
Villevalle's World
Verfügbare Informationen zu "Fragebogen"

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: Korppi - PhiloFoX - Kaipun
  • Forum: Villevalle's World
  • aus dem Unterforum: Wir über uns
  • Antworten: 5
  • Forum gestartet am: Sonntag 14.11.2004
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Fragebogen
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 17 Jahren, 11 Monaten, 9 Tagen, 17 Stunden, 27 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Fragebogen"

    Re: Fragebogen

    Korppi - 15.06.2006, 19:06

    mir ist grad echt pissig....

    FIFTY things you might not know about me.

    1. What is your middle name? -

    2. What size is your bed? double

    3. What are you listening to right now? Anima- Immortal

    4. What are the last 2 digits in your phone number? 35

    5. When was the last time you danced? in the morning

    6. Last person you bit? myself

    7. How is the weather right now? cold

    8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? my mom

    9. Describe your favourite pair of shoes? dont have favs

    10. Are you single? no

    11. Do you want children? no

    12. Do you drink? Yes

    13. Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night? yes

    15. Eye color? blue, green, brown and others

    17. Favorite holiday? every

    18. Favorite season? finnish winter

    19. Ever cried for no reason? yes

    20. Favourite painting? -

    21. How many mirrors are in your room? in this? none

    22. Do you know any other fall out boy songs other than "Sugar we're going down"? what?

    23. Have you ever decapitated a barbie? Yes

    24. Do you enjoy the sensational taste of starbucks? too far away

    25. Does the word "horcrux" mean anything to you? no

    26. Do you have any friends of the gay preference? not really friend but someone I know, yes

    27. Ever do weed? yes

    28. Is cheese like the best food ever or what? no

    29. What is your favourite flavour jam? cherry

    30. Nail varnish? Black or silver

    31. Four favorite tv shows? Lotta in Love

    32. Favorite football team? -

    33. What were you doing before filling this out? nothing

    34. Any pets? No

    35. Dogs or cats? neither

    36. Favorite flower? Sonnenblume

    37. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? sure

    38. Have you ever loved someone? no, except myself

    39. Who would you like to see right now? any

    41. Have you ever fired a gun? yes

    42. Do you like to travel by plane? I don't mind

    43. Right or left-handed? both

    44. If you could be with someone right now who would it be? :D

    45. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2

    46. What newspaper, if any, do you read? Iltalehti in plane ;)

    47. Do you have a tattoo? yes

    48. Do you still watch cartoons on saturday mornin? no

    49. Are you hiding something from someone? No

    50. Do you play an instrument? airdrums

    Re: Fragebogen

    PhiloFoX - 15.06.2006, 22:40


    1. What is your middle name? Paoletta

    2. What size is your bed? single, two matresses

    3. What are you listening to right now? white stripes- seven nation army

    4. What are the last 2 digits in your phone number? 46

    5. When was the last time you danced? ten minutes ago

    6. Last person you bit? my girlfriend

    7. How is the weather right now? soft wind, warm, preparing to rain

    8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? i don't remember, i think it was lena yesterday

    9. Describe your favourite pair of shoes? at the moment my white ballerinas, though they're not that comfortable to wear

    10. Are you single? no

    11. Do you want children? maybe, later, adopt them maybe

    12. Do you drink? cheers

    13. Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night? no, just a few hours. i have a good memory...

    15. Eye color? brown

    17. Favorite holiday? like the day or like the holidays? day: christmas, holidays: easter and autumn (regarding school holidays), good time to go to Sicily

    18. Favorite season? summer... normally all of them, but at the moment i just love summer

    19. Ever cried for no reason? no, i just didn't know what the reason was sometimes

    20. Favourite painting? i keep forgetting the names. love toulouse-lautrec, van gogh, stuff like that. oh, found one! i even own it. my mother did it, it's abstract, very bright colours on brown canvas and is called 'thinking of pentzliehn', because she painted it while she was angry at my headmaster

    21. How many mirrors are in your room? one, i just don't know where it is.

    22. Do you know any other fall out boy songs other than "Sugar we're going down"? i don't even know that one.

    23. Have you ever decapitated a barbie? very likely

    24. Do you enjoy the sensational taste of starbucks? never tried. afraid of addiction.

    25. Does the word "horcrux" mean anything to you? my friend lena and i keep speculating about the others.

    26. Do you have any friends of the gay preference? my girlfriend and i are, to begin with...

    27. Ever do weed? yeah. don't like it that much lately.

    28. Is cheese like the best food ever or what? close.

    29. What is your favourite flavour jam? quince, black cherry, lime

    30. Nail varnish? none, mostly.

    31. Four favorite tv shows? soccer on ard at the moment. arte découverte, arte info, tatort (that what they call shows?)

    32. Favorite football team? US Palermo... *g* they're pink and black. no, i don't have one, i like hertha, because i'm from berlin, and at the moment i like our national team.

    33. What were you doing before filling this out? planning what to write

    34. Any pets? two parents

    35. Dogs or cats? yeah, two kitties

    36. Favorite flower? hibiscus

    37. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? anyone so holy he hasn't been?

