Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

Die DSA-Chaoten
Verfügbare Informationen zu "Witzige Bilder, Comics etc."

  • Qualität des Beitrags: 0 Sterne
  • Beteiligte Poster: JabezP - Chakijian - Fighonan - Eviron - Jassafer - Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - VincentWeynard - Anonymous - SilasColdfire - Arameth - Dianthis
  • Forum: Die DSA-Chaoten
  • Forenbeschreibung: ...Hilfe, wir haben ein Forum!
  • aus dem Unterforum: Perzinazakas
  • Antworten: 430
  • Forum gestartet am: Sonntag 29.06.2008
  • Sprache: deutsch
  • Link zum Originaltopic: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.
  • Letzte Antwort: vor 7 Jahren, 4 Monaten, 11 Tagen, 6 Stunden, 21 Minuten
  • Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "Witzige Bilder, Comics etc."

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 15.12.2008, 23:21

    Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.
    ...könnt ihr hier verlinken. Ich fange mal mit einem Insider an. Extra für Samy bzw. einen gewissen Schriftsteller & Sari ;-)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 23.12.2008, 21:36

    XD Das hab ich ja erst jetzt gesehen... das ist genial :D Eindeutig Arijian und Sari ;)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Fighonan - 29.12.2008, 14:25

    So, für unsere Kranken bitte ich den Rest der WG das mal stellvertretend zu machen von mir :D :

    Gute Besserung!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 06.02.2009, 16:40

    Die Akikatze!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 12.03.2009, 16:42


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 12.03.2009, 16:45

    Find the cat!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 12.03.2009, 16:47

    ...and water?

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 12.03.2009, 16:48

    Total verständlich!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 17.03.2009, 12:30

    Lustige Bilder aus... öh, ungewöhnlichen Perspektiven

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 19.03.2009, 15:48

    I want to wear that office!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 27.03.2009, 15:38

    Eindeutig Sarjabanjida, oder? :-D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 27.03.2009, 15:39

    Und das auch!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 29.04.2009, 12:29

    Extra für Chakijian:

    Gilt auch für Schwestern! ;-)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 29.04.2009, 23:02

    Und noch eins für Chakijian:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 09.05.2009, 12:43

    Eine neue Chakijian-Katze

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 11.05.2009, 22:02

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 11.05.2009, 22:10

    <3 <3 <3!!!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 14.05.2009, 11:47

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 14.05.2009, 12:10


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 20.05.2009, 15:19

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 20.05.2009, 22:45

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 25.05.2009, 15:55

    Muß noch jemand an Aki, einen Troll und einen Bären denken...? :twisted:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 07.06.2009, 12:04

    Für Samy!

    Dumme Möhren und so ^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 09.06.2009, 08:27

    *kicher* Genau. Morons! :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 12.06.2009, 13:47

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 12.06.2009, 22:10

    Hihi. Das ist auch ein Chakijian, beim Meucheln oder so xD

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 25.06.2009, 19:34

    Arijian & Sari, eindeutig!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 27.06.2009, 10:52


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 30.06.2009, 11:21

    Und das passiert jeden Morgen bei Sari und Arijian:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 06.07.2009, 17:19

    Das bestimmt auch gelegentlich:

    Und hier noch etwas zur allgemeinen Erheiterung:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 14.07.2009, 11:27


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 18.07.2009, 11:32

    Chemie auf Katzisch:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 27.07.2009, 11:30

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 29.07.2009, 00:07

    Sinnvolle Ratschläge:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 30.07.2009, 16:36

    Woher kennen die unsere Dusche?!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 30.07.2009, 17:18

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 04.08.2009, 13:05

    Ich schätze, etwa so sieht es in Arijians Wohnung aus:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 04.08.2009, 13:11

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 18.08.2009, 09:13

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 01.09.2009, 10:03

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 01.09.2009, 10:05

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 01.09.2009, 10:08

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 15.09.2009, 11:43

    OMG... die erste Katamari-Hochzeit. Ob sie es wohl geschafft haben, den Saal aufzurollen?

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 09.10.2009, 17:52

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 09.10.2009, 22:13

    Dieses Bild hat eigentlich schon seinen eigenen Thread verdient *mag* :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 12.10.2009, 12:20

    Jabez und Chakijian? :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 12.10.2009, 14:29

    Sowas von! Jabez und Chakijian nach ihren... regelmäßig interessanten Abenden.
    Ich sage nur: "Die Bäume laufen nach Maraskan!"

    ...wir müssen das unbedingt mal schreiben. Das wird bestimmt sehr amüsant. xD (Ich vermisse meine übliche Chakijian-Dosis, ich bin auf Entzug. o_o)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 19.10.2009, 18:07

    Was mir letztens begegnet ist, im zusammenhang mit den Katzen hier ...

    LOLcode, eine programmiersprache die ... interessant klingt wie ich finde *g
    Ein beispiel hier: http://lolcode.com/examples/hai-world (das obligatorische "Hello World" Programm auf lolkätzisch ... )
    Jeder block endet mit "KTHXBYE" .... :) Und damit kann man wirklich sachen programmieren ...

    Uuund ... das LOLcat bible translation project! Zu finden unter www.lolcatbible.com:

    "1 Oh hai. In teh beginnin Ceiling Cat maded teh skiez An da Urfs, but he did not eated dem.

    2 Da Urfs no had shapez An haded dark face, An Ceiling Cat rode invisible bike over teh waterz.

    3 At start, no has lyte. An Ceiling Cat sayz, i can haz lite? An lite wuz.4 An Ceiling Cat sawed teh lite, to seez stuffs, An splitted teh lite from dark but taht wuz ok cuz kittehs can see in teh dark An not tripz over nethin.5 An Ceiling Cat sayed light Day An dark no Day. It were FURST!!!1 "

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 20.10.2009, 15:15

    *rofl* :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 28.10.2009, 18:47

    So fühle ich mich, wenn mal wieder um 5 Uhr der Wecker klingelt...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 11.11.2009, 23:38

    Einen Eimer Entenküken, bitte!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 14.11.2009, 13:52

    Duck and cover!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 15.11.2009, 00:44

    Ducket! ^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 12.12.2009, 12:48

    Adler: Jetzt neu mit Waffenskill!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 31.12.2009, 16:13

    Und in Gedenken an all die Maraskaner, die gerade in Eslamsgrund erfrieren:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 31.12.2009, 17:19

    Das sieht aus wie die "Cliffhanger" Mission aus CoD 6 *hust*

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 03.01.2010, 20:10

    Der neue Mazda Pi!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 28.01.2010, 22:46

    Frei nach dem Motto: "My human doesn't need this anymore." So eine Aktion würde auch zu Sari passen... ^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 04.02.2010, 19:51

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 19.03.2010, 16:14

    Kopiert aus dem Siegelforum, ich fand es zu herrlich :)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 08.04.2010, 22:32

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 26.04.2010, 19:24

    Hihi... ^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 27.04.2010, 07:18

    O_O Die arme Katze O_O

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 27.04.2010, 21:41

    Ich glaub nicht, dass die das schlimm fand... oO

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 27.04.2010, 22:22

    Das nicht, aber sie guckt so verwirrt... ^^

    Übrigens: nach Freitag gibt es auch Fotos von mir in... Orange. Also, richtig orange. Ich muss mal schauen, ob ich oranges Haarspray-Zeug finde, aber so oder so wird es richtig orange und merkwürdig =D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 02.05.2010, 12:48

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 02.05.2010, 19:52

    Hihi, cool! =D Der Haltung nach macht es gerade entweder einen Manual oder setzt zum Ollie an. ^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 06.05.2010, 20:22

    :shock: ...

    Am besten direkt auf Youtube schauen, ist hier so mickrig klein. ^^


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 07.05.2010, 00:30

    Das ist richtig gut :) Das Ende erinnert mich an Terminator 2 ...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 10.05.2010, 13:38


    Na, wie viele Farben schafft ihr? ^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 10.05.2010, 22:11

    JabezP hat folgendes geschrieben: http://thedogpaddler.com/RandomUploads/Ball/ball.htm

    Na, wie viele Farben schafft ihr? ^^
    Öhm, nicht so viele, das macht mich voll argh nach kurzer Zeit... Oo Es waren so ca. 15 bis ich aufgehört habe.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 19.05.2010, 19:18

    Was will uns der Dichter sagen? :shock:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 09.06.2010, 22:29

    Zum Verständnis: Xbox 1 Original Controller vs PS2-Slim... xD

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 09.08.2010, 07:00

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 13.08.2010, 11:56

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 16.08.2010, 16:00

    Oh Gott in der letzten Zeit haben einer meiner Freunde und ich es uns zum Hobby gemacht, uns gegenseitig mit solchen demotivators in Skype zuzuposten :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 24.12.2010, 20:39

    Extra für Miffi:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 25.12.2010, 04:50


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Fighonan - 25.12.2010, 12:48

    Saugeil! Ich liebe die 'kleinen Helden...' XD

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 26.12.2010, 00:22

    So eine Katerstrophe...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 16.04.2011, 00:59

    Gnihi. ^^ http://youtu.be/5j4rG0M6IAE

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 16.05.2011, 22:52

    Mirror's Edge Fan-Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ-pSa2rAvE <3 *bow*

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Fighonan - 20.05.2011, 09:45

    Echt cool gemacht! Und ich stelle fest, dass die englische Sprachausgabe mal wieder um Längen besser klingt...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 31.05.2011, 20:20

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 18.07.2011, 23:23

    GameOne Nerd-Quiz Part 2

    Wie viele Fragen davon könnt ihr beantworten? ^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 19.07.2011, 19:01

    Die ersten vier richtig, dann hatte ich keine Lust mehr auf den Puffer zu warten ....

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 19.07.2011, 19:56

    Oh, bei mir lief's flüssig durch. =/ Ich habe insgesamt nur 4 oder 5 Sachen gewusst... o_o Werd die Fragen hier mal abtippen:

    1. Im Command & Conquer Universum gibt es zwei Parteien, wie heissen sie? (gewusst)

    2. Bei WoW gibt es verschiedene Farben für die Waffen. Blau steht fuer Rare. Lila steht fuer Epic. Wofuer steht orange? (nicht gewusst)

    3. Was ist eine Hypothenuse. (nicht gewusst)

    4. Wieviele TETRIS Steine gibt es? (nicht gewusst)

    5. Wie lautete der Name der ersten Firma von Peter Molyneux? (gewusst)

    6. Wie lautete der Projektname des N64? (nicht gewusst)

    7. Wie heisst der Gruender von id Software und Erfinder der Quake-Reihe? (gewusst)

    8. Nenne die drei Regeln zur ordentlichen Gremlins-Pflege! (nur zwei Regeln gewusst)

    9. Wie heissen die gelben Reitviehcher aus Final Fantasy? (gewusst)

    10. Wie heisst der sprechende Totenschädel aus Monkey Island 3? (nicht gewusst)

    11. Wofuer stand ursprünglich die Abkürzung "SEGA"? (nicht gewusst)

    12. Wie heisst das Pferd von Marshall Bravestarr und sein Gewehr? (nicht gewusst)

    13. Henry Walton Jones Jr. PhD hat einen Spitznamen, wie lautet er? (nicht gewusst)

    14.Nenne 5 Peanuts beim Namen! (nicht gewusst)

    15. Vervollständige mit dem Refrain: "Can you feel the thunder inside..."! (nicht gewusst)

    Ok, 4 gewusst... Ich bin voll unnerdig. ^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 20.07.2011, 00:27

    2 und 3 hätte ich gewußt :D Und 9. Bei einigen bin ich nicht ganz sicher, das Video wollte bei mir auch nicht so recht.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 20.07.2011, 00:38

    Komisch dass es bei euch solche Probleme macht. oO Ich habe adblock für die Seite deaktiviert, vllt. macht das den Unterschied? Die Reaktionen und Grübeleien sind einfach so geil teilweise, lohnt sich das durchzugucken. Vor allem Nils... (07:59 - 08:33) xD

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 20.07.2011, 10:15

    Du hast vergessen, die Frage mit Lucky Luke's Hund abzutippen!

    Bei mir lief es jedenfalls komplett flüssig durch. Und ich hatte immerhin sechs Fragen richtig. :D Und die Reaktionen sind... köstlich!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 20.07.2011, 18:05

    Ok 5 gewusst ... die ersten 5 XD (Den LuckyLukeHund mitgerechnet).

    Ich fürchte dafür bin ich zu wenig Nintendokind...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 20.07.2011, 19:01

    "... und dann sind die Schlösser verbogen ... ABER ICH HAB DOCH DIE ANTWORT!!!" xD

    Ups, an der Lucky Luke-Frage habe ich vorbeigeklickt. ^^ Wusste ich auch, macht 5 richtige Antworten bei mir. Samy ist am nerdigsten bis jetzt. oo *g*

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 21.07.2011, 08:06

    Das mit dem Schlüssel war auch die beste Reaktion überhaupt. :D Wie herrlich er sich immer aufregt...
    "Man darf die nicht essen, weil die giftig sind. Die sind verwandt mit dem Kugelfisch." XD

    Und, ja, schockierend, aber wahr :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 25.07.2011, 17:25


    Der Tod zweier Äpfel an einem unschuldigen Sommertag durch eine grausame Bestie.

    (aus dem Siegelforum geklaut..äh...weitergeleitet ;))

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 27.07.2011, 08:51

    Das geht wohl im Moment rum, ich hab dazu vor Kurzem auch den Link auf Facebook gefunden (und sofort da weitergeleitet) ;) Aber es ist immer noch genial. Und episch. Und überhaupt!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 27.07.2011, 18:55

    Man kann die Leute nicht oft genug vor Katzen warnen. Obwohl es mir hier schon zu spät zu sein scheint ...

    *schaut sich um, nickt ernst und schickt Fhyr wieder heim*

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 27.07.2011, 20:13

    Stimmt schon. Man weiß nie, wo sie die nächsten Äpfel sehen. ;)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 27.07.2011, 20:19

    Augäpfel? :shock:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 27.07.2011, 20:57

    Das passiert wenn man nicht präzsiiert was man gefertigt haben will^^


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 07.08.2011, 16:30

    Deadly Premonition - Whistle Theme <3 =D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 07.08.2011, 16:35

    Aaaah - Ohrwurm! <.<

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 10.09.2011, 02:25

    Eviron hat folgendes geschrieben:
    1. Im Command & Conquer Universum gibt es zwei Parteien, wie heissen sie?

    2. Bei WoW gibt es verschiedene Farben für die Waffen. Blau steht fuer Rare. Lila steht fuer Epic. Wofuer steht orange?

    3. Wie heißt der Hund von Lucky Luke?

    4. Was ist eine Hypothenuse?

    5. Wieviele TETRIS Steine gibt es?

    6. Wie lautete der Name der ersten Firma von Peter Molyneux?

    7. Wie lautete der Projektname des N64?

    8. Wie heisst der Gruender von id Software und Erfinder der Quake-Reihe?

    9. Nenne die drei Regeln zur ordentlichen Gremlins-Pflege!

    10. Wie heissen die gelben Reitviehcher aus Final Fantasy?

    11. Wie heisst der sprechende Totenschädel aus Monkey Island 3?

    12. Wofuer stand ursprünglich die Abkürzung "SEGA"?

    13. Wie heisst das Pferd von Marshall Bravestarr und sein Gewehr?

    14. Henry Walton Jones Jr. PhD hat einen Spitznamen, wie lautet er?

    15.Nenne 5 Peanuts beim Namen!

