Erscheinungen oO

Verfügbare Informationen zu "Erscheinungen oO"

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Zefir - Sm0k3 - HupiHup - Zaraki - TheGrun - Landknecht - Vulshok - Manthoroc
  • Forum: Koma-Crew-Brinkum
  • Forenbeschreibung: Brinkumer Saufgemeinde seit 2005
  • aus dem Unterforum: Spielchen
  • Antworten: 20
  • Forum gestartet am: Mittwoch 28.02.2007
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Erscheinungen oO
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 17 Jahren, 1 Monat, 16 Tagen, 2 Stunden, 34 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Erscheinungen oO"

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Zefir - 01.03.2007, 23:01

    Erscheinungen oO
    drückt einfach mal strg+v und postet was ihr da habt :P bei mir wäre das...äh...*probier*
    ah okeh xD

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Sm0k3 - 02.03.2007, 00:10

    bei ist es...warte....*drück*

    sex ^^

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Zefir - 02.03.2007, 00:24

    warum wundert mich das jetzt nicht? ^^

    hab grad das hier:

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Sm0k3 - 02.03.2007, 00:56

    ich hab gerade:~~~Isabelle18 für RR_bySlim~~~ drin xD war glaubsch nen pw für die eine amateur tuse....

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    HupiHup - 02.03.2007, 18:44

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Zefir - 02.03.2007, 18:48

    HupiHup hat folgendes
    de fehltn p


    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Zaraki - 04.03.2007, 20:28

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Zefir - 05.03.2007, 01:29

    According to modern biology, fungi are specificated as plants, but as a result of new researches they’re more animal than plant. There are unicellular fungi (as barm) and multi-cellular fungi (as white mushrooms and other eatable ones). They’re very likely to appear in humid areas. Fungi are categorised into edible mushrooms, toadstools and moulds. They are for example enrich soil but others rot wood, or some cause diseases others cure these diseases. You can find fungi everywhere and they have many different effects. One important question, when you speak about fungi, is “Are fungi plants or animals?”. The fact that they consume other organisms for nutrition makes you maybe think of animals but they can´t reproduce their own food which makes them somehow plants again. Nowadays we know between 70k and 100k different species but fungus experts estimate about 1.5 million species.

    1. Edible mushrooms
    The normal edible mushrooms grows mostly on the earth and has its typical shape with a shaft, a cap and lots of tiny layers of skin building lamella or tubes underneath . “Tube-fungi” are called gilled fungi and “Lamella-fungi” are called bioletus. Those are used for reproduction, spreading spores by using the wind. The root-part of the mushroom is called mycelium. Though the mushroom itself just covers a very little area, the mycelium can grow up to a length of several meters.

    2. toadstools
    Toadstools often pop up in lawns, in fall as the weather cools down, and have no real difference with the structure of eadible mushrooms. They are just some differences in their appearance. In Germany for example are 150 species known but just some of them are really perilous. But there were also many fungal pests. For example in the mid 1800s a fungus turned Ireland´s potato crops into black gooey masses. The consequence was that one million people died.At this example you can easy see how fast toadstools can spread which makes many people think of some kind of virus and they wonder how to control the reproduction of toadstools.

    Druggy Fungi:
    Magic Mushrooms

    Magic Mushrooms are a kind of drug. It's said, that 30-60 minutes anfter you eat/drink it (some people use them to make tea), it will give you an intensification of your feelings, visual hallucination and transformation of experience of time and place. Additionally, you will see many new things and see the current things in a different way which will cause you a lot of laughter. This is caused by a high concentrate of psilocybine and psilocine.

    There is a huge variety of MMs with many differnet effects. Most famous are Psylocybe Cubensis from Mexico and the Copelandia Cyanescens from Hawaï.

    3. moulds
    Moulds are microscopic fungi, a group of organisms which also includes mushrooms and yeasts. Fungi are highly adapted to grow and reproduce rapidly. You encounter mould every day. For example foods spoil because of mould. Moulds are undesirable when they grow where we don’t want them, such as in homes. But those which grow inside differ from those which grow outside. Although there are many disadvantages of moulds there are also some advantages like mold which can just be produced with the help of moulds. Another advantage is that some medicin is produced out of moulds. Moulds will grow if we provide them with moisture and nutrients. If we keep things dry, moulds do not grow.

    Unicellular - einzellig
    Barm – Hefe
    Multi-Cellular - mehrzellig
    Fungi – Pilze
    White Mushrooms - Champignon
    Toadstool - Giftpilz
    Moulds – Schimmelpilz
    Shaft – Stiel
    Cap – Hut
    Layer – Schicht
    Lamella – Lamellen
    Bioletus – Lamellenpilze
    Gilled fungi -Röhrenpilze
    Spores – Sporen
    Mycelium – Pilzwurzel
    Truffles – truffle
    Mushroom – Pilz
    Cep – Steinpilz
    Chanterelle - Pfifferling
    Birch boletus – Birkenpilz
    Lawns - Grünflächen
    To pop up – auftauchen (etwas plötzlicher als „appear“)
    Perilous – lebensgefährlich
    Gooey - zähflüssig
    mold – Schimmelkäse
    moisture – Feuchte
    nutrients – Nährstoffe

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    TheGrun - 07.03.2007, 16:56

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Landknecht - 08.03.2007, 16:39

    bin mal raugegangen morten :lol:

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Zefir - 08.03.2007, 17:54

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Landknecht - 08.03.2007, 22:31

    yeah^^ das lied is geil :D hab ich auch^^

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Zefir - 09.03.2007, 15:23


    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Landknecht - 09.03.2007, 15:39

    die kröte sponsort:


    na? was is das?

    GENAU...das ist ein teddybär :lol:

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Zefir - 10.03.2007, 18:44


    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Vulshok - 10.03.2007, 18:58

    /speed 1

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Manthoroc - 10.03.2007, 19:11

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    Zefir - 10.03.2007, 20:58

    278824170 (immernoch :D)

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    TheGrun - 11.03.2007, 21:52

    Blubbeln: Ein Wunder der Natur, viele Forscher sind diesem Fänomen nachgegangen und sind zu dem Schluss gekommen das jedes blubbeln eines menschen einen sinn hat. Das sogenannte "Blubbeln" was wir alle nur unter "Blubbeln" kannten stellte sich als ein verschlüsselter Code herraus der in unserem Unterbewustsein vorgegeben ist, wir wollen damit dem anderen Parter der an diesem Blubbelverfahren ebenfalls mitbeteiligt ist sagen das er ein Idiot ist. Wenn z.B. dieser Text kommt: "Blubbelkommiddel blubbeldidummumum blabbelnstolga di polga Diballen!", hat das einfach keinen Sinn. Also vergesst einfach das was Oben gegannt wurde und merkt euch: Blubbelt niemals, esst lieber ne Banane! Wenns geht auch nen Apfel!

    Re: Erscheinungen oO

    TheGrun - 21.03.2007, 23:00

    Mit folgendem Code, können Sie den Beitrag ganz bequem auf ihrer Homepage verlinken

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