    38. Have you ever loved someone? still do.

    39. Who would you like to see right now? chrischi the guinea pig. just feel like it.

    41. Have you ever fired a gun? no

    42. Do you like to travel by plane? no, not since 9/11, strange but true.

    43. Right or left-handed? right

    44. If you could be with someone right now who would it be? definitely not chrischi the guinea pig.

    45. How many pillows do you sleep with? one, plus two smaller ones that lie beside my head, seven tigers, a leopard, a lamb, a bear and a living cat.

    46. What newspaper, if any, do you read? tagesspiegel, taz

    47. Do you have a tattoo? no. *sigh*

    48. Do you still watch cartoons on saturday mornin? i never did, least i don't remember

    49. Are you hiding something from someone? yeah... my obsession for ville. have to hide it from my girl. she's traumatised because her last girlfriend had an obsession for linde.

    50. Do you play an instrument? i sometimes make noises using a guitar or a keyboard.

    Re: Fragebogen

    Kaipun - 21.06.2006, 12:37

    Zitat: 49. Are you hiding something from someone? yeah... my obsession for ville. have to hide it from my girl. she's traumatised because her last girlfriend had an obsession for linde.

    Kriegst du das hin? Stell ich mir schwer vor. Ich könnte Kris und Co. nicht verleugnen...oder verschweigen.

    1. What is your middle name? -

    2. What size is your bed? 1x1,9

    3. What are you listening to right now? Placebo-Peeping Tom (acoustic)

    4. What are the last 2 digits in your phone number? 44

    5. When was the last time you danced? yesterday, just for fun

    6. Last person you bit? don't know...myself maybe?

    7. How is the weather right now? warm, not too warm, some wind and maybe it's going to rain

    8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mother, yesterday and before that, my brother also yesterday

    9. Describe your favourite pair of shoes? well, chucks, the pink ones or the blue ones, doesn't matter

    10. Are you single? yeah

    11. Do you want children? well, roght man, right time, maybe, you never know

    12. Do you drink? yeah, water and juice and milk...:)

    13. Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night? I never got drunk and I hope I'll never get!

    15. Eye color? blue

    17. Favorite holiday? Well, ever when I'm not home.

    18. Favorite season? spring and autumn

    19. Ever cried for no reason? yeah, just because it needed to come out

    20. Favourite painting? No,

    21. How many mirrors are in your room? one

    22. Do you know any other fall out boy songs other than "Sugar we're going down"? I don't know this at all.

    23. Have you ever decapitated a barbie? yeah

    24. Do you enjoy the sensational taste of starbucks? I hate coffee, so, no.

    25. Does the word "horcrux" mean anything to you? Maybe Harry is one?

    26. Do you have any friends of the gay preference? Well, Brina...but that's all, unfortunately

    27. Ever do weed? what? I hate my English!

    28. Is cheese like the best food ever or what? Well, nearly the only one I get here.

    29. What is your favourite flavour jam? Strawberry

    30. Nail varnish? lately, pink, but also black and none

    31. Four favorite tv shows? Nice joke! I don't have TV at all. But at the moment, soccer, torilla, mean, at the market.

    32. Favorite football team? Engalnd, Italy and Sweden, don't ask why, I even don't know it myself.

    33. What were you doing before filling this out? checking mails and writing blog(still doing)

    34. Any pets? Ameisen (English?), at the moment hate that!

    35. Dogs or cats? no

    36. Favorite flower? Callas and Roses

    37. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? can't remember, I guess yeah.

    38. Have you ever loved someone? Not that way

    39. Who would you like to see right now? Kris, just, well...don't know...

    41. Have you ever fired a gun? yes

    42. Do you like to travel by plane? Never traveled by plane.

    43. Right or left-handed? right

    44. If you could be with someone right now who would it be? I think we had that question earlyer...same person.

    45. How many pillows do you sleep with? none

    46. What newspaper, if any, do you read? Zeit

    47. Do you have a tattoo? yeah

    48. Do you still watch cartoons on saturday mornin? I'm sleeping at that time. Ans, just for you again, I have no TV!

    49. Are you hiding something from someone? Yeah, everything from everyone, even from myself.

    50. Do you play an instrument? No, but I hope, I someday will.[/quote]

    Re: Fragebogen

    PhiloFoX - 21.06.2006, 12:43

    Zitat: 19. Ever cried for no reason? yeah, just because it needed to come out

    I'd call that a reason :)

    Na ja, sie weiß schon, dass ich ihn mag, sie weiß nur nicht, dass ich ihn anbete *g*. Tu ich ja gar nicht, aber du weißt schon... bla...

    Re: Fragebogen

    Kaipun - 21.06.2006, 13:05

    PhiloFoX hat folgendes geschrieben:
    Na ja, sie weiß schon, dass ich ihn mag, sie weiß nur nicht, dass ich ihn anbete *g*. Tu ich ja gar nicht, aber du weißt schon... bla...

    Oh, okay, dann sag ihr das mal nicht!

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