    16. Vervollständige mit dem Refrain: "Can you feel the thunder inside..."!

    1.: gewusst
    2.: gewusst
    3.: gewusst
    4.: gewusst
    5.: gewusst
    6.: nicht gewusst
    7.: gewusst
    8.: nicht gewusst
    9.: gewusst
    10.: gewusst
    11.: gewusst
    12.: nicht gewusst
    13.: nicht gewusst
    14.: gewusst
    15.: gewusst
    16.: nicht gewusst

    11/16, das heißt jetzt was? :oops:

    Nerd Test 1:

    1.: In wie vielen Star Wars Filmen spielt Yoda mit? (gewusst)

    2.: Was ist das besondere "Thema" der 4. Welt in Super Mario Bros. 3? (gewusst)

    3.: Wie heißt das Raumschiff von Commander Shepard in Mass Effect? (gewusst)

    4.: Wie heißt das Pferd aus Michael Endes "Die Unendliche Geschichte"? (nicht gewusst)

    5.: Wie heißt das Schwert, das Aragorn aus den Bruchstücken Narsils in "Herr der Ringe" schmiedet? (gewusst)

    6.: Wie kamen die Macher von Monkey Island auf den Namen Guybrush? (gewusst)

    7.: Wie macht man einen Piledriver mit Zangief in Streetfighter II? (gewusst)

    8.: Wer spielte den He-Man in der Verfilmung von 1987 (nicht gewusst)

    9.: Wie heißt Battlecat vor seiner Verwandlung? (nicht gewusst)

    10.: Nenne drei der Ghostbusters mit Namen. (gewusst)

    11.: Wie heißen die zwei Drachen aus Bubble Bobble? (nicht gewusst)

    12.: Was bringt das Herz-Item in den Bomberman-Spielen? (gewusst)

    13.: Bei welchem dieser Spiele hatte Shigeru Miyamoto nicht seine Hand im Spiel?
    F-Zero, Pikmin, Star Fox, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Luigi's Mansion (gewusst)

    14.: Wie geht der bekannte KONAMI Cheat? (gewusst)

    15.: Was bedeutet SCUMM in den LucasArts Adventures? (gewusst)

    Und nochmal 11 aus 15. F**k bin ich ein Nerd... :oops: :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 10.09.2011, 14:21


    Zu 11: Du hast einfach nicht genug Monkey Island gespielt^^ Denn sonst hättes du gewusst das er Murray heißt^^ *g*

    Und ja du bist ein Nerd :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 10.09.2011, 19:50

    Zitat: 11/16, das heißt jetzt was? Du bist ein Übernerd! :O ^^

    @Björn: Das mit Murray wusste er doch. ; ) Beim ersten Quiz hat er bei 11 keine Ahnung gehabt. Ich habe allerdings zu wenig MI gespielt, nur den ersten Teil durch bis jetzt. Muss die anderen unbedingt bald nachholen. : D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 26.10.2011, 23:08

    Die vier Rollenspieler-Typen und was sie definiert:
    Real Men, Real Roleplayers, Loonies & Munchkins



    Ein paar wenige Beispiele:
    Zitat: The Real Man
    The tough macho type who walks up to the attacking dragon and orders
    it to leave before he gets hurt.

    The Real Roleplayer
    The intelligent cunning guy who tricks the constable into letting you
    all out of prison.

    The Loonie
    The guy who will do anything for a cheap laugh, including casting a
    fireball at ground zero.

    The Munchkin
    Need we say more?

    Favorite Post-Holocaust RPG:
    *Real Men* play Twilight 2000
    *Real Roleplayers* play The Morrow Project
    *Loonies* play Paranoia
    *Munchkins* play anything by TSR
    Favorite Alignment:
    *Real Men* are Lawful Good
    *Real Roleplayers* don't use alignment
    *Loonies* are Amoral Silly
    *Munchkins* are whatever gives the most plusses
    Favorite Undead to Summon:
    *Real Men* summon Ghosts
    *Real Roleplayers* summon Wraiths
    *Loonies* send in an AD&D troll wearing a sheet
    *Munchkins* summon Cerberus

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 08.01.2012, 03:21

    Nerd Porn (keine Angst, ist 100% jugendfrei) :wink: :






    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Chakijian - 15.02.2012, 00:57

    Ich kann es mir nicht verkneifen:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 15.02.2012, 19:37

    Oh mein Gott... das ist echt gut :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 16.02.2012, 01:30

    How cube ... äh, cute! ^_^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 21.02.2012, 16:40

    Wer es noch nicht kennt:

    8-Bit Theater, eine Parodie auf das erste Final Fantasy:


    Black Mage: "Shut up. OK, let's think..."
    Fighter: "I like swords."
    Black Mage: "Correction. I'll think."


    Black Mage: "Damn, who would've thought it'd be this hard to find one stupid old man?"
    SIGN: "Shady Oaks Retirement
    SIGN: More old men than you can beat senseless!"
    Black Mage: "We'll see about that!"


    Thief: "Hey, sorry about that, I had to go to 'Ye Olde Pawne Shoppe' to cash in my 'findings'."
    Black Mage: "Findings?"
    Thief: "Oh sure. You'd be surprised by the things people 'drop' and the frequency with which they are 'dropped' given their high monetary values."
    Black Mage: "I see."
    Thief: "Coincidentally, I manage to find a lot of 'dropped' things."
    Black Mage: "And take them to a pawn shop."
    Thief: "I believe in sharing the wealth... of others.
    White Mage: "It's so sweet of him to give to charity."
    Fighter: "See? I told ya he is a great guy."
    Black Mage: "HE'S A THIEF!"
    White Mage (to Thief): "Don't be hurt. He lashes out at everyone. He has issues he needs to work through."
    Thief: "It's probably his self-loathing."
    Fighter: "You know, I've been saying that for years."
    Black Mage (raging): "I could easily destroy you all."
    (One of the others, off panel): "But wouldn't you only be destroying yourself?"

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 02.03.2012, 16:46


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 15.04.2012, 10:24


    und mein Favorit:

    Da sind noch viele mehr...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 15.04.2012, 12:51

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 17.04.2012, 21:28

    Bin mir fast sicher dass ihr das alle schon kennt aber ich bin erst heute darauf aufmerksam gemacht worden und find's herrlich :lol:

    http://www.majusarts.de/film/monkey/GER/monkey_ger.html (Monkey Island Flash-Film)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Fighonan - 21.04.2012, 16:11

    XD Kenne es zwar schon, aber ist nach wie vor zum Schießen gut (die anderen Videos können auch einiges.)

    'hey, kannst du schwimmen?'^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 26.04.2012, 17:24


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 02.07.2012, 17:43

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 02.07.2012, 21:58


    Ich wusste schon immer, dass in Hamburg komische Leute wohnen...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Anonymous - 24.07.2012, 20:39

    Wirklich gutes Würfelglück


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 14.08.2012, 16:27

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 14.08.2012, 18:24


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 11.12.2012, 00:01

    Für Ente bzw Saga ;)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 16.06.2013, 11:50

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 16.06.2013, 13:49

    Hi Hi ich weiß wer sich da freut^^

    Armer Manu^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 16.06.2013, 20:32

    Floppy Style!


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 21.07.2013, 18:47

    Ich will meinen eigenen Aufräum-Marine!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 30.07.2013, 02:06

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 30.07.2013, 17:28

    Shortly before the Heresy reaches Terra, Horus calls the other eight
    to his side for one final conference…

    Horus: My brothers, all has gone splendidly so far, and now we stand ready to take control of the very heart of the Imperium and guide humanity to chaos... but something has been bothering me…

    Fulgrim: The way Abaddon looks just like you?

    Horus: Yes, exactly. I mean, No! The simple fact is each of our chapters uses the same composition as the others. We have no variety! For the assault to work each chapter must take on a specific role, sacrificing some things and gaining others. Agreed?

    Heads nodded all around the room.

    Horus: All right then, whom do we begin with?

    Fulgrim: I want to be the pretty one!

    WHAM!! Angron slams Fulgrim's head into the table.

    Angron: Idiot!

    Horus: Ah, Angron. Yes, your Worldeaters shall be the masters of hand to hand combat, sacrificing almost all else, and overcome by an insatiable frenzy of violence.

    Angron: Hey! You'd be violent too, if you had to sit between Fulgrim and Mortarion!

    Fulgrim: Can my chapter at least play music?


    Angron: Violence. Cool, I can live with that.

    Horus: Fulgrim, your Emporer's Children will indeed play music, but you will develop it into a weapon of horrible sound, killing men from a distance.

    Perturabo: Ever heard him play that harp of his? It's already like a horrible death.

    Fulgrim: Hmmph, you have no soul, Perturabo.

    Lorgar: Hey, none of us do.

    Fulgrim: Good point. What's the downside of my army, Horus?

    Horus: You wear pink.

    Fulgrim: And the downside?

    Horus: Moving on. Who's next?

    Mortarion: My chapter is already tougher than any other, but I will take a flaw like the rest of you.

    All stare at the diseased, disgusting form of the Death Guard

    Mortarion: What? I'm waiting.

    Horus: Ummm, Magnus! You're into that whole magic thing. Your Thousand Sons will have more psychics…

    Magnus: Sorcerers. We call ourselves sorcerers now.

    Horus: Sure, whatever. But you get more of them than anyone else. Meanwhile the rest of your forces will become little more than walking automatons.

    Magnus: I don't see how I could possibly comply with that.

    Horus: Don't worry, I already got somebody working on that for me.

    Magnus: What? Who?!?

    Horus: Moving on…

    Magnus: No wait, who's gonna turn my chapter into automatons?

    Mortarion: Hmm, perhaps someone is already working on the flaw of my chapter. Is that it, Horus?

    Lorgar: Cough, Typhus! Cough, Cough!

    Fulgrim: Wait a minute, if I follow the god of sex, how come Magnus has a 1000 sons?

    Alpharius: Well, you already have the Emporer's children. How many kids do you need?

    Horus: Hey! Still in charge here! And I said we're moving on! Now each of you four have your own specific god, but the rest of us will remain undivided. In fact, Lorgar, you can pick daemons from any of the gods,as many as you want.

    Lorgar: Whoo-hoo! Daemonette orgy tonight!

    Fulgrim: I am so there!

    Lorgar: You are so not!

    Horus: BUT, your Wordbearers must perform all our religious ceremonies, be the most zealous of us all. In fact, only you will keep your chaplains.

    Lorgar: So… no orgy?

    Horus: `Fraid not.

    Lorgar: Man, this bites…

    Horus: Perturabo, your Iron Warriors are masters of siege craft. You will get more heavy choices than the others. If you don't have enough, steal some from the Imperials. And since you created the Obliterators, feel free to take as many as you dare. This will make you a bit slower, and you can't have daemons at all.

    Perturabo: What about daemon siege engines?

    Horus: We have those?

    Perturabo whistles innocently.

    Horus: Okay, fine whatever. Konrad Curze…

    Curze: I prefer `Night Haunter.'

    Horus: Sigh, Night Haunter. Your Night Lords will have more fast- moving troops and excel at night fighting, but…

    Fulgrim: Hey, wait a minute! We can decide our own nicknames? I want to be…


    Angron: Wasn't me this time.

    Lorgar: Umm, that was a ceremonial punch to the jaw. Slaanesh demanded it. Yeaahhh…

    Horus: Crap. Where was I?

    Mortarion: I'm still waiting for my flaw.

    Alpharius: How about soap?

    Horus: Yes, the newbie! Your Alpha Legion will hide deep within the Imperium and sabotage their efforts. This means few daemons, and certainly no greater daemons.

    Alpharius: Not so bad, and what do I get in return?

    Horus: Um, cultists. We can't afford to give them armor or guns
    though. We have these flashlights… "Laspistols" I think is what the Imperial Guard call them…

    Alpharius: You gotta be kidding me! Humans!?!? That's it!?!?

    Horus: Yep. Sucks to be the new guy.

    Alpharius: This is bull! Angron gets all the hand to hand stuff, Perturabo gets all the shooty stuff, and I get cultists?!? This is so much…

    Alpharius looks at Mortarion.

    Alpharius: Well, I guess it could be worse. What about you, Horus?

    Mortarion: Is my chapter to have no flaw?

    Horus: That's it! My Chapter doesn't have a flaw or an advantage. I can have whatever I want without limits.

    Perturabo: You're not getting my stolen siege engines.

    Alpharius: And if cultists is all I get, then you ain't getting any.

    Lorgar: Don't forget, you said I'm the only one with Chaplains.

    Horus: Fine, fine. Are we all settled? Questions?

    Everyone raises a hand.

    Horus: None? Good. The attack begins in one week. Dismissed.

    Mortarion: Hello? STILL waiting my flaw. Helloooo?

    And the rest is history… or the future… or the history of the future. Well, you know what I mean.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 30.07.2013, 19:35

    Und noch eins...

    The commandments of the Adeptus Astartes

    1. Thou shalt not refer to the Adeptus Soritas as "Bolter Bitches," nor shalt thou go anywhere near our sisters during the time of the "Red Rage," lest thou wishes to be the first human to enter orbit without the aid of a shuttle.
    2. Orks are not "cute."
    3. Thou shalt not make jokes about the Imperial Guard's weapons.
    4. Thou shalt not replace the Librarian's staff with a magic wand.
    5. Thou shalt not tip the Terminators over during battle.
    6. Thou shalt not do Spock impersonations around Eldar.
    7. C-3P0 is not a Necron ambassador.
    8. You shall not dare others to eat Squigs.
    9. No, you cannot "take the Titan for a spin."
    10. Thou shalt not use thy Multi-Meltas to light campfires. (In a similar manner, thou shalt not use the Terminator Captain's Chainfist to open tins of baked beans)
    11. Thou shalt not bribe the Inquisitor to bring down Exterminatus on your ex-wife.
    12. Thou shalt not refer to the Rhino transports as "pimp wagons," nor shalt thou use the phrase, "If the Rhino be rockin, don't come a knockin."
    13. The Chapter Master is not a "drag.
    14. Thou shall not use Power Swords to cut your food.
    15. Thou shall not ask a Sister if you might "donate some of your own Gene-Seed."
    16. Thou shall not throw soap at Nurglings.
    17. Thou shalt not put a "kick me" sign on the Golden Throne.
    18. Thou shalt not refer to the Machine Spirit as "Cruise Control".
    19. Thou shalt not stick a 'Honk if you think I'm sexy' sticker on the Sisters' Rhino.
    20. Thou shalt not honk if thy sees a sticker saying 'Honk if you think I'm sexy' on a Sister's Rhino.
    21. Thou shalt not unplug the Golden Throne just "for laughs".
    22. Thou shalt not make the Emperor read your palms, or call upon him as "Miss Cleo".
    23. Virus bombs are not fun in a box.
    24. Shooting one of your own men who looks at you funny does not count as an "enemy casualty".
    25. Thou shalt not clog the Lascannon tubes "just to see what happens".
    26. Thou shalt not spread cooking oil in front of a Dreadnought.
    27. Thou shalt not attempt to shake the Chaplain’s hand whilst wearing a Power Fist.
    28. Putting sand inside the Terminators’ Armour is not "funny".
    29. Thou shalt not refer to the Standard of Fortitude as a "walking stick"
    30. Thou shalt not refer to the Bolt Pistol as a novelty cigarette lighter.
    31. The Earthshaker Cannon is not a "hat stand" nor is the Sentinel a "standard lamp".
    32. Thou shalt not use Land Raiders to "play chicken" with Imperial Guard Chimeras.
    33. Thou shalt not put a "Purge me!" sign on the back of the Chaplain’s armour.
    34. Thou shalt not compliment the Dark Eldar by calling them "kinky"
    35. Thou shalt not let an Ork be the designated driver
    36. Thou shalt not replace the holy unguents for the Machine Spirit with grain alcohol
    37. Thou shalt not invite a Banshee to Karaoke
    38. Thou shalt not replace the O2 units on the Commander’s Power Armour with laughing gas
    39. Thou shalt not train a Hormogaunt to be a watchdog
    40. Thou shalt not take "Old One Eye" out of context..."He's in my Artificer Armour he..he..duh!"
    41. Thou shalt not call Dark Angels "hippie alter boys"
    42. Thou shalt not taunt an Eldar "gee didn't these used to shoot further?"
    43. Thou shalt not refer to the Golden Throne as "the nicest commode in the galaxy"
    44. Thou shalt not attempt to offer a Carnifex a breath mint.
    45. Thou shalt not throw a Warp Beast a dog biscuit.
    46. Thou shalt not hope for mud wrestling during a Wych/ Sisters battle.
    47. Thou shalt not ask a Warlock what he wears under his robe.
    48. Thou shalt not tease an Inquisitor with "look Sir-Heretics!"
    49. Thou shalt not play whack-a-mole with those little Jawa-wannabe Dark Angel thingies (tangent).
    50.Thou shalt not wear oven mitts when issued a Plasma Gun.
    51. Thou shalt not take the Rhino to procure monkish ale before filling out His Most Holy acquisitions forms.
    52. Thou shalt not ask the Librarian if he has records concerning Uranus.
    53. Thou shalt not refer to the flamer as a "novelty toaster"
    54. Thou shalt not ask the Apothecary to guess what you have eaten by looking at your tongue.
    55. Thou shalt not remove the motors from a Terminators' Armour during battle.

