Viva Live ohne Richie!

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  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Chris Supporter - us5_4ever - US5 for always - Coernchen - i_love_richie - juliaprestbury - diddycherry - Antonia - chucky xD - Esther
  • Forum: Support
  • Forenbeschreibung: The Board of the US5 Supporter
  • aus dem Unterforum: Archiv
  • Antworten: 41
  • Forum gestartet am: Sonntag 30.07.2006
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Viva Live ohne Richie!
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 17 Jahren, 3 Monaten, 8 Tagen, 12 Stunden, 59 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Viva Live ohne Richie!"

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    Chris Supporter - 09.01.2007, 19:50

    Viva Live ohne Richie!
    Mehr zu der morgen im Handel erscheinenden BRAVO: Auf einer Doppelseite der Schock für viele Fans: Obwohl Richie trotz vieler Erniedrigungen und Schweiß durchgehalten hat, kommt es nun zur neuen Hürde: Richies Eltern Kathleen und Robert Stringini wollen ihm verbieten, weiterhin bei US5 mitzuwirken. Geführt dazu haben diverse Skandale -zuletzt der mit Pornomodel Marta. Das passt nicht in das christlich humanistische Weltbild der Eltern!
    "US5 hat ihn verdorben. Das ist nicht der Junge, den wir erzogen haben!"
    Richie selbst möchte in US5 bleiben und muss nun seine Eltern überzeugen.
    Selbst entscheiden kann der Achtzehnjährige als amerikanischer Staatsbürger nicht, da man in den USA erst ab 21 Jahren volljährig und nicht mehr von den Entscheidungen seines Erziehungsberechtigen abhängig ist.

    Derzeit ist Richie noch in den USA. Er wird auch nicht beim kommenden VIVA LIVE-Auftritt dabei sein. Das Management will das in Chicago klären.

    Um besonders viele eurer Meinungen zu sammeln, bitte ich jeden von euch, seine Ansicht in die "Comments" zu schreiben.


    Drama bei US5: Richie darf nicht weiter machen!
    Am 12. Januar veröffentlichen US5 ihre neue Single "One Night With You". Doch es könnte der letzte Song zu fünft sein. Geht es nach Richies Eltern , wird ihr Sohn nicht wieder in die Band zurückkehren. Den neuen Lebenswandel ihres Sohnes finden sie alles andere als toll!

    Alle Fans, das Management und natürlich auch Mikel, Chris, Izzy und Jay sind geschockt. Es war geplant, dass Richie am 3. Januar vom Weihnachtsurlaub bei seinen Eltern Robert und Kathy in Wheaton (in der Nähe von Chicago) zurück nach Berlin kommt. Doch bisher durfte Richie nicht zurück nach Germany fliegen. Seine Eltern haben es ihm verboten.

    Sie sind um ihren Sohn besorgt. Immer wieder hatte Richie Schwächeanfälle und musste teilweise sogar im Krankenhaus behandelt werden. Doch seine Affäre mit dem Nacktmodel Marta brachte wohl das Fass zum Überlaufen. Der Skandal war für seine Eltern einfach zu viel.

    Das Resultat: Richie darf nicht zurück nach Germany. Seine Zeit bei US5 ist nach dem Willen seiner Eltern abgelaufen. Zu groß ist ihre Sorge, dass die Skandale in Deutschland den Ruf der in Wheaton sehr angesehenen Familie beschädigen.

    Richie hingegen will unbedingt zurück nach Deutschland und natürlich auch zu US5 und den Fans. Doch wird er seine Eltern überreden können? In den nächsten Tagen will das US5-Management nach Wheaton fliegen, um mit Robert und Kathy zu sprechen. Sie werden alles daran setzen, um sie doch noch davon zu überzeugen, ihren Sohn nach Deutschland und zu US5 zurück zu lassen.

