israelische verfassung
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  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: intihaar - Iskander - Hausdrache
  • Forum:
  • Forenbeschreibung: In diesem Politikforum könnt ihr über den Nahen Osten, die Welt, Politik allgemein und was euch sonst noch bewegt diskutieren
  • aus dem Unterforum: Naher Osten
  • Antworten: 7
  • Forum gestartet am: Dienstag 03.10.2006
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: israelische verfassung
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 17 Jahren, 1 Monat, 22 Tagen, 3 Stunden, 7 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "israelische verfassung"

    Re: israelische verfassung

    intihaar - 04.03.2007, 14:07

    israelische verfassung
    annlässlich ihres zehnten geburtstags hat die organisation adalah (arab.: "gerechtigkeit"), 'the legal center for arab minority rights in israel', vor wenigen tagen einen entwurf für eine israelische verfassung veröffentlicht:
    Zitat: The Democratic Constitution

    A Word from the Chairman of the Board of Directors
    Professor Marwan Dwairy

    On the tenth anniversary of its founding, Adalah is issuing “The Democratic Constitution,” as a constitutional proposal for the state of Israel, based on the concept of a democratic, bilingual, multicultural state. This proposed constitution draws on universal principles and international conventions on human rights, the experiences of nations and the constitutions of various democratic states.

    In recent years, Israeli groups have put forward several constitutions for the state of Israel. However, these proposals are distinguished by their lack of conformity to democratic principles, in particular the right to complete equality of all residents and citizens, and by their treatment of Arab citizens as if they were strangers in this land, where history, memory and collective rights exist only for Jewish people. It is no coincidence therefore that these proposals have been preoccupied with the question of, “Who is a Jew?” and have neglected the primary constitutional question of, “Who is a citizen?”

    Thus, we decided to propose a democratic constitution, which respects the freedoms of the individual and the rights of all groups in equal measure, gives proper weight to the historical injustices committed against Arab citizens of Israel, and deals seriously with the social and economic rights of all. If “The Democratic Constitution” succeeds to underscore the enormous gap between it and the other proposals, and to create an objective public debate and dialogue on the nature of rights and freedoms in this country, then we will have taken an important step forward in the issues of racial equality, freedoms and social justice.

    Work was carried out on preparing this constitution for around two years, during which numerous meetings and study days for Adalah’s staff, Board and General Assembly were held. In my name, and in the name of Adalah, I offer my gratitude and appreciation to the professional staff of Adalah and to its General Director, Attorney Hassan Jabareen, for all of their efforts in preparing this proposed constitution to a high professional level, while adhering to the humanitarian principles on which it is based. I would also like to thank my colleagues in Adalah’s Board and the members of the General Assembly, as well as all my professional colleagues in Israel and abroad who participated in discussing the various drafts and enriched the discussions with their observations and suggestions.

    It should be noted that the preparation of this constitutional proposal was accompanied by the preparation of two other important documents, which were drafted by two teams composed of the intellectual elite and community and political activists: “The Future Vision for the Palestinian Arabs in Israel,” which was prepared by a team consisting of the head of the High Follow-up Committee for the Arabs in Israel on behalf of National Committee for Arab Mayors; and “The Haifa Covenant,” which was drafted by a team consisting of Mada al-Carmel - Arab Center For Applied Social Research, which will be published shortly. Many of Adalah’s members also took part in the work undertaken by these two teams. Each of these documents has its own distinguishing features and complements the others, and each is an expression of the political and social empowerment of the Arab citizens of Israel.