    56. Thou shalt not point and laugh saying 'look somebody missed the toilet when battling Snotlings.
    57. Thou shalt not break wind in the presence of the Emperor (unless properly addressed to do so)
    58. Eldar helmets may not be use as hole-punches.
    59. Thou shalt not refer to the daily rituals as "psychological warfare" nor shalt thou refer to the Index Astartes as "the book of grudges"
    60. Thou shalt not say, "will someone please tell the Emperor to crap or get off the Throne"
    61. Thou shalt not petition His Most Holy administration to make "Inquisition" an Olympic sport.
    62. Thou shalt not instigate a "my Primarch could beat up your Primarch" debate.
    63. Thou shalt not use heavy breathing and "I am your father" as a battle cry when wielding a Power Sword and entering an assault
    64. Thou shalt not affect a Transylvanian accent around the Blood Angels.
    65. No hair pulling when enjoying brotherly contests with the Space Wolves.
    66. Duct-taping a Flamer to your Boltgun does not count as a Combi-weapon, and painting it pretty won't make it "Master Crafted"
    67. Thou shalt not punt Grots for pleasure.
    68. Thou shalt not shout "Thongs for the Thong God!" in front of the Dark Eldar lest thou wish to learn the true meaning of pain.
    69. Thou shalt not debate the protective merits of purple spandex with the Dark Eldar.
    70. Thou shalt not write theatre criticism and charge His Most Holy treasury to mail it to the Harlequin.
    71. Power armour never makes a Sister look fat.
    72. Thou shalt not laugh maniacally when flaming the non-believers.
    73. Thou shalt not use Thunder Hammers to play croquet.
    74. Thou shalt not start rounds of "you might be a C’tan if" while imbibing strong monkish ale.
    75. Though shalt not refer to thine brethren, whom the Emperor has dictated be armed with an incendiary weapon, as a "Flamer" constantly. For this has been proven to lower morale and cause strife within His Most Holy showering facilities.
    76. Thou shalt not affect an Austrian accent around the Necrons.
    77. Thou shalt not ask Rough Riders if you can pet their ponies.
    78. Thou shalt not stray from the Adeptus Mechanicus' directive towards ornamentation of Rhinos; specifically no aluminium sport rims, neon, extraneous exhaust pipes, or fuzzy dice.
    79. Thou shall not attempt to challenge the Eldar to games of 'Counter-strike'.
    80. Thou shall not, in any way, shape, or form, take the Land Speeder joyriding.
    81. Remember; shining Lasguns in the Guards’ eyes is WRONG.
    82. Thou shall not pretend to have been possessed by a Daemon.
    83. Thou shall not call the sacred Plasma gunners of the Imperial Guard 'fizz busters'.
    84. Yes, it will be noticed if you 'borrow' the Chapter Master's equipment.
    85. Thou shall not use supported War Hounds to 'play ball' with Imperial Guard Sentinels.
    86. It is NOT cool to feed Snotlings copious amounts of narcotics!
    87. It is not "funny" to dress up as a Bloodletter and jump out in front of the Chapter Master.
    88. Replacing a Brother's ammunition with blanks is not "funny"
    89. Wiffle bats are not approved hand weapons.
    90. Playing naughty movies in your Power Armour’s Autosensors is not sanctioned by the Adeptus Astartes.
    91. Thou shalt not teleport into the Sisters showering facilities.
    92. Thou shalt not taunt our revered Dreadnought brethren by tapping on their window and saying "anyone in there?"
    93. Thou shalt not commandeer Drop Pods to go for pizza.
    94. Thou shalt not refer to the Emperor’s Champion as "that brown-noser"
    95. Nuking from orbit is not doctrinally feasible for removal of annoying insects-unless they be Tyranids.
    96. Thou shalt not tickle the Fallen to press for confession and redemption.
    97. Thou shalt not follow a Librarian around thinking, "Can you hear me now", repetitively in an attempt to drive him insane.
    98. Thou shalt not refer to the Wulfen as "damn dirty apes".
    99. Thou shalt not use Whirlwinds to put on fireworks displays.
    100. Thou shalt not ask the Dark Angels if they "can keep a secret"
    101. Thou shalt not do Scooby Doo impersonations when speaking to the Space Wolves.
    102. Thou shalt not tell the Salamanders "sorry about the Multi-Melta thing"
    103. Thou shall not ask directions from the Wulfen.
    104. Thou shall not ask Berserkers for an axe.
    105. Thou shalt not do doughnuts in a Rhino, unless thou wishes to clean the passenger's vomit from the floor, as doughnuts make passengers dizzy
    106. Thou shalt not write "Biggest Bitch on the Battlefield" on the side of thy Land Raider, even if it is true.
    107. Thou shalt not take the Rhino out on Saturdays to 'impress the girls'.
    108. Tyranids are not cute.
    109. Though shalt not use Lasguns as laser sights for thy Bolters
    110. Just because you’re fighting Necrons it doesn’t mean your standard equipment is a Skaven and a tin opener.
    111. Thou shalt not throw snowballs at Salamander Space Marines whilst yelling, "THINK FAST!"
    112. Thou shalt not ask Ork prisoners "why the red ones go faster"
    113. Thou shalt not attempt to drown out Noise Marines with ye old rave music
    114. Never ask a Dreadnought "how old are you?"
    115. Thou shalt not use the Golden Throne as a microwave
    116. Thou shalt not wear a dress in the presence of the Dark Angels
    117. Thou shalt not wear fake fangs in the presence of the Space Wolves
    118. Thou shalt not ask a Space Wolf if he wants a biscuit
    119. Thou shalt not eat another Marine’s paste
    120. Thou shalt not trip a Dark Angel in front of an Interrogator-Chaplain
    121. Thou shalt not trip an Interrogator-Chaplain
    122. Thou shalt not fill Demolisher shells with lots of flowers.
    123. Scouts are not 'target practice'.
    124. Thou shalt not replace the Chapter Master's Power Sword with a plastic sword.
    125. It is not funny to put an 'Eat me' sign on the Librarian's back prior to a Tyranid attack.
    126. Thou shalt NOT refer to the Dreadnought as 'Granddad', nor shalt thou hang a, 'I told you I was sick' sign from it.
    127. Thou shalt not play 'peek-a-boo' with the Machine Spirit.
    128. Thou shalt not unscrew your Battle Brethren’s leg plates.
    129. It is not funny to play ring toss with Orks tusks.
    130. When faced by the Inquisition, don’t laugh.
    131. Necrons are not cans
    132. Thou shalt not eat prunes before a battle
    133. Thou shalt not refer to the company Techmarine as "Scotty."
    134. Thou shalt not challenge the Terminator Company to a game of "Twister."
    135. Thou shalt not refer to Ripper Swarms as... "Cute."
    136. Thou shalt not refer to Catachan Jungle Fighters as "tree hugging hippies"
    137. Thou shalt not suggest the Eldar "live long and prosper."
    138. Thou shalt not tell a Space Wolf it smells as if something crawled up and died in their mouth.
    139. Thou shalt not replace the Space Wolves store of Tuna with cans of Puppy Chow.
    140. Thou shalt not use Imperial Guardsmen as sticks while playing fetch with a Hive Tyrant.
    141. Thou shall not use Flame Falcons to toast thy marsh mellows
    142. Thou shall not ask an Inquisitor's Psyber-Eagle "does Polly wanna cracker?"
    143. Thou shall not ask the Lametors "are ya feeling lucky punk, well are ya?"
    144. Dating the Veteran Sergeant is the exclusive privilege of the Heavy Weapon trooper
    145. Thou shalt not ask the Eldar females if they are interested in a hand-portable 'Vibro Cannon'...
    146. Thou shalt not strut around Imperial Guardsmen bragging about how 'well-equipped' you are.
    147. Thou shalt not ask the Thousand Sons if they are that slow on purpose.
    148. Thou shalt not taunt the Imperial Guard with threats of utilizing a Lascannon upon their posteriors in an unnatural fashion.
    149. Thou shalt NEVER, under any circumstances, interrupt a Navigator's concentration during warp travel to ask him if you "are there yet."
    150. Thou shalt not challenge Karandras the Shadow hunter to an arm-wrestling match
    151. Thou shalt not refer to Eldar Swooping Hawk grenades as "bird droppings," nor shalt thou taunt them by using a mortar to pet them with birdseed.
    152. Thou shalt not use the Emperor's Champion Iron Halo to play horseshoes in thy free time.
    153. Thou shalt not use the Chapter Standard to dry thy undergarments upon
    154. Thou shalt NEVER take the Steve Irwin approach to Tyranids; if they do not respond to external stimuli, do not attempt to poke it with a stick.
    155. Thou shalt not consider it "funny" to replace the smoke canisters in your Chapter's Land Raider's Smoke Launchers with narcotic substances
    156. He who takes advantage of the Emperor's paralysis by painting his fingernails will be summarily executed
    157. Shoulder Pads are not to be removed for use as ice-cream scoops.
    158. Thou shalt not replace our Honoured Brother Terminator Captain's Storm Bolter with a Vulcan Mega Bolter, nor shalt thou feign surprise at his inability to lift it.
    159. Thou shalt not distract our Librarian whilst he attempts to cast Smite; else thou shalt be forced to clean the inside of his helmet.
    160. Thou shalt not replace a Thunderhawk's firebase supplies with bouncy castles.
    161. Thou shalt not burn our Captain's robe on a cold night.
    162. Thou shalt not replace the Apothecary's Reductor with a syringe.
    163. Undoing the straps between a Brother and his jump-pack is not funny.
    164. Thou shalt not utilize the Techmarine's Signum for engaging in long and sexy chitchat with Battle Sisters.
    165. Thou shalt not replace the Grimoire of True Names with "Daemon Hunting for Dummies"
    166. Thou shalt not put thine Emperor gifted gene seed into the beverage of your fellow Battle Brothers.
    167. Thou shalt not duct tape over the emergency venting on the most holy Plasma Pistol of the Chapter Master
    168. Thou shalt not make "Your Mum" jokes in the presence of the Adeptus Soritas
    169. Though shalt not unscrew the bolts on thine Brothers' greaves in order to "pants" him.
    170. Thou shalt not use thine holy Meltagun as an arc welder.
    171. Thou shall not play pin the tail on the Dreadnought
    172. Thou shalt never say, "You can’t handle the Truth!" to a Dark Angel.
    173. Thou shall not use bug spray on Tyranids (it won't work only distracts)
    174. Thou shall not name a Salamander Dreadnought "the Hulk"
    176. Never mix up Khorne marines with Blood Angels
    177. Do not play golf with Mortarion (he uses Nurglings to move the ball)
    178. Never play American football with a Bloodthirster
    179. Thou shalt never throw a stick at Space Wolves and command them to fetch.
    180. Thou shalt not challenge Guardsmen to arm wrestling whilst thou is wearing a Power Fist
    181. Thou shalt not rent advertising space on thin banners
    182. Thou shalt not hurt Cypher
    183. Thou shalt not question Commandment 182
    184. Thou shalt not be turned on by anything related to Slaanesh
    185. Thou shalt not refer to Daemonettes as 'booby daemons'
    186. Thou shalt not glue thy Land Raider assault doors shut
    187. Thou shalt not mock exalted members of thy Chapter for 'not having the enemy’s permission to fight'
    188. If thou is worth 300 points thou must kill 300 pts before being allowed to die.
    189. Thou shalt use unleaded gas only for thy Land Raider
    190. Thou shalt not use Servo Skulls as baseballs
    191. Thou shalt not laugh at thy Brethren whom are from 1st or 2nd edition
    192. Thou shalt not compare Commissars to Nazis
    193. By order of the Inquisition: There is no such thing as the Inquisition, questioning this will have thou deemed heretic by the Inquisition
    194. Thou shalt not complain to thy Force Commanders in coming months when thou cannot attack the enemy immediately following exiting Rhinos
    195. If thou are members of the Black Templar then thou must not whine that the Emperor's Champion has the your only Iron Halo
    196. Thou shalt not install hydraulics on thy Rhino
    197. Thou shall not question the decoration of the Chapter fortress: if skulls with wings are good enough for Him on Terra they are good enough for you.
    198. Thou shall not strap lawn furniture to jump packs in an attempt to recreate first ed. Land Speeders.
    199. Thou shall not complain about no longer having Jet Bikes.
    200. Thou shall not confuse Guardsmen by shouting "OMG! Zerg Rush!".
    201. Thou shall not point out there is no 175 commandment
    202. Thou shall not give members of thy Biker squad Thunder Hammers and Grots so thy may play polo
    203. Thou shalt never use Lasguns as flashlights during a night fight
    204. Thou shalt not take the emperor's teeth in vain
    205. Thou shalt not comment on the odd shape of the Inquisitor's head
    206. Thou shalt not do "wheelies" or "donuts" on you bike.
    207. Thou shalt not have a "kegger" on the eve of battle, thus making yourselves less effective in the morning.
    208. Thou shalt not refer to the Almighty Emperor as "The Righteous Dead Dude."
    209. Thou shalt not check to see if your Bolt Pistol is loaded by looking down the barrel!
    210. Thou shalt not go on panty raids into Sister Of Battle Monasteries.
    211. Thou shalt not use thy scope for anything outside of battle. Anyone caught using them to spy out life mates shalt lose privileges.
    212. Thou shalt not sell thy extra organs on the Black Market.
    213. Though it is entertaining, thou shalt not wave a fly swatter near the Tyranid fleets.
    214. Thou shalt not use thine Chainsword as a backscratcher.
    215. Thou shalt not use thine Bolt Pistol as a q-tip.
    216. Thou shalt not attempt to imitate heathen noise marines with "heavy metal" or "death metal" through thine com-speakers.
    217. Although tempting, do not attempt to give a Tau a "high-five”.
    218. Thou shalt not laugh at how small Imperial Guardsmen are.
    219. Thou shalt not bend to the will of nerds playing war games, and act upon your own free will.
    220. Thou shalt not transmit images of unclothed Sisters to the Astropaths.
    221. Thou shalt not advertise on thine armour.
    222. Thou shalt not wave fake skulls at the Berserkers.
    223. Thou shalt not wave a red flag near a Chaos Dreadnought.
    224. Thou shalt guard thy Bolter when camping with Imperial Guard.
    225. Thou shalt not sniff Warp fumes.
    226. Thou shalt not use bug bomb against the ‘Nids
    227. Thou shalt not play Internet games with Tzeentch.
    228. Thou shalt not e-mail the Emperor.
    229. Thou shalt not e-mail the Emperor spam.
    230. Thou should beware of thy Lictor behind cardboard bushes.
    231. Terminators and glue do not mix.
    232. Thou shalt not spray paint thy armour to make it look cool.
    234. Thou shalt not have water gun fights with Lasguns. (The guard needs them)
    235. Thou shalt not juggle Power Weapons.
    236. Thou shalt not hide video links in the Sisters of Battle's Monastery.
    237. Grenades are not water balloons.
    238. Thou shalt not use insect repellent against Tyranids.
    239. Thou shalt not use water guns against Necron.
    240. Thou shalt not piss on the Iron Halo.
    241. Daemons are not your friends.
    242. Barney the Dinosaur is not your friend.
    243. Barney is a heretic.
    244. Barney merchandise are simply prohibited.
    245. Barney is not a Tyranid
    246. Digimons are not in the 40K universe.
    247. Digimons are not affiliated with the Necron.
    248. Pokemons are not Digimons!
    249. Pokemons are not fun to play with.
    250. Thou shalt not steal candy from babies, Orks, Gretchins or Commissars.
    251. Thou shalt not play “Truth or Dare” with Sisters.
    252. Thou shalt not “Spin the Bottle” with Sisters.
    253. Thou shalt not play “Hangman” with the Inquisitor or Berserker.
    254. Thou shalt ignore strange voices in your head.
    255. Thou shalt not put a cork in the Inquisitors pistol.
    256. Thou shalt not hide the Land Raider in a lake.
    257. The Land Raider is not a hotel room!
    258. Spiking the beer is forbidden.
    259. Shotguns are not practice guns.
    260. Lasguns don’t make cool disco lights for your party.
    261. Pixie wings are not jump packs.
    262. Thou shalt not trade thine bike for a skateboard.
    263. Thou shalt not ignore the Chaplain as he recites the tales of Spot the Dog.
    264. Darth Vader isn’t the son of Abaddon.
    265. Thou shalt not use the sentinel Powerlifter as a babe-magnet for the Sisters.
    266. “It makes a funny noise” is not an excuse for punching Imperial Guardsmen.
    267. “He started it” is not an excuse for punching Imperial Guardsmen.
    268. Thou shalt not get a Sister intoxicated for thy own pleasures.
    269. Thou shalt not sexually harass the Servitors even if they won’t notice.
    270. Thou shalt not have an ice cream Superfantasical Day.
    271. Thou's name is not GiX.
    272. Thou shalt not smoke, inhale or inject illegal pharmaceuticals into thy holy body even though your advanced physiological structure could probably withstand the effects.
    273. Thou shalt not put "Ecstasy" in the punch when Battle Sisters arrive for a formal meeting with the Chapter's Authorities.
    274. Thou shalt not practise vampiric tendencies despite your urge to do so.
    275. Thou shalt not howl when the Chapter Master bends over. (Full moon out tonight!)
    276. You shalt not comment on being a better shot then the Inquisitor.
    277. The Chaplain is not too preachy.
    278. Gambling for Grots is not allowed.
    279. Your sergeant is not a pugy bastard.
    280. You shalt not smack the Sister’s butt and then wink at her.
    281. The lab research Tyranids are not for emergency rations.
    282. Thou shalt not use a Flamer to cook a whole cow and leave none for the others.
    283. Thou shalt not set fly strips outside your tent in a Tyranid warzone.
    284. Thou shalt not wear Lord Commander Dante's Death Mask (or any Death Masks at all for that matter) on Halloween, any other masquerade parties or for fun when not in battle!
    285. Thou shalt not try to see how much a Death Company Marine can take (physical or psychical)!
    286. Thou shalt not put "tags" on the Holy Shrouds or Banners or write on it in anyway at all.
    289. Rico’s Roughnecks are not real.
    290. Thou shalt not over-charge thy bike!
    291. Thou shalt not use the over-charged engines for "drag-racing"!
    292. Thou shalt not have a Blood-party (as in tea-party) with Mephiston during battle!
    293. Thou shalt not play "no blinking" with Mephiston!
    294. Thou shalt not give Tycho an Ork for his Birthday (or any day at all for that matter, or speak him about Orks).
    295. Thou shalt not release Moriar from his restrainment or tap in his vital liquids!
    296. Thou shalt not ask the Sanguinary Priest for something to drink!
    297. Thou shalt obey these 627 commandments! (Isn't it hard counting when being a scout?)
    298. Thou shalt not use thy Jump Packs to "fry your diner"!
    299. Thou shalt not use thy Jump Packs to get “KFC” or “Macca’s”.
    300. Thou shalt not kill each other because "thou are the real Sanguinius".
    301. Thou shalt not make wounds to resemble the wounds of thou mighty Primarch Sanguinous, the Chaplain paint these on your armour!
    302. Thou shalt not "make bunny-ears" with thy fingers behind the Chaplain whilst he gives battle-orders.
    302. Thou shalt not fake death in order to get blood from the Sanguinary Priests.
    303. Thou shalt keep thou armour on, although thou might think thou are invincible, thou DO need thy armour!
    304. Thou shalt not fall asleep whilst the Chaplain is in prayer.
    305. Thou shalt not use thy weapons upon thyself, thou still can get hurt.
    306. Thou shalt not jump out in front of the Rhino to get into the fight whilst still in motion...wait for orders to disembark!
    307. Thou shalt look both ways before crossing the street.
    308. Thou shalt not try to "steal" assaults away from Battle Brothers....they are allowed some fun too!
    309. Thou shalt not make jokes about the Tyranids’ mighty One-Eyed monster ( arr pirate matey).
    310. Thou shalt not mistake the Harlequin's Kiss for some fruity clown prank.
    311. Thou shalt not light cigarettes near the Hellhounds.
    312. Genestealers ARE NOT trying to rob you of your denim trousers.
    313. Thou shalt not chase thy Grot with a fork.
    314. Thou shalt not call the firearms of the Imperial Guard “Sega Lock-Ons”.
    315. Thou shalt not call the Adeptus Arbites “pigs” or “bacons”.
    316. Thou shalt not place buckets of water over the Inquisitors door.
    317. Inquisitors are not “Nigel no friends”
    318. Thou shalt not use thy laser sight to blind Imperial Guard.
    319. Thou shalt not remove the Imperial Guards power packs from their Lasguns while they are asleep.
    320. Thou shalt not play “frisbee” with a Tau Shield Drone.
    321. Remember a Primarch is for life not just for Christmas.
    322. Thou shalt not eat toast in your Power Armour (I’m not going to vacume the crumbs out of the toes again).
    323. Thou shalt not put fridge magnets on thy power Prmour (Even if you have been to Cornwall).
    324. Thou shalt not tune into FM rock on your intercom.
    325. Thou shalt not put bananas in the Commander's Rhino's exhaust pipes.
    326. Thou shalt not hang "Pine Fresh" on Moriar (even if he is a bit ripe by now!)