    Doch was passiert, wenn Richie tatsächlich nicht zurückkehrt? Trennen sich US5, suchen sie Ersatz oder machen sie zu viert weiter? Wie auch immer... große Chancen auf eine weitere große Karriere hätten sie wohl nicht. Denn ohne Richie wären US5 nicht mehr das, was sie einmal waren.

    Sobald es etwas Neues aus dem US5-Lager gibt, erfährst du es natürlich sofort auf!

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    us5_4ever - 09.01.2007, 19:56

    das ist sooo mega scheiße #cry #cry #cry

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    US5 for always - 09.01.2007, 20:01

    I know what you talk about, and it means that Richie don't will be in Viva LIVE because his parenst what him to leave US5 because all the crazy news and stuff like that,
    and it makes me so sad, :cry:

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    us5_4ever - 09.01.2007, 20:12

    yes that´s right..
    is is really sad #cry

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    Coernchen - 09.01.2007, 20:31

    rofl sry dafür das ich lach aber des können die net bringen also ich an Richies stelle würde weglaufen(klingt iwie kindisch) aber dann verstehen seine ellis vll auhc das es wirklich sien traum is und er da hin will!! des is soo kacke das er ami is wiel dadurch hat er viel mehr verpflichtungen als deutche mit 18 er muss noch auf seine eltern hören und so udn die bestimmen über ihn warum kann er net deutscher sein!! :cry:
    bussale and i hope he come back

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    i_love_richie - 09.01.2007, 21:31

    i understood about it's sooooo sad and if Richie won't be in US5 anymore...i dunno what will i do...i'm gonna die... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    US5 for always - 10.01.2007, 06:58

    i_love_richie wrote: i understood about it's sooooo sad and if Richie won't be in US5 anymore...i dunno what will i do...i'm gonna die... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    It's Not Richie but his parents there don't want Richie to stay in US5 because of all this stupid roumos with Marta and all the others, to i think, so i actally think it was to much for his parents, nd somehow i understand his parents BUT Richie is old enought to decide what he want, and if he want to stay in US5 then i think his parents should let him stay

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    Chris Supporter - 10.01.2007, 12:09

    US5 for always wrote: i_love_richie wrote: i understood about it's sooooo sad and if Richie won't be in US5 anymore...i dunno what will i do...i'm gonna die... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    It's Not Richie but his parents there don't want Richie to stay in US5 because of all this stupid roumos with Marta and all the others, to i think, so i actally think it was to much for his parents, nd somehow i understand his parents BUT Richie is old enought to decide what he want, and if he want to stay in US5 then i think his parents should let him stay

    nur die sache ist richie ist in amerika erst mit 21 volljährig!
    das heisst die haben noch das recht für ihn!

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    juliaprestbury - 10.01.2007, 15:29

    I'm surprised Richie's parents actually have such little faith in him - and surely he is old enough to make his own mind up - he is a hot blooded 18 year old - that's normal - and if he slipped from his religion then it is him - not US5's management that is to blame, I'm sure they didn't force Marta on him. I don't see how his parents can stop him returning - if they do, it will bring shame on him, he is legally old enough to make his own mind up - he obviously did over this girl - which I am very surprised about seeing as how he has his faith - and claimed to be a virgin - presume he now isn't? He's been very stupid really - and if he does leave US5 - which I for one will be very sorry about - he's brought it on himself. It will be a disaster for the group, I for one probably won't really be a fan anymore, and I think they will loose half their fans - we shall see!

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    juliaprestbury - 10.01.2007, 15:30

    I'm surprised Richie's parents actually have such little faith in him - and surely he is old enough to make his own mind up - he is a hot blooded 18 year old - that's normal - and if he slipped from his religion then it is him - not US5's management that is to blame, I'm sure they didn't force Marta on him. I don't see how his parents can stop him returning - if they do, it will bring shame on him, he is legally old enough to make his own mind up - he obviously did over this girl - which I am very surprised about seeing as how he has his faith - and claimed to be a virgin - presume he now isn't? He's been very stupid really - and if he does leave US5 - which I for one will be very sorry about - he's brought it on himself. It will be a disaster for the group, I for one probably won't really be a fan anymore, and I think they will loose half their fans - we shall see!

