 value = 2 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 5 value = 2 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 6 value = 2 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 8 value = 2 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 9 value = 2 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 7 value = 2 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 10 value = 2 }

    # Unruhe in Schottland
    event = {
    id = 55558
    random = no
    country = ENG
    trigger = {
    atwar = no

    name = "Unruhe bei den Schotten"
    desc = "Jetzt hat Sir archer den Vogel abgeschossen er hat heute morgen ein Gesetz vorgeschlagen, dass den Kilt verbietet und die Regierung hat das Gesetz verabschiedet!!!"
    picture = "great_war_manifestion"
    style = 0

    date = { day = 6 month = january year = 1936 }
    offset = 1

    action_a = {
    name = "Sind die Wahnsinnig!"
    command = { type = dissent value = 2 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 3 value = 20 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 4 value = 20 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 5 value = 20 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 6 value = 20 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 8 value = 20 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 9 value = 20 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 7 value = 20 }
    command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 10 value = 20 }

    # Unruhe in Schottland
    event = {
    id = 55560
    random = no
    country = ENG
    trigger = {
    atwar = no

    name = "Unruhe bei den Schotten"
    desc = "Es sieht nicht sehr gut aus in schottland und es könnte sein, dass die Schotten zu einem bewaffneten aufstand übergehen. wir sollten dass dem Militär überlassen"
    picture = "great_war_manifestion"
    style = 0

    date = { day = 7 month = january year = 1936 }
    offset = 1

    action_a = {
    name = "Schlagt diesen Aufstand mit Gewalt nieder"
    ai_chance = 99
    command = { type = dissent value = 3 }
    command = { type = trigger which = 55561 }
    command = { type = add_corps which = "Police Guard" value = land where = 9 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "1st Police Division" value = militia when = 0 }
    command = { type = add_corps which = "Police Guard" value = land where = 8 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "2nd Police Division" value = militia when = 0 }

    action_b = {
    name = "Warum Waffengewalt benutzen das lässt sich doch auch anders regeln."
    ai_chance = 1
    command = { type = dissent value = -1 }
    command = { type = trigger which = 55562 }

    # Unruhe in Schottland
    event = {
    id = 55561
    random = no
    country = ENG

    name = "Unruhe bei den Schotten"
    desc = "Den Aufstand mit Gewalt niederzuschlagen war wohl doch keine so gute Idee, jetzt greifen die Schotten zu den Waffen"
    picture = "great_war_manifestion"
    style = 0

    action_a = {
    name = "ach du *****"
    command = { type = revolt which = 3 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 4 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 5 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 6 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 7 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 8 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 9 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 10 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 8 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 9 }

    # Unruhe in Schottland
    event = {
    id = 55562
    random = no
    country = ENG

    name = "Unruhe bei den Schotten"
    desc = "Den Aufstand nicht niederzuschlagen hat zwar guten Willen gezeigt, aber leider zu spät, das zögern wird nun bestraft"
    picture = "great_war_manifestion"
    style = 0

    action_a = {
    name = "zu spät"
    command = { type = dissent value = 2 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 3 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 4 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 5 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 6 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 7 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 8 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 9 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 10 }

    # Unruhe in Schottland
    event = {
    id = 55563
    random = no
    country = ENG

    name = "Unruhe bei den Schotten"
    desc = "Weitere Schotten leisten Widerstand"
    picture = "great_war_manifestion"
    style = 0

    date = { day = 8 month = january year = 1936 }
    offset = 1

    action_a = {
    name = "zu spät"
    command = { type = revolt which = 9 }
    command = { type = revolt which = 9 }
    # Unruhe in Schottland
    event = {
    id = 55564
    random = no
    country = ENG
    trigger = {
    atwar = no
    NOT =
    control = { province = 3 data = ENG }
    control = { province = 4 data = ENG }
    control = { province = 5 data = ENG }
    control = { province = 6 data = ENG }
    control = { province = 7 data = ENG }
    control = { province = 8 data = ENG }
    control = { province = 9 data = ENG }
    control = { province = 10 data = ENG }

    date = { day = 9 month = january year = 1936 }
    offset = 1

    name = "Unruhe bei den Schotten"
    desc = "Die Schotten kontrollieren jetzt Schottland und wir haben es versäumt, die Gebiete wieder an uns zu reissen."
    picture = "great_war_manifestion"
    style = 0

    date = { day = 3 month = january year = 1936 }
    offset = 1

    action_a = {
    name = "scheisse"
    command = { type = independence which = SCO value = 0 }
    command = { type = trigger which = 55565 }

    # Unabhängig

    event = {
    id = 55565
    random = no
    country = SCO

    name = "Unabhängig"
    desc = "Wir sind unabhängig."
    style = 0
    picture = "belaruspol"

    action_a = {
    name = "So soll es sein!"
    command = { type = supplies value = 15000 }
    command = { type = oilpool value = 10000 }
    command = { type = metalpool value = 15000 }
    command = { type = energypool value = 15000 }
    command = { type = rarematerialspool value = 15000 }
    command = { type = money value = 2000 }
    command = { type = manpowerpool value = 1300 }
    command = { type = dissent value = -100 }

    command = { type = add_corps which = "1st Corps" value = land where = 3 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "Infanterie Division" value = infantry when = 1 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "Infanterie Division" value = infantry when = 1 }
    command = { type = add_corps which = "2nd Corps" value = land where = 4 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "Infanterie Division" value = infantry when = 1 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "Infanterie Division" value = infantry when = 1 }
    command = { type = add_corps which = "3rd Corps" value = land where = 5 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "Infanterie Division" value = infantry when = 1 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "Infanterie Division" value = infantry when = 1 }
    command = { type = add_corps which = "4th Corps" value = land where = 7 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "Infanterie Division" value = infantry when = 1 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "Infanterie Division" value = infantry when = 1 }
    command = { type = add_corps which = "5th Corps" value = land where = 8 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "Infanterie Division" value = infantry when = 1 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "Infanterie Division" value = infantry when = 1 }
    command = { type = add_corps which = "6th Corps" value = land where = 9 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "Infanterie Division" value = infantry when = 1 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "Infanterie Division" value = infantry when = 1 }
    command = { type = add_corps which = "7th Corps" value = land where = 10 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "Infanterie Division" value = infantry when = 1 }
    command = { type = add_division which = "Infanterie Division" value = infantry when = 1 }
    command = { type = add_prov_resource which = 9 value = 25 where = energy }
    command = { type = add_prov_resource which = 9 value = 21 where = metal }
    command = { type = add_prov_resource which = 9 value = 20 where = rare_materials }
    command = { type = add_prov_resource which = 7 value = 25 where = energy }
    command = { type = add_prov_resource which = 7 value = 18 where = metal }
    command = { type = add_prov_resource which = 7 value = 10 where = rare_materials }
    command = { type = add_prov_resource which = 7 value = 20 where = oil }
    command = { type = construct which = ic where = 9 value = 3 }
    command = { type = construct which = ic where = 4 value = 3 }

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