    327. Scented Pine Trees hanging off Rear Vision mirrors in favour of the Dice, is now prohibited.
    328. Thou shalt not offer to clean the Sister's armour whilst they change.
    329. Thou shalt not use Power weapons or Chain-weapons to cut your food.
    330. Thou shalt remove the batteries from weapons to put in your RC toys.
    331. Thou shalt not swap the salt and pepper.
    332. Thou shalt not play "I see, I see what you don't see" over the intercom during battles!
    333. Thou shalt not "go out to get cigarettes" during prayers!
    334. Thou shalt not make remarks about the physical appearance of Sisters.
    335. Thou shalt not swap your Battle Brothers gun with a water pistol.
    336. Thou shalt not participate in any intoxication (i.e. alcohol) contests with Imperial Guards.
    337. Thou shalt not ask a Sister if her armour is too small.
    338. Thou shalt not ask a Sister about her age.
    339. “No” means “No”.
    340. Thou shalt not make cat-sounds when Sisters argue.
    341. Thou shalt not refer to Sister Supreme as 'Mistress'.
    342. Thou shalt not refer to Ork Dreadnoughts as 'garbage bins'.
    343. Thou shalt not make funny noises during a speech/prayer.
    342. Thou shalt not "play shooting range" with Gretchins.
    343. Thou shalt not brag about how many you've killed with a Dark Eldar.
    344. Thou shalt not write or "put tags" on vehicles or armour.
    345. Thou shalt not use Servitors to catch your paper.
    346. Thou shalt not yell “catfight!” when Sisters argue.
    347. Thou shalt not press the buttons in a Demolisher tank.
    348. Thou shalt not hum cartoon theme songs when around the Tau.
    349. Thou shalt not refuse the Sisters your chocolate rations, especially during the time of their "Red rage".
    350. Thou shalt never refer to the size of a Sisters rear armour.
    351. Thou shalt always offer to rub a Sisters feet after battle. I need not explain why.
    352. Thou shalt always carry thine universal remote control when facing Necrons.
    353. Thou shalt never offer to sell your soul to the Dark Eldar for beer money. Not even in jest.
    354. Thou shalt never ask a Daemonette for some "handiwork", else thou will have to join
    the Sisters.
    355. Thou shalt not remind your commander how many times he has been slain by the badly coloured Tyranid.
    356. Thou shalt leave the Plasma Gun well and truly alone.
    357. Thou shalt not play Russian roulette with automatic weapons. It doesn't work .
    358. Thou shalt not shave the Space Wolves while they are asleep.
    359. Thou shalt not load the dice.
    360. Thou shalt not move that extra little inch in movement phase.
    361. Thou shalt not fire thy Bolter at enemies you can't really see except a leg sticking out of a building.
    362. Thou shalt follow thy rulebook.
    363. Thou shalt not make up rules.
    364. Thou are not fearless... thou art fearless... argh anyone got a codex?
    365. Thou shalt not laugh at the Cultist.
    366. Thou shalt beware of bird poo when Greater Daemon of Tzeentch is around.
    367. Thou shalt not use Penicillin tipped bolts in your Boltgun against Nurglings.
    368. Thou shalt not waste thy 15 minutes free time trying to get laid.
    369. Thou shalt beware of possessed 2 litre coke bottles.
    370. Thou shalt not stare at feet during the battle march.
    371. Thou shalt not aim at thy Commanders back.
    372. Thou shalt watch thy foot steps.
    373. Beware of the drunken Leman Russ.
    374. Thou shalt not binge drinks with the Imperial Guard.
    375. Thou shalt not challenge a Daemon Prince to a fist fight.
    376. Thou art not unexpendable.
    377. Thou shalt look before thou leap.
    378. Thou shalt not bring your sack lunch to battle.
    379. Thou shalt not use they Bike as a battering ram.
    380. Thou shalt beware of potholes and speed bumps.
    381. Lord Logan is not "Wolfie".
    382. Seraphims do not want to join the "Mile High Club".
    383. Spiky bits are not meant for hanging laundry on.
    384. Ultramarine scout is not "little boy blue".
    385. Never refer to the Canoness as "big momma".
    386. Thou shalt not put “kick me” signs on thy Brothers backs.
    387. Thou shalt not nail Nurglings to the back of the Rhino as fuzzy decorations.
    388. Thou shalt not put itching powder in a Dreadnought.
    389. Thou shalt not wink suggestively at Daemonettes.
    390. Thou shalt not use can openers on Ork Dreadnoughts.
    391. Thou shalt not replace the commissars' comm-link with a Plasma Grenade for a laugh.
    392. Thou shalt not refer to Armoured Vompanies as agoraphobes.
    393. Thou shalt not ask Techmarines to put mag wheels on your Bike.
    394. Thou shalt not use a looted Terrorfex for Halloween.
    395. Thou shalt not sneak into the Rock while the Dark angels are asleep and discover that their secret is that all the high ranking Angels wear dresses. Er... oops...
    396. Thou shalt not invite babes back to the Monastery.
    397. Thou shalt not spike drinks with Sanguinius’ blood.
    398. Thou shalt not step on Guardsmen and then say thou didn't see them.
    399. Thou shalt not refer to Paul Sawyer as "The Great Unclean One".
    400. Thou shalt not call a Dark Angel "Jessica Alba".
    401. Thou shalt not give a Sister breast implants.
    402. Neither shalt thou ask wether those “guns” are real or not.
    403. Thou shalt never say anything about the Squats.
    404. Thou shalt not overheat a Plasma Gun for a college prank.
    405. Thou shalt not give the Death Company caffeine.
    406. Thou shalt not insult a Thousand Son about his penis.
    407. Thou shalt not taunt a Space Wolf with a piece of steak.
    408. Thou shalt not poop thy Power Armour.
    409. Thou shalt not make mention of the irony that a Grot blaster is a Lasgun, only the Orks admit it is crappy.
    410. Thou shalt not over clock thine Pentium and use it as a Plasma weapon.
    411. Thou shalt not intentionally overheat a plasma weapon and give it to an IG.
    412. Thou shalt not trip over Tau.
    413. Thou shalt not attempt to steal a Tau's weapon "to give to the poor Guardsmen".
    414. Thou shalt not moon the Tau in combat. They are good shots.
    415. Thou shalt not invoke the wraith of conures. If you are foolish enough to do so, a conure the size of two to four titans shalt descend upon the table and inflict his wraith.
    416. Thou shalt not attempt to borrow Tau Stealth Suits so that you might spy on the Sisters in their quarters.
    417. Thou shalt not attempt to rebuild a Necron as a washing machine.
    418. Thou shalt not laugh at the poorly painted armies.
    419. Thou shalt not play “fetch” with a Kroot Hound using a Guardsman.
    420. Thou shalt not go big game fishing for Manta Missile Destroyers.
    421. Thou shalt not try to change the batteries on a Scarab.
    422. Thou shalt not use the Blades of Reason to trim thy fingernails.
    423. Thou shalt not feed the Warp Beasts.
    424. Thou shalt not pet the Kroot Hounds.
    425. Thou shalt not ask the Sisters whether it's dyed or real.
    426. Thou shalt not call Old One Eye "Surf and Turf".
    427. Thou shalt not moonlight as a security guard if thine armour is red.
    428. Thou shalt not use the Hellhound to cook thy rations.
    429. Thou shalt not use thy Power Armour comm.-link to prank call the Imperial Guard Storm
    430. Thou shalt not sneak up on thy Commanding Officer, and yell "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD" in his ear.
    431. Thy Bolter is not to be used to shoot cans off walls.
    432. Thou shalt not steal the Land Speeder to "pick up Sisters".
    433. The Leman Russ is not a kettle. Do not attempt to use it to make tea or coffee.
    434. Thou shalt not attempt to empty your waste-paper basket into an Ork Dreadnought.
    435. Thou shalt not refer to the Rhino as a "Clown Car", although thy might think it is.
    436. When throwing thy holiest of His grenades always count to three, yes three, not one,
    for it is not the holiest of numbers, or two, for the holiness of two pales in comparison, but three, yes three, not one or two, unless thou shalt be proceeding to three.
    437. Thou shalt not use blind grenades to sneak into the Sister's encampment.
    438. Thou shalt not mention the name "Buffy" when near the Blood Angels.
    439. Thou shalt not use Necron Scarabs as "Boogie Boards".
    440. Thou shalt not call Harlequins “psychedelic” or “groovy”
    441. Thou shalt never show an army of Orks more than two Harlequins at once.
    442. Thou shalt never laugh at the Laughing God.
    443. Thou shalt never play “Hide and Seek” with Librarians or Inquisitors.
    444. Thou shalt not play “tag” with Gaunts.
    445. Thou shalt never tie thy Power Armour laces together.
    446. Thou shalt never say "Resistance is futile" to the Adeptus Mechanicus.
    447. Thou shalt never criticize the “paper boys” in the Adeptus Administratum.
    448. Thou shalt not sell Chapter property on eBay.
    449. Thou shalt not put a cork in thine Battle Brothers waste disposal outlet tube.
    450. Thou shalt not "entertain" The Adeptus Sororitas in your billet.
    451. Thou shalt not refer to Imperial Guardsmen as "Cannon fodder".
    452. The Imperial Guard Colonel did not visit a fancy-dress shop.
    453. The Lasgun is not to be used to carve your name into the Land Raider's/ Predator's/
    Rhino's/ Razorbacks/ Leman Russ's/ Titan's armour plating.
    454. Thou shalt not lend Imperial Guardsmen your Power Armour or swap places for a day with Guardsmen.
    455. Thou shalt not try to perform brain surgery whilst wearing Power Armour.
    456. Thou shalt not assume that because you can take a Bolter hit in the head, the
    Guardsman over there can too.
    457. Thou shalt not use Tau shoulder pads as padding in games of cricket.
    458. Thou shalt not hide the keys to the Battle Barge.
    459. Thou shalt not call Ork Dreadnoughts or Killer Kans "R2-D2's big brother".
    460. Thou shalt not threaten thy enemy with a "Plasma enema" and thou shalt not carry out the act.
    461. Thou shalt not flirt with the Banshee. They are the enemy.
    462. Thou can not date a Dark Eldar Wych. They are the enemy too.
    463. Thou shalt not steal the Battle Sisters makeup.
    464. Thou shalt not try on the Battle Sisters armour to see if it compares to your own.
    465. Thou shalt not make fun of Warp Spiders guns.
    466. Thou shalt not take the Land Raider for a joy ride.
    467. Thou shalt not perform dare devil stunts in the Rhino. Especially if thine Brethrens are in the back.
    468. Thou shalt not hijack the Battle Sisters Immolator. Especially if there are any Battle
    Sisters still on board!
    469. Thou shalt not add bits to thine armour to try to pass thine self off as a Battle Sister.
    470. Thou shalt not try to dance with a Banshee on the field of battle.
    471. Thou shalt not throw sticks for the Space Wolves.
    472. Thou shalt not play “fetch” with the Space Wolf Commanders “pet” Fenrisian Wolves.
    473. Thou shalt not keep a Tyranid as a pet.
    474. Thou shalt not challenge a Carnifex to a game of “catch”.
    475. Thou can not tie a Wraithlords laces together
    476. Thou shalt not call a Battle Sister “babe”.
    477. Thou shalt not be envious of the IG unit who art friends to the Sister Famulous!
    478. Thou shalt not steal the Tau Pulse Rifles, even if they are better than thy Bolters.
    479. Thou shalt not ask the Battle Sister if they would like to slip into something more comfortable.
    480. The Hellhound is not something you put on a leash and take for "walkies".
    481. Thou shalt not arm-wrestle with Tactical Dreadnoughts.
    482. Thou shalt not watch whilst the Battle Sisters change out of their Power Armour.
    483. Ork Warbosses are not toys, you can not try to pull their arms off and jump up and down on them.
    484. Thou shalt not relieve thy self behind a tree during battle.
    485. Thou shalt not go to thy great Emperor and make him "perform an illegal operation and be shut down".
    486. Thou shalt not wrestle the Battle Sisters and try to "pin them down".
    487. An Iron Halo is not a toy.
    488. A tank is not a toy.
    489. A Dreadnought is not a toy.
    490. Thou shalt not jump on the back of a Dreadnought in battle and see how long you can stay on.
    491. Thou shalt not play toy soldiers with the Guardsmen.
    492. The Space Hulk is not a wrestler.
    493. Spiky Bitz are not 'cool'.
    494. Khorne is a Chaos God not a food.
    495. Thou shalt not use Power Claws as scissors.
    496. Thou shalt not use Power Armour power points to plug in thy Gameboy.
    497. Thou shalt not use Hellion skyboards to impress the Sisters.
    498. Thou shalt not place a flashing light on top of the Rhino so that it is easier to find in the car park.
    499. If showing a Tau how your Boltgun works thou shalt not give it to him the wrong way round.
    500. A Necron is not a Meccano kit
    501. Thou shalt not tell the Inquisitor "say what you want about Chaos, but those Slaanesh can party!"
    502. Though shalt not blast "flight of the Valkeries" when buzzing enemies in your Land Speeder
    503. Thou shalt not trade His Most Delectable rations for gourmet Eldar tofu
    504. Thou shalt not offer backscratches when issued Lightning Claws
    505. Yes, it’s cheating to use Jump Packs during a basketball game
    506. No, you can't pose for Playgirl's "the men of the Adeptus Astartes"
    507. Enforcing discipline is not sending the Neophytes to procure strong monkish ale
    508. Don't call the Adeptus Mechanicus about warranty information concerning your destroyed Land Raider
    509. Don't shave a Bloodthirster in its sleep, it only makes them more angry when it wake up
    510. Do not deface His Most Blessed Battle Barges with the bumper sticker "We don't Brake"
    511. Thou shalt not compare thy height with that of the Ratling Snipers
    512. Thou Shalt not go the Way of The Navy
    513. Thou Shalt Not Kick the Emperor if thy see the Kick me sign on Him.
    514. Thou shall not try to prove your '1337' skills on Necrons, in the Eldar Webway, or on the Martian central cogitator mainframe
    514. Thou shalt not throw a bone at a Bloodthirster or flesh hounds shouting fetch
    515. Thou shalt not ask the Salamanders for a light
    516. Thou shalt not get Blood Angles to go to anger management classes
    517. Thou shalt not challenge White Scars to a street race.
    518. Thou shall not referee to Imperial Guard as gun fodder
    519. 20ft high electro-magnets should not be used around Necrons
    520. Thou shall not place the liber chaotica in your ex-wife’s possession
    521. Reid is completely useless against a Carnifex
    522. Salamanders do not need to go to "how to stop burning things" classes
    523. Thou shall not borrow the librarians psychic hood for the annual Guess Who Competition.
    524. Thou shall not pour water on an Avatar
    525. Thou shalt not attach a "For Sale: Previously owned by one careful user" to the wreck of a destroyed Dreadnought.
    526. Thou shalt not feed bio-carbonate soda to the Inquisitors Psyber-Eagle
    527. Thou shalt not use a Railgun as a see-saw.
    528. Thou shalt not comment on Captain Tycho not having his "happy face" on.
    529. Thou shalt not mention the phrase "bath time" in front of the space wolves.
    530. Thou shalt never mention, under pain of death, the stunted race of humanoids that mysteriously disappeared from the universe for unexplained reasons.
    531. Thou shalt not consider a detachment to Armageddon as a "Holiday".
    532. Thou shalt not refer to Tallarn as "the big beach".
    533. Thou shalt not tie an Inquisitors boot laces together and then run away giggling.
    534. Thou shalt not utilise the highly sophisticated, advanced and expensive long range communications array to make prank phone calls to the local bar and ask for a "Mr I.P.
    535. Thou shall not take the Emperor out walking
    536. Thou shall not attempt to be friends with Tyranids
    537. Thou shalt not "Borrow" the Land Raiders to race them then when they come back wrecked, blame it on chaos
    538. Thou shalt not write clean me on a Catachan Chimera
    539. Thou shalt not fry ants with the Meltagun
    540. Thou shalt not fill the back of the Missile Launcher with promethium to "see what happens"
    541. Thou shalt not paint "beware of dog" on the Wolf Lord's armour
    542. Thou shalt not play pin the tail on the donkey with the Rough Rider’s horses
    543. Thou shalt not date Deamonettes or other followers of Slaanesh, no matter how tempting the concept may be.
    544. Thou shall not blame the Chapel heating for falling asleep during prayer
    545. Thou shall not paint 2 blue stripes down the middle of a Rhino and call it a 'Viper' variant
    546. Tau are not 'noobs'
    547. Thou shalt not refer to Assault Marines as 'tooled up pretty boys'
    548. The Ultramarines do have a sense of humour
    549. Thou shall not use the Land Raider for off road races
    550. Thou shalt not give manicures to Lightning Claws
    551. Thou shalt not procure Noisemarine’s weapons for thine garage band
    552. Thou shalt not comment on the temperature around thine Salamanders Brethren
    552. Thou shalt be punished for speaking the blasphemous "argh matey" around thine Chapter Master with the bionic leg
    553. Thou shalt not offer to "pump you up" to Imperial Guardsmen
    554. Thou shalt decline all invitations to party with Slannesh
    555. Thou shalt not salvage Spore Mines for whoopee-cushions
    556. Thou shalt not drag race thine abdominous opponents for bragging rights
    557. Thou shalt not ask "Ever wonder if the machine god is a C'Tan?" or thine shalt be branded Heretic and purged.
    558. "Pucker up homos!" is not an Adeptus Astartes approved battlecry
    559. Thou shalt not suggest a Banshee take voice lessons.
    560. Thou shalt not attempt to procure "the good stuff" from thine Apothecary
    561. Thou shalt not suggest thine Chapter Master is "so old his farts bow dust"
    562. Thou shalt not resort to nipple crippling when losing a fight girded with a Power Fist
    563. An Honour badge was never granted for basket weaving or surfing, to suggest so in sacrilegious and thou shalt report to the Chaplain for suitable penance.
    564. Thou shalt not replace thy Veteran Sergeants Bolt Pistol ammo for a flag with "bang" upon it.
    565. Thou shalt not use Power Swords for letter openers.
    566. Thou shalt not challenge Eldar to a bike race.
    567. Thou shalt not place thy holey banana into a Ravenwing Bike exhaust.
    568. Thou shalt not use Tyranid rending claws as tooth picks
    569. Thou shalt not use thy Plasma Cannons power pack for Christmas lights.
    570. Thou shalt not use Lightning Claws as back scratchers.
    571. Thou shalt not use thy Techpriest tools to unblock thy holy toilet.
    572. Thou shalt not use thy Emperors throne for personal use.
    573. Thou shalt not use the Techmarine's Servo Arm to serve drinks.
    574. Thou shalt not replace the Chaplain's Bike with a pedal-tricycle.
    575. Thou shalt not replace the Chaplain's Holy Relic with a cuddly toy.
    576. Thou shalt not use Chain Fists to clip thy toenails.
    577. The fact that Razorbacks have spiked rams at the front does not entitle you to use them as bumper cars.
    578. Thou shalt not attempt to fill Smoke Launchers with Silly String.
    579. Thou shalt not pester Dreadnoughts with "So what's it like to die then?”
    580. Thou shalt not sing "Who let the dogs out" when visiting the Fang
    581. Thou shalt not offer the Emperor any kind of anti-wrinkle products
    582. Thou shalt not do loops while flying a Battle Barge.
    583. No, a Jump Pack is NOT a hairdryer.
    584. Thou shalt not refer to Magneus Calgar as 'Papa Smurf'
    585. Thou shalt not call Blood Angels 'pretty boys'
    586. Thou shalt not say 'dead man walking' every time thou see a Dreadnought
    587. Kroot hounds DO NOT make good Company mascots
    588. Space Wolf bites are actually worse than their bark
    589. Thou shalt not use Rhino dozer blades to help build thy Brother in laws patio
    590. Remember Krootox are to be used as Christmas presents
    591. Thou shalt not make breathing noises and say 'we meet at last Obi-Wan' when handling Power Weapons
    592. Remember a 2+ armour save does not make you a Primarch
    593. Thuo shalt not refer to Chaplain Lemartes as 'ticker-tape man'
    594. Thou shalt not say to an Inquisitor 'hey, i hear they’re bringing out the Malus
    Codicium in paperback'
    595. Thou shalt not whistle 'close encounters of the 3rd kind' every time you see a Tau
    596. Thou shalt not send Legion of the Damned Brethren trick or treating
    597. Thou shalt not "drag" with the Chapters Thunderhawks
    598. Thou shalt not ask an Ork for some "'sprooms"
    599. When thou hast taken many casualties, thou shalt 'flee' towards the guns of thy enemy hoping that their next volley may be more accurate
    600. Thou shalt not refer to the Grey Knights as 'Catholic fundamentalists'.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 30.07.2013, 19:48