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    US5 for always - 10.01.2007, 17:05

    juliaprestbury wrote: I'm surprised Richie's parents actually have such little faith in him - and surely he is old enough to make his own mind up - he is a hot blooded 18 year old - that's normal - and if he slipped from his religion then it is him - not US5's management that is to blame, I'm sure they didn't force Marta on him. I don't see how his parents can stop him returning - if they do, it will bring shame on him, he is legally old enough to make his own mind up - he obviously did over this girl - which I am very surprised about seeing as how he has his faith - and claimed to be a virgin - presume he now isn't? He's been very stupid really - and if he does leave US5 - which I for one will be very sorry about - he's brought it on himself. It will be a disaster for the group, I for one probably won't really be a fan anymore, and I think they will loose half their fans - we shall see!

    Yeah they gonna lose a lot of fans,
    But i'm sure that they don't gonna lose me..
    But of course it's gonna be strange without Richie,

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    diddycherry - 10.01.2007, 20:36

    That would be such a disaster for anyone,if Richie couldn't come back.Anyway I hope all gona be OK and Richie's parents will give 4 him one more chance.And it was a big mistake to go with Marta.
    I would be mad and sad if US5 would lose Richie,but I probably would stay they fan.

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    US5 for always - 11.01.2007, 07:05

    well i would be SO sad and unhappy but i'm sure i gonna supporter the other guys if the keep on with US5 and it's something i really hope they do..

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    Antonia - 11.01.2007, 12:40

    wie fies können eltern sein??

    aber wir schaffen das schon!!!

    vielleicht bringen die aktionen was? und

    und ähm auf haben wir schon 36 seiten!!!

    pls macht mit!!!

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    i_love_richie - 11.01.2007, 13:42

    Chalotte,i know this very well..

    it won't be the same at all and i don't think that the boys will agree to have sb instead of Richie..u know in this episode of BIA2 when Rich was in Chicago and they had to perform in Russia with some other guy they couldn't wait till it was finished and it wasn't funny like before,....they just won't be able to make it without Richie..never so i think that it'll def be the end of US5..they can't be US4 and they won't do it...they'd prefer to separate than to be US4 or US5 with some other guy who CAN NEVER BE RICHIE no matter how good he is in singing,acting,good-looking..just NEVER!!!

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    US5 for always - 11.01.2007, 14:09

    hmm i don't know i just can't live Without US5 :cry:

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    diddycherry - 13.01.2007, 12:02

    i_love_richie,about perfom in Russia,they don't take other guy in richies place,it was think like that,that they will perfom 6 people together coz it was STAR FACTORY...
    well and I totally agree,that no one will be better then richie.coz richie is richie.he is part of us5,and now it's like "body"(US5) lost his arm or but thats truth!
    and I hope he will come back!!!

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    i_love_richie - 13.01.2007, 13:54

    Chalotte:i can't live without them too.. :cry: :cry:

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    i_love_richie - 13.01.2007, 13:55

    diddycherry wrote: i_love_richie,about perfom in Russia,they don't take other guy in richies place,it was think like that,that they will perfom 6 people together coz it was STAR FACTORY...
    well and I totally agree,that no one will be better then richie.coz richie is richie.he is part of us5,and now it's like "body"(US5) lost his arm or but thats truth!
    and I hope he will come back!!!

    that's right'll never be the same..i feel like it's happening again...first with the split of BLUE and now with US5.. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    US5 for always - 13.01.2007, 17:52

    No it's gonna be hard without US5,
    BUT we have to be strong and just believe he get back,
    we can't be sad now. before we know if he gonna stay or leave,
    We can cry of happyness or sadness when we know whats gonna happent

