12 sexiest men who were never alive

Verfügbare Informationen zu "12 sexiest men who were never alive"

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Miss Murder - Morgaine - Fergie - Cranberry
  • Forum: www.tom-felton-forum.de.vu
  • Forenbeschreibung: Das verrückteste Forum Deutschlands
  • aus dem Unterforum: Plauderecke
  • Antworten: 9
  • Forum gestartet am: Montag 18.12.2006
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: 12 sexiest men who were never alive
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 17 Jahren, 1 Monat, 24 Tagen, 2 Stunden, 49 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "12 sexiest men who were never alive"

    Re: 12 sexiest men who were never alive

    Miss Murder - 06.01.2007, 15:47

    12 sexiest men who were never alive

    Ich fand das einfach nur total lustig!

    The 12 Sexiest Men Who Were Never Alive

    Chris Keller (serial killer, "Oz"): He had his faults. For starters, he broke his boyfriend's arms and legs. He ruined a nun. Still, he was the sultriest man-slut ever to sashay through a maximum-security prison, and all he wanted was a little love, and murder. But let's not quibble.

    Lucius Malfoy ("Harry Potter" villain): As portrayed by Jason Isaacs, he's a bigot and a snob, and he could pass for a drag queen in the wrong light. My nomination as the coolest blond since Jean Harlow.

    Mr. Spock (Vulcan, "Star Trek"): Spock's emotional distance and logician's mind were just ... like ... whoa. Did I mention he came into heat only every seven years? Pon faar, baby. I'd hit that.

    Silva Vacarro (predator, "Baby Doll"): Fifty years after it was released, "Baby Doll" still contains one of the most erotic seductions on film, thanks to Eli Wallach's performance as Silva, a predatory entrepreneur with his eye on a rival's child bride (Carroll Baker). Words fail me; just rent the movie, and wait for the scene on the swing.

    Heathcliff (antihero, "Wuthering Heights"): Tall, dark, handsome, tormented. Wronged by the woman he loved and bent on revenge at any cost. Merciless. In sum, perfection.

    Mr. Darcy (smoldering elitist, "Pride and Prejudice"): In print or onscreen, this one's a no-brainer. Nastiness redeemed is an aphrodisiac.

    Darth Maul (Sith, "Star Wars"): Bad teeth. Full-body tattoos. Moved like a cat. Died young. Met his end at the hands of Ewan McGregor after a martial-arts duel that played like a lethal ballet. Dude.

    Totoro (animated forest spirit, Hayao Miyazaki's "My Neighbor Totoro"): He's not really a man; he's more a giant, furry Blob of Cute, but he can fly. He belongs in the sky. We could belong to each other.

    Atticus Finch (decency incarnate, "To Kill a Mockingbird"): In the book, he's admirable; in the movie, portrayed by Gregory Peck, he's an unstoppable engine of carnal righteousness.

    Haldir (Elf warrior, "The Lord of the Rings"): He battled Orcs while keeping every hair in place. Oh, baby, oh mine.

    Gob Bluth (son, "Arrested Development"): It's pronounced "Jobe." I can't explain this one.

    Sherlock Holmes (sleuth): He knew everything, and harbored his own sexual and moral mysteries.

    Re: 12 sexiest men who were never alive

    Morgaine - 06.01.2007, 17:11

    Ach gottle das ist ja genial.
    Vor allem Darth Maul find ich supergenial!

    Re: 12 sexiest men who were never alive

    Fergie - 07.01.2007, 12:41

    ach gott Mr Darcy ...
    oh ja das kann ich verstehen, dass er auf der liste ist.
    Fand Colin Firth in der Rolle sehr toll!

    Re: 12 sexiest men who were never alive

    Cranberry - 14.03.2007, 20:02

    ja ich habe ihn geliebt in dieser rolle!
    Und für die Kopie von Pride und Prejudice könnte ich gewisse Produzenten immer noch den Hals umdrehen

    Re: 12 sexiest men who were never alive

    Fergie - 14.03.2007, 20:04

    Ach gell du auch? Ne ich mag diese Keira Kneightley ja sowieso scho net aber dass sie auch noch an Jennifer Ehle rankommen will ... ne das funkts net

    Re: 12 sexiest men who were never alive

    Cranberry - 17.03.2007, 17:14

    na ja so schlimm fand ich keira kneightley jetzt gar net mal aber Jennifer Ehle passt zu Lizzy einfach wie die Faust aufs Auge.
    Was ich auch blöd find, ist, dass die neue Version wirklich aufs Minimum zusammengeschrumpelt wurde.

    Re: 12 sexiest men who were never alive

    Fergie - 17.03.2007, 17:25

    oh ja ... da bestätigt sich bei mir nur wieder, dass das original dann meistens wohl doch besser ist als die Fälschung.
    Es lebe der BBC!

    Re: 12 sexiest men who were never alive

    Cranberry - 18.03.2007, 11:25

    Jup da stimme ich dir mal wieder voll und ganz zu, Ist wirklich grausam was man aus Filmen machen kann

    Re: 12 sexiest men who were never alive

    Fergie - 22.03.2007, 22:19

    Oh ja absolut- Am besten ist immer noch, wenn irgendwann das Remake vom Remake ins Kino kommt.

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