    Das mit den Flaws erinnert mich seeeeehr stark daran, dennoch für alles bisher +40.000^^ und doch ma macht sich über die waffen der garde lustig^^


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 30.07.2013, 22:08

    Der Imperator und seine Kinder... nein, nicht (nur) die Emperor's Children ;)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 31.07.2013, 18:43

    "My Lord, I bring news."
    Typhus Marburg paused in his study of the situation map of the dreary little planet his forces were engaged in ravaging. "Yes?"
    "Lord. Starships have appeared in the outer system and are on course for a landing. They have been identified as elements of the Flesh Tearers."
    "Yeah? Tell them to sod off and find their own world. Tell 'em we got here first."
    "Sire, you misunderstand. They are here to defend this world!"
    "What! Why? It's a sorry state of affairs when the followers of Chaos start to defend the weakling Imperium from each other!"
    "Um, Lord... the Flesh Tearers are a loyalist chapter."
    "They are? With a name like that! Are you sure they're not one of ours?"
    "Positive, My Lord."
    "Have you been able to call for any assistance?"
    "The Astropaths have contacted other forces nearby. Unfortunately this has also alerted other loyalist forces in the sector and they are also headed our way."
    "Bugger. So who gets here first then?"
    "The Alpha Legion, sire."
    "It never rains, it only pours, hey?"
    "The Alpha Legion is one of ours."
    "It is?!"
    "I'm confused. You're telling me that a mob called the 'Flesh Tearers' isn't one of ours but a mob called the - what was it again..."
    "The Alpha Legion, sire."
    "Right... a mob called the Alpha Legion is one of ours."
    "That is correct, sire."
    "So who else is showing up to this barney then?"
    "The Blood Drinkers."
    "One of ours?"
    "One of theirs."
    "The Iron Warriors."
    "One of theirs?"
    "No. One of ours."
    "Go figure."
    "The Dark Angels."
    "Now I've heard of them. Followers of Slaanesh aren't they?"
    "No, I think you're thinking of The Fallen, sire. The Dark Angels are Loyalists too."
    "Bugger. So who else then?"
    "The Emperor's Children."
    "Oh, that one's too easy. They're obviously loyalists with a name like that."
    "Um, not exactly my Lord."
    "Yes, Lord. They're one of ours too."

    "This is silly. All the really evil sounding names are being used by weakling loyalists while it seems as though the forces of chaos have got the naff monikers. Are there any more of these I should know about?"
    "A few, Lord."
    "OK then, spell it out for me, starting with Loyalists that sound like traitors and then moving onto traitors that sound like Loyalists."
    "I will attempt to do so, Lord. OK - the Loyalists that sound like traitors... the Marauders, Rampagers, Destroyers and Storm Lords (all White Scar second foundings in point of fact)."
    "I like the sound of the Storm Lords. You sure they aren't one of ours?"
    "Quite sure. Then there's the Blood Drinkers and the Flesh Tearers - both of which are Loyalist second founding of the Blood Angels."
    "With names like that I'd always assumed they were more bone headed followers of the blood god."
    "Not so far, My Lord. Then there's the Red Talons..."
    "I thought they were renegade pirates."
    "No Lord, that's the Red Corsairs."
    "Oh. OK. Continue."
    "The Brazen Claws are loyalists too."
    "Good name for a Khornate force though isn't it?"
    "Yes Lord. Then there's the Black Guard (not to be confused with the Black Legion which IS one of ours), the Revilers, and the Raptors."
    "Hold on a minute! The Raptors? They're definitely ours. Hell we've got a small unit of them attached to our forces haven't we?"
    "My Lord, those are the troops known as Raptors but there is also a loyalist legion with the same name."
    "Must get a bit confusing for the loyalists then?"
    "I imagine so, My Lord. There are also the Doom Eagles, the Silver Skulls, and the Iron Hands (not to be mistaken for the Iron Warriors, who are ours)."
    "Bloody hell. Is that it?"
    "There are also some lesser known chapters that also seem to cause occasional confusion."
    "Such as..."
    "The Doomfarers are one that our forces have occasionally encountered."
    "Oh yeah. Those yoyos. So what about the Chaos forces that sound like loyalists then..."

    "Well as mentioned earlier there are The Emperor's Children, The Iron
    Warriors, the Thousand Sons, the Lunar Wolves (who changed their name to the Sons of Horus and then to the Black Legion)..."
    "Well at least they're easily IDed as one of ours now. The Black Legion eh? Now that's a proper name. Just postively oozes evil from every pore."
    "Yes, Lord. To continue, there are also the Word Bearers, and the Alpha Legion."
    "The Word Bearers? What kind of silly name is that for a Chaos Legion?"
    "They used to be missionarys sire"
    "We you'd think that once they switched to our side they'd change their name to something a little more in keeping with being evil mad men. I mean come on 'The Word Bearers'? It's a silly name."
    "Yes my Lord"
    "You know, I think the forces of Chaos should have proper Chaos names. There's no room for mistakes when you're called something like 'The World Eaters' or 'The Death Guard'..."
    "Actually Lord, both those chapters had those names when they were loyalists."
    "You're kidding."
    "No, My Lord."

    "Yeesh. I would have thought names like that would be a bit scary for the average imperial citizen. I mean "Yay we're being rescued by the World Eaters" just doesn't sound credible while "Aargh! Flee! It's the World Eaters" seems much more likely."
    "Yes, My Lord. I believe the latter is more likely these days anyway."
    "Makes no bloody sense at all."
    "Yes, My Lord."
    "Kill 'em all and let the Chaos Gods sort 'em out I say."
    "Sounds like a completely reasonable approach to me, My Lord."