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    diddycherry - 13.01.2007, 23:32

    All gona be OK!We just have to hope for it :]

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    chucky xD - 14.01.2007, 17:05

    diddycherry wrote: All gona be OK!We just have to hope for it :]
    you are right !
    think positiv! (:
    then all is going to be allright

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    US5 for always - 15.01.2007, 06:56

    Yeah we have to wait and see whats happen and just hope for the best

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    Esther - 15.01.2007, 12:35

    Ich hoffe, dass die eltern ihm noch eine zweite chance geben. Weil ohne Richie gibt es kein US5 mehr. *heul*

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    i_love_richie - 16.01.2007, 20:05

    u're right but have u thought how u would feel if it all went wrong?if he doesn't come back?then it will be even more harder for u cause u believed he would come back...:((

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    Esther - 16.01.2007, 21:51

    Wir hoffen doch alle, dass Richie wieder zurück kommt. Darum müssen wir positiv denken. Jay glaubt auch, dass Richie wieder zurück kommt. Ich denke eben Vater hilft ihm ja und sagt ihm jetzt wie er sich verhalten sollte und wenn er dann weiss wie er sich verhalten muss dann darf er vielleicht wieder in die Band zurück

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    us5_4ever - 16.01.2007, 22:06

    naja jay sagt zwar in interviews, das er es glaubt,... aber er kann nur hoffen... mehr kann er nicht ...

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    US5 for always - 17.01.2007, 07:09

    I don't said that i believed it,
    But i said i hoped for it..
    And btw i saw german news yesterday and my mom told me what they said,
    and so far she understood it, his dad gav him this where they can't get outsite for some days, i know how to say the word but not to write it, so hope you understand what i mean, well anyway he did it so he could get a really big talk to Richie, So it dosn't mean that he won't get back, and Jay believe that he will get back....

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    i_love_richie - 17.01.2007, 13:10

    yeah i heard that too...but as i heard....his Dad is not going to let him...and besides Jay said that they don't have plan B ..if Richie leaves,then it will be the end of US5!!

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    juliaprestbury - 17.01.2007, 14:39

    His dad is going to be on Bravo TV tomorrow (or Viva - not sure, sorry), explaining. I take it he is stopping Richie from going out - that's just disgusting, poor boy. I don;t think it is looking good for Richie, think we should get used to US4, sorry girls.

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    us5_4ever - 17.01.2007, 15:25

    bravo tv doesn´t come tomorrow.....
    but where at viva???
    i don´t think, that he comes...
    so where do you heat it?

    and if richie doesn´t come back... then would us5 away from the musicbisness
    they aren´t us4 then... so we all hope, that he come back!

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    US5 for always - 17.01.2007, 17:03

    I didn't said that it was 100 % but maybe he come back,
    I saw it on the german news Blitz. My mom understand some german so she told me that she understood.

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    juliaprestbury - 17.01.2007, 18:23

    I read it on "" today - sorry if it's the wrong information, not my fault!

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    US5 for always - 18.01.2007, 07:03

    what is a wrong information?

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    juliaprestbury - 19.01.2007, 15:18

    It is when somebody says something which is not true.

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    US5 for always - 19.01.2007, 16:50

    Oh i meant what was wrong what wasn't someones fault?

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    juliaprestbury - 20.01.2007, 12:10

    oh yeah, sorry my brain wasn't in gear yesterday - i think it said that Richie's dad was going to be on viva or bravo on thursday

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    us5_4ever - 20.01.2007, 20:18

    there wasn´t something from richies dad...
    richie dad made an interview with "bravo" more not

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    US5 for always - 21.01.2007, 12:07

    So there is or was an interview with Richies dad, in Bravo?

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    us5_4ever - 21.01.2007, 14:46

    yes there were an interview with richies dad...

    Re: Viva Live ohne Richie!

    US5 for always - 21.01.2007, 16:59

    well okay thanks
    but i still don't understand German :(

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