    Although the formulation of this constitution is at an advanced stage, we consider it a draft proposal open for discussion for a period of one year, in order to allow for public interaction with it. We hope at the end of this process to arrive at a final version of this important project.
    zum verfassungsentwurf geht es hier. adalah gehört zum new israel fund, informationen zur organisation und ihren zielen gibt es hier. alternative verfassungsentwürfe gibt es auf - und tatsächlich konnte ich dort beim lesen an keiner stelle die definition eines "staatsbürgers" finden, stattdessen lang und breit, wer ein jude ist und wer nicht. noch katastrophaler verhält es sich mit dem verfassungsentwurf vom 'institute for zionist strategies', aber jeder möge sich hier besser selbst ein bild machen, und wer hebräisch versteht, kann sich ja auch mal hier umschauen. interessant wird auch der verfassungsentwurf vom israeli democracy institute sein, der bald auf englisch veröffentlicht werden soll; vom izs wurde er bereits zerrissen, das kann eigentlich nur gutes bedeuten. ;)

    wer die entwürfe quergelesen hat, kann sich ja mal dazu äußern, insbesondere im vergleich zwischen dem "besonders jüdischen" entwurf des institute for zionist stragedies, den vorschlägen auf und dem 'demokratischen, bilingualen, multikulturellen' entwurf von adalah. nur mal einige für mich besonders interessante beispiele:
    Zitat: verfassungsentwurf von adalah, artikel 15: "The laws of citizenship and immigration will be established on the basis of the principle of anti-discrimination and will define the arrangements by which the State of Israel will grant citizenship to:
    A. Anyone who was born within the territory of the State of Israel and whose parent was also born within the territory of the State of Israel;
    B. Anyone who was born to a parent who is a citizen of the state;
    C. The spouse of a citizen of the state;
    D. Those who arrive or remain in the state due to humanitarian reasons, including those who are persecuted on the basis of political background."
    verfassungsentwürfe von "4. Israeli citizenship is acquired and rescinded by law.
    5. (A) The State of Israel will encourage the ingathering of the exiles, and the settlement of Jews in the Land. [Version B: “Jewish settlement in the Land.”]
    (B) Every Jew [Version B: “Every member of the Jewish nation”] has the right to immigrate to Israel, unless there is a high probability that such an individual will endanger the public peace, health or safety, or will work to undermine the State or the Jewish nation.
    [Version B: For this matter the definition of “a member of the Jewish nation” is:
    (1) The child of a person considered to be a Jew
    (2) One who joined the Jewish nation - (a) by conversion recognized by Jewish communities; (b) by other means recognized in the law or according to it; and maintains a Jewish lifestyle;
    (3) One who was persecuted for being considered a Jew.]
    (C) One who makes “Aliyah” (immigrates to Israel under this section) has the right to bring his spouse and minor children.
    (D) One who makes Aliyah has the right to be naturalized in Israel by power of Return at the time and under the conditions to be specified by law [or: as will be specified by law]."
    verfassungsentwurf des izs: "14. Citizenship is acquired and nullified according to statute; every adult citizen is entitled to relinquish his citizenship in a manner to be determined by statute. [...]
    27. The State shall act to ingather the Diaspora of Israel and to establish Jewish settlement in Israel, and it will allocate lands and resources for these purposes. 28. The following individuals shall be entitled to return as “Olim” [immigrants by right] to Israel: (1) the child of a person who is Jewish according to Jewish Law; (2) a person who has joined a Jewish community and has a demonstrable link to the Jewish People and its Heritage, as shall be determined by statute. The spouse and children of an Oleh, who immigrate together with the Oleh or nearly simultaneously with him, shall be entitled to reside in the State as shall be determined by statute. The rights delineated in this provision shall be subject to annulment by statute with regard to a person endangering the public welfare.
    Zitat: adalah, artikel 17: "A. Hebrew and Arabic are the official languages of the State of Israel and enjoy equal status in all of the functions and activities of the legislative and executive branches.
    B. All official announcements, including laws, ordinances and regulations, will come into effect when they are published, printed and disseminated simultaneously in the two official languages.
    C. The rulings of the Supreme Court, the District Courts and the appeals tribunals will be published, printed and disseminated in the two official languages immediately upon being issued.
    D. Each litigant is entitled to use either of the two official languages, according to his or her choice, in legal proceedings, and is entitled to receive full service in his or her case in the language of his or her choice: immediate and simultaneous translation in hearings, protocols, court documents, decisions and rulings.
    E. Mixed local authorities will use the two official languages in an equal manner in all of their functions and activities.
    F. Two kinds of educational institutions will be established in Hebrew and in Arabic, including institutions of higher learning; and every person will be entitled to choose to learn in an educational institution in which learning is conducted in one of the two official languages.
    G. Laws will be enacted to grant appropriate and equal status to the two official languages in the national electronic media., artikel 7: "[Alternative A] (A) Hebrew is the language of the State.
    (B) Arabic has special status as the language of the Arab residents of Israel.
    [Alternative B] Not to include this section in the constitution.
    entwurf des izs, artikel 22: "Hebrew is the language of the State."
    vielleicht findet man ja auch... einen 'kompromiss'. :idea: :?:

    achja, und folgendes noch für die, die sich über den bezug zur sharia im palästinensischen verfassungsentwurf aufgeregt haben:
    Zitat: izs-verfassungsentwurf, artikel 29: "The State shall act to preserve and to further the cultural and historical heritage of the Jewish People. Jewish Law shall serve as a source of inspiration for legislation."
    :lol: :roll:

    Re: israelische verfassung

    Iskander - 06.03.2007, 13:32

    Ich finde der entwurf hat einige interessante aspekte, wenngleich bedauerlicherweise einige dinge wieder fragen aufwerfen.

    Re: israelische verfassung

    Hausdrache - 06.03.2007, 13:53

    Mir gefällt der Verfassungs-Entwurf auch sehr gut. :D Bei welchen Aspekten werfen sich für dich Fragen auf, Iskander?

    Re: israelische verfassung

    Iskander - 06.03.2007, 14:32

    Hausdrache hat folgendes geschrieben: Mir gefällt der Verfassungs-Entwurf auch sehr gut. :D Bei welchen Aspekten werfen sich für dich Fragen auf, Iskander?

    Bei denselben die mich an der israelischen Gesetzgebung stören, nämlich den Religionsgerichten etc.

    Re: israelische verfassung

    Hausdrache - 07.03.2007, 12:38

    Du meinst, dass Ehe- und Familienrecht der jeweiligen Religionszugehörigkeit unterstellt sind? Dieser Passus steht im izs-Verfassungsentwurf, also dem 'institute for zionist strategies', den hardcore-Zionisten... :?

    Re: israelische verfassung

    Iskander - 07.03.2007, 14:28

    Hausdrache hat folgendes geschrieben: Du meinst, dass Ehe- und Familienrecht der jeweiligen Religionszugehörigkeit unterstellt sind? Dieser Passus steht im izs-Verfassungsentwurf, also dem 'institute for zionist strategies', den hardcore-Zionisten... :?

    Ja genau das stört mich ganz massiv. Ich kenne genug anghörige der islamischen oder christlichen Konfession die ganz normal leben, und die (theoretisch) dort plötzlich aufgrund ihrer Konfession einer mittelalterlichen Religionns Gerichtsbarkeit und Gesetzen ausgeliefert wären.

    Das ist für mich absolut inakzeptabel.

    Re: israelische verfassung

    Hausdrache - 08.03.2007, 12:36

    Iskander hat folgendes geschrieben: Ja genau das stört mich ganz massiv. Ich kenne genug anghörige der islamischen oder christlichen Konfession die ganz normal leben, und die (theoretisch) dort plötzlich aufgrund ihrer Konfession einer mittelalterlichen Religionns Gerichtsbarkeit und Gesetzen ausgeliefert wären.

    Das ist für mich absolut inakzeptabel.
    Für mich ist das auch absolut inakzeptabel. Zumal, welcher religiösen Gerichtsbarkeit unterliege dann ich als Atheistin? Der meines Mannes, oder bin ich "vogelfrei/rechtlos" oder wie?! headup1 Und was ist, wenn beide Partner konfessionslos sind?
    By the way... was hältst Du von dem Punkt, dass es keine klare Definition für den Status eines Staatsbürgers gibt? Das ist ja auch ein Witz.


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