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 23.08.2013, 18:02

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 08.09.2013, 21:14

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 19.09.2013, 13:19

    Darths & Droids
    Was wäre, wenn Star Wars eine Kampagne wäre, die sich ein DM für seine Gruppe Rollenspieler ausgedacht hat?


    Ich empfehle, auch immer schön die Anmerkungen unter dem Comic zu lesen, da ist viel lustiges Zeug dabei, insbesondere über Rollenspieler.

    Episode 1: The Saga Begins

    Zitat: Many of you probably know DM of the Rings. If not, and you are familiar with Lord of the Rings or roleplaying games, you might enjoy it. If you are familiar with both, you will enjoy it.

    Basically, Shamus Young, the creator, has treated Lord of the Rings as the fantasy campaign of a long-suffering Dungeon Master saddled with all too typical players, and illustrated it in the form of a comic using screencaps from the movies. Brilliant idea, and very well done. And I constantly boggle that (a) nobody did it before, and that (b) nobody has copied him yet.

    Alas, DM of the Rings has recently come to an end, having told the story to the ending. Shamus has moved on to a new comic project, which involves a collaboration with an artist. So no more movie screencap comics from Shamus. This has led to a call from his legion of fans for someone, anyone, to fill the void:

    Which reminds me: This comic is popular enough that I'm surprised nobody else has done something similar. Harry Potter? Aliens? Spider-Man? X-Men? Star Trek? Star Wars? The Matrix? There are tons of movies which are well known and take themselves very seriously, which are the two main ingredients for good satire. I keep expecting another movie comic to appear someplace, but it hasn't happened yet.

    Adam Bloom:
    I think it's because the kind of person who thinks, "It would be funny to make a comic that spoofs Star Wars" is the kind of person who would read the amount of work you put into each comic and say, "OMFG WAT???"

    Whereas the kind of person who thinks, "I want to spend time and effort to make a high-quality webcomic" is not the kind of person who says, "It would be funny to spoof Star Wars."

    You are the rare, and wonderful, exception.

    [from http://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=1226]

    I smells me a challenge...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 25.09.2013, 18:05

    Aww :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 20.10.2013, 15:33

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 23.10.2013, 19:22


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 31.10.2013, 13:35

    nettes Kostüm

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 16.11.2013, 16:41

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 18.11.2013, 08:10


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 30.11.2013, 01:15

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 01.12.2013, 12:55

    Zitat: "When I was young my father said to me:

    "Knowledge is Power... Francis Bacon"

    I understood it as "Knowledge is power, France is bacon".

    For more than a decade I wondered over the meaning of the second part and what was the surreal linkage between the two? If I said the quote to someone, "Knowledge is power, France is bacon" they nodded knowingly. Or someone might say, "Knowledge is power" and I'd finish the quote "France is bacon" and they wouldn't look at me like I'd said something very odd but thoughtfully agree. I did ask a teacher what "Knowledge is power, France is bacon" meant and got a full 10 minute explanation of the Knowledge is power bit but nothing on France is bacon. When I prompted further explanation by saying "France is bacon?" in a questioning tone I just got a "yes". At 12 I didn't have the confidence to press it further. I just accepted it as something I'd never understand.

    It wasn't until years later I saw it written down that the penny dropped."

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 01.12.2013, 14:17

    Das ist großartig :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 17.12.2013, 00:17

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 20.12.2013, 20:15

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 21.12.2013, 12:01

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 30.12.2013, 22:33

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 31.12.2013, 01:55


    Und ein kleines Barbecue zum Jahresende:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 04.01.2014, 23:19

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 05.01.2014, 23:19


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 06.01.2014, 13:55

    sehr geil :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 10.01.2014, 19:08

    Die Necrons sind erwacht...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 11.01.2014, 16:24

    Und sie stehen immer und immer wieder auf...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 11.01.2014, 20:03

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 11.01.2014, 21:49


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 12.01.2014, 08:38

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 12.01.2014, 13:29

    Hihi, sehr cool! =D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 12.01.2014, 14:42

    allesamt nice :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 21.01.2014, 22:56

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 22.01.2014, 00:08


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 23.01.2014, 01:51

    Tja, Häretiker... selbst schuld :twisted:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 31.01.2014, 17:19

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 20.02.2014, 02:28

    Zum Thema "Your Emperor is false"...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 10.03.2014, 21:14

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 03.04.2014, 14:31

    Dumme Idee?

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 13.04.2014, 14:42

    Vom Autor von Darths and Droids: Planet of Hats - A Star Trek Recap Comic

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 15.04.2014, 09:26


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 16.04.2014, 01:01

    Dafür brauche ich keine optischen Illusionen, das weiß ich auch so :twisted:

    In other news:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 17.04.2014, 08:26

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 17.04.2014, 21:58

    Anführer und Teams die Anweisungen zu genu befolgen

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 18.04.2014, 10:16

    99 little bugs in the code.
    99 little bugs in the code.
    Take one down, patch it around.
    127 little bugs in the code.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 19.04.2014, 20:37



    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 21.04.2014, 22:42

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 22.04.2014, 15:03


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 23.04.2014, 06:51



    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 23.04.2014, 09:03

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 25.04.2014, 13:57

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 26.04.2014, 17:01

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 01.05.2014, 00:11

    Hier noch ein 40k-Bild! ;D ^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 02.05.2014, 12:44

    Gz :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 04.05.2014, 22:21


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 27.05.2014, 23:32


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 28.05.2014, 23:56


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 31.05.2014, 18:31

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 08.06.2014, 01:11

    Gerade aus der anderen Runde:

    Nachdem man in einer Woche knapp 500D mit Heiltränken verdient, gründet die Gruppe die neue Firma: Alchimistische Erzeugnisse: Tannhaus & Co.

    Später: Björn: "Wir retten die Welt indem wir alle Frauen entjungfern, dann können sie nicht mehr geopfert werden."
    Nils: "Die neue Firma: Alchimistische Erzeugnisse und Entjungferungen: Tannhaus & Co."
    Björn: "Die ersten 5 gehören mir."
    Waltraud: "Da müssen wir uns aber beeilen, damit ich auch schnell drankomme."

    Dennis ruft Ferrus als Vertreter der Praioten aus *facepalm*
    Später: Reo: "Also noch einmal damit ich das richtig verstehe... Dein Luftgeist übergibt die Befehle eines Graumagiers an den Bannstrahler, der zu gehorchen hat...?"
    Ferrus: "Ja."

    Nachdem der Abend schon rum war:
    Nils: "Ich komm nicht drüber hinweg mit dem Bannstrahler der die Befehle von Ferrus entgegen nehmen muss: 'Ja, Herr Magier. Natürlich, Herr Magier. Alles was ihr wollt, Herr Magier. Nein, ich werde natürlich keinen Bannstaub benutzen, Herr Magier. Jawohl, Herr Magier. Natürlich dürft ihr zaubern, Herr Magier. Muss der Armatrutz wirklich sein, Herr Magier? Na wenn er denn sein muss, dann ist das wohl so, Herr Magier. Danke für diesen Segen, Herr Magier.'"
    Björn: "Und stell dir vor ich mach den Armatrutz auf ihn und er will sich selbst geißeln und spürt nichts!"

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 10.08.2014, 00:47

    Zur Einstimmung für Morgen^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 04.10.2014, 03:28

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 08.10.2014, 05:56

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 08.10.2014, 13:11


    Das Kind weiß was es will:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 14.10.2014, 09:59

    "Wenn ich groß bin, will ich ein Salamander werden!" :D Ich kann das KInd irgendwie verstehen...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Arameth - 14.10.2014, 16:03

    Und da rutschte dem Salamander der Hammer aus der Hand... aus der Traum :twisted:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 14.10.2014, 18:27

    Fies! :twisted: (Gut, daß Salamanders so etwas nicht passiert *nickt kräftig*)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 14.10.2014, 18:29

    "Ich bin Alpharius und meine Frau ist auch Alpharius!" /montypython

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 20.10.2014, 23:55

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 21.10.2014, 08:29

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 21.10.2014, 11:28

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 22.10.2014, 18:06

    ^ Zutreffend.

    Und einen für Björn.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 23.10.2014, 11:42

    Die Blöd will zum Mauerfall wieder eine Gratisausgabe verteilen. Das Bildblog bietet dagegen wieder Sticker für den Briefkasten an. Mein favorit:


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 24.10.2014, 09:59

    ^Hah :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 24.10.2014, 19:16

    I lose.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 25.10.2014, 23:51

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 31.10.2014, 01:07

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 31.10.2014, 01:07

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 03.11.2014, 03:08

    Mal nicht lustig, aber verdammt cool - einer für Roland :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 03.11.2014, 07:44

    Ja ziemlich geniales Bild

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 10.11.2014, 18:33

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 10.11.2014, 21:26

    Hihi^^ geschieht ihnen recht.

    Hier der Webcomic von dem ich Sonntag sprach

    Servants of the Imperium

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 11.11.2014, 13:22

    Ogott, die haben ja ein Mitglied namens Aki! :shock: :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 13.11.2014, 00:55

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 18.11.2014, 23:55

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Arameth - 20.11.2014, 16:20

    Habe letztens gefunden:

    Bolter der World eaters, nur dreimal abgefeuert aber 10mal als keule benutzt

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 22.11.2014, 16:33

    ^ :lol:

    Panzer-Übersicht für Einsteiger:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Arameth - 23.11.2014, 21:14

    das rund- um- paket zum mitnehmen!!!
    Ein muss für jeden Welteneroberer
    ( oder für dicke eier) :twisted: :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 25.11.2014, 13:37

    Arameth hat folgendes geschrieben: das rund- um- paket zum mitnehmen!!!
    Ein muss für jeden Welteneroberer
    ( oder für dicke eier) :twisted: :lol:

    ooooder wenn man was kompensieren muss. :wink:

    abgeshen von der Farbe und der Schwanzlänge oben drauf sehen die für mich alle gleich aus :?

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 25.11.2014, 23:12

    Mein persönlicher Favorit ist der Titanenschlächter

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 29.11.2014, 00:52

    Nicht ganz so unauffällig heute:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 03.12.2014, 13:17

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 04.12.2014, 22:38

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 06.12.2014, 06:40

    Android phone... :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 06.12.2014, 10:14

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Arameth - 06.12.2014, 22:59

    verdammt die haben mein auto !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 07.12.2014, 19:54

    Na dann guten Hunger.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 13.12.2014, 16:54


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 13.12.2014, 18:35

    "...ich steh schließlich vor nem Bücherregal!" :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Dianthis - 15.12.2014, 17:17

    erinnert stark an die beiträge von 'Wallulis sieht fern'. ziemlich cool eigentlich, so typische fernseh-tropen mal auseinanderzunehmen. :)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 18.12.2014, 19:04

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 23.12.2014, 01:15

    Der neuste Trend im Netz sind ja diese Flaggenbälle und jetz gibts das ganze fürs 40k Universum^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 29.12.2014, 01:20

    Der andere Webcomic der mehr mit dem Table Top zu tun hat.

    Tunrsignals on a Landraider

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 29.12.2014, 01:33

    Nehmt mal ein youtube-Video. Irgendeins. Rechtsklick auf das Video und Menüpunkt 6 lesen. ^^

    Und sooo neu ist Countryball auch nicht. ^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 09.01.2015, 23:32

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 14.01.2015, 03:50

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 16.01.2015, 16:30

    Meanwhile, in space...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 16.01.2015, 16:41

    Etwas Häresie^^

    Und: Probleme die Ausrüstung verursachen können Teil Drölf:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 22.01.2015, 18:09

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 07.02.2015, 20:14

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 10.02.2015, 16:02

    Cato Sicarius, Held der Ultramar... äh Moment...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 13.02.2015, 07:05

    Ich mußte es einfach tun.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 16.02.2015, 22:47

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 20.02.2015, 10:48

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 22.02.2015, 11:04

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 23.02.2015, 21:49

    War die heutige Kalenderseite bei uns und is eig was für Manu aber da der hier eh so häufig reinschaut wie ein Khornberserker der schönen Künste frönt....^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 24.02.2015, 15:17

    Khorne-Berserker würden ihre Tätigkeit wohl durchaus als Kunst beschreiben... :twisted:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 24.02.2015, 21:15

    Mag jasein aber schön?^^
    WObei das liegt ja im Auge des Betrachters^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 01.03.2015, 12:43

    B͔̠̫̞̼͈̯̱̝́̐ͧ͂ͫ̅ͨͤ̓͌̂ͥ͂ͥ͐̉̑́̀̚̕͝l̘̟͚̝̹͕̝̤̫̔ͫ̑ͮ̉͒̂ͤ͟͞͡ư̴̢̘̼̙͎̰͕̻̬̤̹͖͙̼͉̮̣͔̻̊̈́ͪ̓ͩͮͭ̅ͥ͐ͬ̓ͤ͜͜ṫ̿̍̎̋̇̾̎̂͛͊̔́͏͉͎̭͕̠̥̮͈̟́͝ ̧̮͔̺̙̪̦̦̯̰͌̍ͨ̉͂ͦͩͮ̇ͪf̴̵̡̜̯̜͈̣̪͚͎̥̜̟͊ͤ̑̓ͧ̚ü̴͇̪̰͓̱̜̱̤̙̩̭͚̓ͧͧ̓ͨ͊̒͂̔͌͊̑͌ͩ́̕rͯͫͩ͛ͮͦ̉̐͐̉ͮ̌͗̇̇͛͛ͩ̀͏͈̪̗̪̰͖̟̻̙̮̬͚̥̘͍́͡ ̴̡̝̟̲̘̙̣̖̜̙͈̣̟ͣ̐̾͗̈́̐̈́ͣͮ̒ͧ̐ͥ̂̀d̸̯͕̘̠̭͖̟̜͐̍ͦ̿̆̕͟͠ę̷̺̙͙̘̬̤͓͙͈̤̜̬͕͉̊ͨ́̃ͨ̓ͩͤ̓̉ͧ̓̋̒̀̇͊͛n̢̤̣͎͓͔͙͙͍̭͍̪̣͔͈͋̂ͦ͆̉̂̌̄̋̅͊̈͒̅͑͊̾͌͟ ̸̢̺͕̰̳̙̯̯͖̈̉̑̋̏̓̕͝͡B̶̨̨̙̙̘̖̥̱̭̘ͯ͑́̓̃͑ͪ͛̏͒ͭ̋͋͆͋́͡l̸̆̊̅ͮ̆ͫ̈͆̑̈́̍ͩ̃ͥͮ̌͆͏̧̛̬̠͚͓͓̣͇̻͚̱̯͕͔u̼̟̺̙͌ͯ̆ͪ̊ͣ͌͆̓͋ͨ̌ͪ̈͞ͅt̵̸̳̗̜̩̗̗̟ͥ̅ͤ̇̊ͫ́̕͟g̵̞͈̖͓͙̼͑̇͆ͧ̈̄ͧͧ̑͂̅͑̐̉ͮͮ͒ͣͤ̀o̶͔͍̝̩̻̺̙͎͎̺̲̲ͯ̏̈́̄ͧ̋͑̍ͮͬ̊̒̅͡ẗ̡̙͇̝͍̩͒ͨ́̍̓͢͞t̷̸̛̲̤̪̱͙̻͔̼̜͈͕͙̥̺̝̹̭ͮ̍͊͑ͯ̔͌ͥ̌̾ͧ̀̄̌ͬͬ̏͞͞ͅ!̟̘͓̣̬̩͐̓̏ͨͫ̂ͭ̾ͧͧͬͤ̍́̀

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 01.03.2015, 13:35

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 01.03.2015, 13:40

    D̹̮̘̮̤͍̞̳̼̗̬̯͚̳̤̤̉͐̿͑̂̓̊̃̔̚ͅu͓̼͎͚̯̰̣̙̙̠͛̆ͭ͛̽ͥ̒ͣͪ̇ͦ̆̈́̂͌ ̻̳̣͕̟̲̥̹̞̼̓͑͛ͪͮͦ̊̓̓̎͌̈́̓̓͂̒̄̚ͅh̬̗̳̺͖̤̰͖̅͒ͭͫä̺͓̬̯̣͇͍̹̬̦̥̦̣̱̹̠ͨ̽ͯ̊̋͊̽́̎ͯ̑͋͌̋͐̚̚ͅt̫̱̪̲̯̼͎̗͈̜̞̖̜̟̙̀͂͒̐ͅt̮͇͓̮̯̤̬̰̻̰͔͔̙͓̤̜̭ͩͮ̈̄̓ͬ͛́̄͛ͧͤ̊e̫͉̮͍͕̟̖̠̼͈̦̲̱̘̺ͬ͆ͨ̒ͯ̆̌̒ͭ̎ͭͯ̊s̜̤͖̥̿͋̄̀ͧ̓͆̍̋̓̿̆ͩ̾ͬ̋̉t͉͚̬̰͍̦̙͈͖̦͉͓̓́ͭͮ̅ͥ͌ͫͅ ̭̠̻̖̌̃͑̐ͬ̉̀ͧͦͮ̿͆̋̒ͫd͙̮̜̩͉͍͍̘̺͍͇͈̫͎̪̻̠͍̝̈́͂̎ͦ͂̌e̠̜͇̜̟̺̹̣̔̀ͬ̉̑́̾̿͑͆̇ͭ͊͐̍͋̔̚̚i͎̟̗͉̠̻̖̭̭̻̼͍ͪͫ͛̌ͦ̀ͭͣ̂͆͒͒̄͌ͅn̯͕̣̝̮͓̫̰̍̍ͮͭͮͣͯͨ͛ͫ͗e̲͍̫͔̭̜̻͇͎̪̳͚͈͇̓́̄̈ͯͣͯͨ̽ͪ̐̓͐ͧ̑̊ͪͅn̗̺̹̫̫̭̱͕̞̻̺̹̻͎̋͌ͫͭͪ͗͆ͅͅ ̜̤̝̤̎̿̉ͩͬ̏͊̆̏̄ͅN͚͇͓̰͓͕͉̘ͧ̆̽ͩͫ͋ͯ͆ͬa͎̫̰̦̠̥̯̻̘̝̥̼̣͈͕̒̊͆̋͛ͥͅv͇͉͔̠̤̬͇̙̩̠̺̻̼̞͉͚̱̇̎̇͋̋̿ͦͭͭ͆͌͑͋́i̭̟͇̫̺̟̭̹̩̙̹̳͕̎̔͗ͤ̍̒ͫ̽͗g͓̱̜̲͈̉̑͒̆̔ͩͬa̬͕̦̺̗̮̱͇̞̹̲̤̥̝͓̰ͮ̐̍͒͐͊̈̅͌ͥͪ͛̓ͥ͋̑ͬͅt̫͙͕̲̭̦͎̭̩̮͚̣̗̠͔̞ͥ̿̈̌̋̆͆́̎ͬͣ̚ī̠̫̱̻͎͎̦̹̜̰̤̭̞͎̘̻ͭ͋̇͋̌͌ͭͫ̎͋̄̂ͫͯ́̐͌o̦̘̜͒͗ͥͣ̑͗̉n̟̞͇̦̺͉̖̤͉̓̏̅͒ͩ͂ ̻̙̯͍̠̗̘̲̜̙͍͓̯͎̎̿͛͆̃ͩͮ̇̐̇ͭ́̋́̅̅̄͆̏(͇̟̪̮͍͍̖̪͉͌ͤ̔ͦ͌̓̅S͓̖͔̫̯͉̘͔̘͉̘͓͇͍̘̖͖͕̾ͥ̉͐̉̐ͥͦ̂̓̇̿ụ̹͈͇̳̤̻̠̭̑ͯ͊ͨ̋ͭ̋ͫ͆̉͒͛͊̏̚r͓̣̞̪͉͕̗̯̠̖͉̳͈͓̭̥̩ͣ̎ͦ̏̄̄̽̍͒͑̔͂ͧͅf̘̘̙͇͚̘̪̠̱̠̺̠̲̦̪̳̍̇͊̄̏ͬ̑̄̒̓̂̉̀̌̃̉ͅȧ̻̮̲͈͍͓̭̹͙̳̺̉͆̏͊̌ͤ͑̂̍c̭̣̬̩̣̼͙ͦ͒̎̏̉́͛̓̿̄e͕͕̪̻̠͎̠͓̞̫̫͙͓̞̰̜̺̤̘̽̒̃̑̌̀ͧͨ̆)̘̘̰̳͔̺̣̻͙͎̟̖̫͖͈̘̯̘̹̋̄̃ͥ̃̒ͪ́̃̔ͧͫ͑̀̐̋̚̚ ̱̹̻̫̱͋͐͆ͤͯ̋͂̚ͅW̺̠̼̰̺͎̙̬ͬͣ̆ͥu̱̱̤͙͈̩̦̖̩͖̲͈̥̹̫̮̳̩̖̾ͬ̊̎͒̐̚r̰̯͎̪͕̼͎̼͉̤͚͔̼̞̬͆̀͆ͨ̓̏̉̊̽͂͐͋̓̾͊̐f̗̥̜̙̥̬̹̗̗͗͊̑̒ ͕̲̘̮͈̳̲͚̈́͊͂ͮ̊̋̍̊̅ͥ͒g̳̜̙̠̫̦͈̠̻̈́͗ͥ̃̌ͨ̈́͐̌e͖̙̰̹̰̥̬̘͇̖̙ͫ͐̉̌͌̌͋͗͛̉̒ͤ̃̄́ͯͫ̾̋s̥̠̫̺̆̿͒̈͂̏ͣ̀͌ͯ͐͛ͫͤ̚c̖̞̭̯̝̼͎̻̣̠͚ͬ̿̍̈ͧ͗̔͂͌͆̒̋̈͂̊͋͊h͚͎̭͇̻̣̳̲̺̭̲͓̗̾̏͛̏ͪ͋ͩ͐͑͋͑̈́̒ͧͪ͆ͅã͍̭̦̳̯̥̦̝͓͇̻̰̖̮͈̳̩̲͒ͮ̐̋̑͋̊̓͒͑̈́ͅf̭͍̮͎̄̄́̌͗̅̔́̇̒̆̂̓ͬ̄͋f̼̪͎̜̟̱͌̿̓̇̆̓t͉̠͈͈̘͙͍̥̪͖̻͎̞̝̮̑̿̆̅̇̑̋̓ͪ̎̚̚,̘̗̟̗̭͍̇́͑ͅ ̹̭̱̘̖͍̬̫̣̗̟̼̻̺̠͎̩͖ͯ̉̍ͪͮͮ̍̂ͤ͌̄̇ẉ̣̹̙̼̟̙̝̝̭͖̰̥̲̠̝̲͚̤͗ͭͮ̏͒e̠̭̙͎̝̪̙̩͙̤͇̖̺͎͙̓ͭ̓̒̔̍͒̔̒̏̋̐ͣͬ͌̾ͥ̐͛n̜͓̯͖̭͐ͮ͛͊͗̆͗̀͒͑͛̊̔ͭͧn͈̹̹̻̞̞̓̆ͯ͒ͯ͐̅̾̊͂̑ͥ̊̃ͨ̿ ̻̝͙̞̠̰̤̫̹͖̅̎̿̓̂͊͊̊ͥ͛̚ͅd̖͕͔̪̙̙̝̪̝̭͍̰̰̱͖ͬ͂ͪ̍ͤ͗̃̀̍ͬ̐̃̾̓̍̅ͣͪu͙̩̝̠̙͖̭͚̺̖͔̙͈ͭ̈ͣͬͯͤͦͫ ͔̙̱̪̻̣̖ͯ̄̈́̿ͯ͆̅͒͌̚̚d̻͕̩͇̭̲͙͓̗̩̹̲͕̖̜ͬ̈̓̒̿̓͗ͦ͐ͣͥ̚ͅe͕̜̙͈͇͍̮̰̣͇̻͍̯̐̑̔̐̆̿̄̅̆ͫ̒ͨ̔̀̈ͮ̂ͅm̮̟͖̩̹̟̠͈̜͕̟̰̓ͭͯ͑̂̆́ͭ͑̈̇ͫ͛͌ͣ̚̚ͅ ̩̰̙̦̲̩̣̪͔͈̹̞̑̃ͫͬ̅̈́́̀̇ͫ͂̅̓ͯ̀ͩ͐̃C̤͔̳͙͆͌̇ͭ̍̃̂̓ͅh͖̠̳̬͖̮͉̜͉̖́̐͗͋̂̊̿̄ͯͭ̑̚á̫͎͈̯̳̼͖̪̖̺̣͇̺̾̀ͪ̐ͯ̎o̮̪̘̻̖̱̞͇͖͆ͯͤ̇ͬ̽ͩͥ̋ͤ̾̑̈́ͯͦͦ͌̚̚ͅs̪̩͕̯̳̰̪̱͖͕͙̰͍͍̱̝̤̳̱̎ͤ͛̾͂ͬ͂͂̓̄̉́ ͉͙͍̦̬͈̯̪͍͚͓ͥ̑͊̾̓͗̑̿v͔̼̖̼͚̻̠̫͓͇̳͕̪͉̏̈́ͦ̌̒ͧͮͫͨͩ͑͑ͮ́e̪͚̠̦̞̣̒̽̃̉̎̃̏r̳̣̻͚̮̉͒̌̎ͧ͂ͬ̓ͨt̩̘͇̺͉̬̺͇̬̣͚̤͍̭͚̬̪ͫ̏̍͒̿̄ͨ͑̓͂̈́̐̈̓͋r̞̤͔̣͇͙̯͍̭̘͉̲͖̈́̈́̅ͦ̓͂ͥ̅ͯ͋̀̌̉̋͊̓͐ͥͫͅͅa̭̠̫͔̜ͪ͆̿ͧ̀͊͋̀ͦ̊̓ͪ̉̎u̞͖̫̺͗ͩ̂͆̈́̿ͨͦ̾ͪ͋̃͊̂t̜͉̭̩̟̯̱̥͎̫̻͙͍̰̥͎̂̋̃̏̐̾ͪ̀̄̚ ͎̥͖̺̯̪̈́ͮ̐̿͋̓͋̔ͫ̚ḥ͙̫̝̮̯̹̜̖͉ͫ̉̀̉̅͆̿̐̒ͅä͕̹͒̍ͫ̆ͥ̎͗͒̑ͭ̾́͂̌̏ͅt̗͇͓͖͍̤͊̈́̐ͨt̬̻̙͍̻̤̙͈̱̂͊͌̒ȅ͙͖̦͚̣͋̀̅̋s̠͇̻̻̄̍ͭ̄̆́̍̑̓͐ͭ̀̓̐̃ͅt͇̘͈̙͇̬͇̟̣̪̪̂̄̊͆͆ͦ͗ͦ̊̉ͪ̐̑́ͅ.̭̭͍͓̺͓̿ͪ͆ͩ͋ͬ̅̓̀̎̾̓͐̓

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 03.03.2015, 15:24

    Manche Ratschläge sollten nicht immer befolgt werden.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 03.03.2015, 16:13

    A programmer started to cuss,
    Because getting to sleep was a fuss.
    As he lay there in bed,
    Looping ’round in his head,
    Was: while(!asleep()) sheep++;

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 05.03.2015, 01:26

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 26.03.2015, 13:43

    Von den Machern von The Gamers:

    Dead Gentlemen Presents
    Episode 1: Western
    *Dead Gentlemen Improv in "Three-Headed Broadway Star"
    *Rough Riders
    *Elk Water Ale
    *A Scene from "The Gamers"

    Episode 2: Vampires
    *Syphilitic Ninja Vampires
    *Interview with Emily Olson
    *A Scene from "Dead Camper Lake"

    Episode 3: 3.14159265
    *Astronomyx - "Really Big Universe" - Check Yo Equation
    *Dead Gentelemen Improv in "The Gong Show"
    *Behind the Scenes: The Gamers 2 - Dorkness Rising

    Episode 4: Orgasms
    *Lust Vixens 2
    *Tub Time with Don
    *A Scene from "Dead Camper Lake"

    Episode 5: Boot Camp
    *Syphilitic Ninja Vampires 2
    *Behind the Scenes: "Professional Courtesy"
    *Dead Gentlemen Spotlight: "Professional Courtesy - A Mark Price Film"

    Episode 6: Kick Off
    *Dead Gentlemen's "Books on Film"
    *Cheese Safety Advisory Council - "Fromage a Trois"
    *Behind the Scenes: The Gamers 2 - Dorkness Rising
    *Dead Gentlemen "Junking" Restrospective

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 27.03.2015, 15:49

    Crossover zwischen dem Silmarillion und 40k...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 31.03.2015, 16:38

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 01.04.2015, 21:08


    Waltraud: Ultramarine
    Ich: Emperor's Children

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 01.04.2015, 21:27

    Passend: Raven Guard

    Aber nur eine Antwort mehr als Black Legion^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 02.04.2015, 08:10

    Ente und ich sind beide Salamanders :D Bei mir sogar mit deutlichem Punktevorsprung vor den Dark Angels.
    Manu ist ein Iron Hand.
    Und Waltraud bekommt zum nächsten Geburtstag einen Codex Astartes ;)

    (Loyalists: 5 - Chaos: 1 :twisted: )

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 02.04.2015, 13:19

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Arameth - 02.04.2015, 16:02

    night lord :twisted:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 02.04.2015, 19:01


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 03.04.2015, 13:44


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 03.04.2015, 15:58

    Ideen haben die Leute :shock:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 03.04.2015, 19:55

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 03.04.2015, 23:38

    Viele Leute sind stets auf der Suche nach einer neuen Diät. Das Problem mit den meisten Diäten ist jedoch:

    1. man bekommt nicht genug zu essen,
    2. man hat nicht genug Abwechslung,
    3. man ist hinterher pleite.


    - mogeln die meisten Leute bei ihrer Diät,
    - hören nach drei Tagen auf oder
    - stopfen sich hinterher voll.

    Gibt es wirklich keine andere Lösung, als aufzugeben und den Freunden zu erzählen, man habe eine Stoffwechselstörung?

    Doch, es gibt eine: die neue Kleinkind-Diät!

    Sie werden bemerkt haben, dass die meisten Zweijährigen ziemlich schlank sind.

    Nach Rücksprache mit Kinderärzten, Röntgenologen und verzweifelten Müttern war ich in der Lage, diese neue Diät zu formulieren. Sie ist preiswert, bietet abwechslungsreiche Mahlzeiten und ausreichende Mengen.

    Bevor Sie mit der Diät beginnen, konsultieren Sie Ihren Arzt.
    (Sonst müssen Sie Ihn möglicherweise hinterher aufsuchen.)

    Viel Glück!

    1. Tag

    Frühstück: ein Rührei, ein Stück Toastbrot mit Pflaumenmus. Essen Sie zwei Bissen Ei mit den Fingern, das restliche Ei werfen Sie auf den Boden. Nehmen Sie einen Happen Toast und schmieren Sie das Pflaumenmus auf Ihr Gesicht und Ihre Kleidung.

    Mittagessen: Vier Wachsmalkreiden (Farbe ist egal), eine Handvoll Kartoffelchips und ein Glas Milch (3 Schluck, den Rest kippen Sie auf dem Tisch aus.)

    Abendessen: Einen Salzstengel, zwei 1-Cent und ein 5-Centstück, vier Schluck abgestandenes Bier.

    Snack: Toasten Sie ein Stück Brot und werfen Sie es auf den Küchenfußboden.

    2. Tag

    Frühstück: Scheibe Toastbrot vom Vortag vom Küchenboden. Dazu eine halbe Flasche Vanilleextrakt oder ein Schnapsglas Pflanzenfarbe.

    Mittagessen: Einen halben Lippenstift Farbe "Pulsating Pink" und einen Zigarettenstummel (essen, nicht rauchen!). Dazu einen Eiswürfel.

    Snack: Lutschen Sie einen Dauerlutscher gut feucht, nehmen Sie ihn dann mit in den Garten und werfen ihn in den Matsch. Dann lutschen Sie ihn wieder sauber. Danach auf den Teppich kleben.

    Abendessen: einen Kieselstein oder eine trockene Erbse wird bis zum Anschlag in das rechte Nasenloch gesteckt. Gießen Sie ein Glas Eistee über Kartoffelbrei und genießen Sie dies mit einem Löffel.

    3. Tag

    Frühstück: zwei Pfannkuchen mit recht viel Sirup, mit den Fingern gegessen. Den Rest in die Haare schmieren. Von einem Glas Milch trinken Sie die Hälfte, dann stopfen Sie ein Stück Pfannkuchen in das Glas. Nach dem Frühstück holen Sie den Dauerlutscher von gestern vom Teppich, lutschen die Fusseln ab und legen ihn auf Ihren besten Sessel.

    Mittagessen: Drei Streichhölzer und ein Sandwich mit Erdnußbutter und Marmelade. Spucken Sie einige Bissen davon auf den Fußboden. Gießen Sie ein Glas Milch auf dem Tisch aus und schlürfen Sie auf.

    Abendessen: ein Becher Eiskrem, eine Handvoll Kartoffelchips, etwas Wein, danach kalter Kaffee.

    Letzter Tag

    Frühstück: eine Vierteltube Zahnpasta (Geschmack egal), ein Bissen Seife, eine Olive. Geben Sie ein Glas Milch über eine Schüssel Cornflakes, dazu eine halbe Tasse Zucker. Wenn die Cornflakes gut eingeweicht sind, schlürfen Sie die Milch auf und füttern die Cornflakes dem Hund.

    Mittagessen: Suchen Sie die Krümel vom Küchenfußboden und vom Teppich im Eßzimmer und essen Sie sie auf. Holen Sie den Dauerlutscher vom Sessel und lutschen Sie ihn fertig.

    Abendessen: Spaghetti mit Fleischklößchen, dazu Kakao. Lassen Sie die Fleischklößchen auf dem Teller. Als Nachtisch stecken Sie sich das Bürstchen aus der Wimperntusche in den Mund.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 21.04.2015, 18:44

    Eigentlich nicht witzig, sondern eher sehr... "whyyyy?!" :(

    (Ja, das ist ein Lamenter. Armer Kerl. Aber ich bin irgendwie inspiriert von dem Bild, vielleicht schreibe ich endlich mal wieder weiter...)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 21.04.2015, 21:47

    Und die beste Definition für "Full Auto"... :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 21.04.2015, 23:50

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 22.04.2015, 14:13

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 30.04.2015, 16:01

    Warum keiner die Minotaurs mag

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 16.05.2015, 16:17

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 20.05.2015, 14:36

    ^ Overly Pious Sister... jaja :D

    Und mein Rechtschreibprogramm hat echt seltsame Korrekturvorschläge.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 29.05.2015, 12:17


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 01.06.2015, 08:56

    Was Guild Wars 2 Spieler machen, wenn ihr Gegner im WvW für 20 Minuten afk geht. :P

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 07.06.2015, 20:30

    Rogal, you're doing it wrong.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 09.07.2015, 23:05

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 31.07.2015, 13:10

    Den Kuchen sollte ich zum nächsten Beef mitbringen... :oops:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 31.07.2015, 18:48

    Wie gut das wir Aufträge zumeist nüchtern annehmen

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Arameth - 31.07.2015, 23:07

    Solange das dem zwerg nicht passiert ist alles gut :mrgreen: :bowser :mrgreen: :boo :boo :boo :boo

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 13.08.2015, 13:25

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 30.08.2015, 22:05

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 31.08.2015, 10:52


    Weil es gestern erwähnt wurde:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 01.09.2015, 18:14

    8 Urban Legends That Turned Out To Be True



    10 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 05.09.2015, 12:21

    Hatte grade Beef mit den Rocketbeans... :P

    Wir haben dann leider nach Ablauf der Zeit (= eigentlich Unentschieden) durch die Punkte verloren. Als Team aus 5 Randoms gegen ein Constructed Team (5 Rocketbeans) haben wir uns also recht gut geschlagen. :)

    Runde 2: Gewonnen!

    Anmerkung: War übrigens durch die Zufallsanmeldung fürs PvP, also keine geplanten Matches oder so. ^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 05.09.2015, 13:19

    Geil! :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 05.09.2015, 21:08

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 07.09.2015, 01:52

    Ich hab' das eventuell schon mal gepostet, aber es ist die perfekte Anleitung für das geplante Orkabenteuer :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 10.09.2015, 17:09

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 15.09.2015, 01:11

    Peile nicht inwiefern das Beef da mit Rocketbeans zu tun hatte... ^^ Was übersehe ich!?

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 15.09.2015, 09:25

    Das die alle ein RBTV im namen trugen?

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 15.09.2015, 13:59

    Guck zum Beispiel mal auf das Bild hier: Oben in der Mitte wird das gegnerische Portrait angezeigt, und unter dem Charakternamen steht "Rocketbeanstv"

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 28.09.2015, 01:42

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 19.10.2015, 17:31

    Extra für Björn ^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 19.10.2015, 20:56

    Gut getroffen^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 26.10.2015, 01:08

    So sah es vermutlich aus, als wir das experimentelle Sprungmodul getestet haben...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 31.10.2015, 17:00

    Happy helloween!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 11.11.2015, 15:30

    Ich wollte doch mal die Salamanders-Sache posten...

    Dear Battle-Brothers, due to some current, er, events I have compiled a little overview how to deal with the company (or probably a company) of Salamanders.

    * Be careful what you wish for. If you ask us for fire, you will get fire.
    * Don't even think about harming innocent civilians, or you'll have a hammer in your face faster than you can say 'Nocturne'.
    * No need to be reserved when it comes to food. We make an amazing barbecue, and we like to share!
    * Please don't change your orders three times in a minute. WE CAN'T MENTALLY COMPUTE THAT.
    * Yes, our Apothecary carries a flamethrower. Yes, he will use it against you if you don't comply.
    * And yes, we can read in the dark with those eyes.
    * No, we will not 'craft a personal armour for you shh nobody must know' just because you ask. Stop with the puppy dog eyes, it won't work.
    * Jokes about hammers got old in the 31st millennium.
    * So did jokes in the vein of 'did it just get hot in here or is that you?'. It is us, thank you very much.
    * You're not allowed to call us 'Village People' just because we live with humans.
    * Nocturne is not 'that weird death world that kind of explodes every Terran year'. It's just every 15 years. Most of the time. Sometimes less.
    * You really don't want to get punched by the Chapter Master.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 22.11.2015, 09:08

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 01.12.2015, 00:12

    Aus der anderen Runde:

    Ferrus wirft paralysierte Nachtwinde über die Mauer.
    Dennis: "Du hörst eine Frauenstimme: 'AU! Was war das?'"
    René (als die Frau): "Ich wurde gevögelt!"

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 04.12.2015, 14:55

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 06.12.2015, 22:53

    Hatten wir heute von gesprochen: Codsworth in Fallout 4 hat eine Liste an Spielernamen, mit denen er den Spieler direkt ansprechen kann, wenn diese vom Spieler gewählt wurden:

    Einige davon sind neben normalen Namen wie Alex, Chris, oder Ryan auch sowas hier:
    Zitat: * Asdf
    * Assface
    * Atomic
    * Bacon
    * Badass
    * Boob
    * Boobie
    * Boobies
    * CherryBomb
    * Cock
    * Fuck
    * Fucker
    * Fuckface
    * Imperator
    * Nipple
    * Orgasmo
    * Sex
    * Sexy
    * Tit
    * Tittie
    * Titties

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 06.12.2015, 23:07

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 15.12.2015, 05:31

    Dawn of War-Spieler wissen Bescheid... ;)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 16.12.2015, 21:02

    Okay, stellt euch erst mal ein 40k-Gespräch um 5 Uhr morgens vor (und die entsprechende... Logik, ähem).

    Dann schaut euch dieses Video an (man beachte vor allem den Titel): https://www.facebook.com/Interstitial/videos/10156197525850167/?__mref=message_bubble

    Das Ganze inspirierte dann zum folgenden Comic...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 16.12.2015, 23:02

    Ich liebe solche Logik^^

    hier was anderes,
    Wenn Star Wars in einer High School der 80er spielen würde:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 19.12.2015, 01:44

    Dennis mal wieder (nein diesmal kann er nix dafür^^)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 27.12.2015, 00:54

    Nehmt euch in Acht vor den Tau im Nahkampf^^

    Klick mich

    Edit: So sollte es jetz gehn. Die Tage hatte er es noch angezeigt

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 28.12.2015, 17:58

    Wird mir nicht angezeigt :( (es sei denn, das war der Sinn des Posts *g*)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 04.01.2016, 04:45

    Moment mal... Harry Potter war in Wirklichkeit in Howling Griffondor?

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 09.01.2016, 10:18

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 12.01.2016, 01:17

    Der 1d4chan Eingangstext über die Alphalegion^^

    No such legion exists, nor has it ever existed. The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank. There is no need for you to read further, and if you feel any urges to read beyond this paragraph or if you have any suspicion that there is any text following, please consult your local Commissar for re-education. If you ARE said Commissar, please consult your bolt pistol instead.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 23.01.2016, 22:41

    Anklicken für volle Größe... mal sehen, wer es sieht ^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 23.01.2016, 22:55


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 26.01.2016, 00:36

    Weil Veronica letztens Geburtstag hatte, habe ich ihr einen Geburtstagscartoon gemalt... Sinn: keiner. Aber ich fange an, die beiden Astartes zu mögen :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 26.01.2016, 18:11

    Gerade bei Space Station 13 (http://www.spacestation13.com/)
    Zitat: You take a bite of the lightly-fried Coronator, Coronator, Coronator, lightly-fried apple, ketchup, meatball, tomato, mayonnaise, and maple syrup sandwich on cornbread and dread, cheese, raw bacon, lightly-fried mushroom pizza, and chicken nugget sandwich on cornbread and dread, maple syrup, oatmeal, mayonnaise, potato, corn cob, and lettuce leaf sandwich on cornbread and dread, mayonnaise, ketchup, and tomato sandwich on plain bread and dread, apple, and tomato sandwich on plain bread!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 29.01.2016, 23:45

    ...But is it lightly fried? And what kind of bread is it on? :D

    Und noch mal ein Comic, diesmal Edition: Extra Silly.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 31.01.2016, 15:22

    Eine Ned Flanders Themeband
    Richtung: Heavy Metal
    Name: Okilly Dokilly

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 31.01.2016, 18:28

    OMFG :shock: :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 03.02.2016, 00:40

    Pokémon recreated in GTA V: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvkC1irE4TE

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 03.02.2016, 00:43

    Oh scheiße^^
    schon bescheuert^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 05.02.2016, 02:26

    Wil Wheaton, Felicia Day, and more! playing PARANOIA:

    Warnung: Die Episode wird gegen Mitte etwa so familienfreundlich wie Cards against Humanity... #Vaginalaserpen :roll: :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 19.02.2016, 21:33

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 01.03.2016, 00:22

    Full functional Chainsword

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Arameth - 01.03.2016, 20:53

    Da ist also mein Buttermesser gelandet :lol: :lol: :lol: . echt nice

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 02.03.2016, 22:27

    Es musste ja passieren^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 03.03.2016, 23:36


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 13.03.2016, 14:59

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 18.03.2016, 09:53

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 19.03.2016, 00:51

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 19.03.2016, 17:36

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 22.03.2016, 03:22

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 29.03.2016, 22:02

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 29.03.2016, 22:34

    JAAAA Cards against humanity!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 29.03.2016, 22:40

    VincentWeynard hat folgendes geschrieben: JAAAA Cards against humanity!

    Und Starcraft^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 30.03.2016, 16:26

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson hat folgendes geschrieben: Und Starcraft^^

    Jaja, das auch... :P

    Echt geile Combo, hätte ich egal was die anderen Antworten sind mit dem Punkt belohnt. ^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 30.03.2016, 16:42

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 31.03.2016, 14:18

    die Frage hab ich mir schon oft gestellt :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 31.03.2016, 15:31

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 31.03.2016, 23:07

    Dürfen wir uns kurz umschauen?

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 01.04.2016, 21:20

    Die GW2-Aprilscherz-Patchnotes sind auch wieder geil, hier ein paar Ausschnitte:

    Zitat: General
    *All fine and masterwork gear now comes in blister packs. Blister packs must be triple-clicked to open and have a chance to inflict bleeding.
    *All food items can now spoil. Spoilage rates are determined by the ingredients in the recipe.

    Mystic Forge (Anmerkung: Die Mystische Schmiede wurde schon immer von Spielern als Mystisches Klo tituliert.)
    *Added toilet-flushing sound effect on use of the Mystic Forge.

    *All dungeons now penalize failure and have been darkened based on their difficulty. Dying in lighter dungeons will delete items or currency, but dying in the darkest ones will delete your character.

    Profession Skills
    * Added dual keyboard support to better support proper elementalist key binding.

    *Fixed an exploit that allowed chronomancers to go back in time and kill their opponents in PvP before the match began.
    *Portal’s recharge has been removed, and the colors of the effects have been changed to blue and orange.

    *Added a Kilroy Stonekin legend. All skills cause you to run at the closest enemy and scream “KILROY STONEKIN!”

    *Fixed a bug that allowed warriors to get kills in Ranked PvP.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 06.04.2016, 13:07

    Ich mag den Chronomancer :D

    WoW-Patchnotes dieses Jahr (abgesehen vom angekündigten Hearthstone-MMO und "Azeroth TV" mit Sendungen wie "Void Storage Wars" und natürlich einer Kochshow... XD )


    After the success of Warlords of Draenor’s item squish, we’ve decided to perform similar adjustments elsewhere in the game:
    Achievement Squish: Some players’ achievement scores were getting too high, so we’ve reduced the number of points each achievement gives.
    Zone Squish: The World of Warcraft Massively Multiplayer experience was simply too massive, so we’ve made all buildings, structures, and foliage 25% smaller.
    Draenor Squish: Somehow or another we ended up with two Draenors, so we’ve just merged them back into one. Someone said something about a timeline paradox, but we’ve seen Back to the Future like 300 times so it’ll probably be okay.
    Signs have been placed over many mailboxes with the words “Dance Studio,” to promote awareness of this feature which has existed in the game for over a decade.
    Flight in Draenor has been made 33% less controversial.
    There were multiple class specializations named “Holy,” “Protection,” and “Frost.” To reduce confusion, these have been removed.
    To celebrate the launch of the exciting new Hearthstone MMO, we’ve added several brand-new characters and locations to World of Warcraft based on Hearthstone, such as:
    Sylvanas Windrunner, leader of the Forsaken
    Anduin Wrynn, prince of Stormwind
    Blackrock Mountain, home of Nefarian and the Black Dragonflight
    We’ve also incorporated many of your favorite Hearthstone spells, such as Fireball, Shield Slam, Eviscerate, Swipe, and Shadow Word: Pain.
    Darkmoon Rabbits are cute.
    VR support has been expanded to include the Maw of Souls dungeon, and the first 30 seconds of the Algalon encounter.
    We’ve removed the “Pruning the Podlings” quest from Shadowmoon Valley. The Podlings have had enough pruning for one expansion.
    We’ve removed the “Tormenting the Softknuckles” quest from Sholazar Basin, because… well, we saw the Overwatch animated short and… we’re just feeling really sensitive about apes right now, okay?


    Due to feedback from players requesting to “blow up their Garrison”, we’ve added a new Inflatable Garrison toy that you can bring with you everywhere!
    This toy is earned through a special follower mission, which we’re only going to give to that one guy in your guild who doesn’t do anything but play the Auction House.
    Several building plots have become targets of corporate takeovers. They still offer the same services, but it’s just not the same anymore, man.
    Followers who are currently active on a mission will now take S.E.L.F.I.E.s of their adventures, and send them to you via Twitter.
    Left Shark
    Left Shark
    Left Shark
    Left Shark
    After several reports of battle pet owner neglect, DEHTA has begun inspecting players’ Garrisons. Those who still haven’t gotten around to building a proper Menagerie to house their battle pets will receive a very aggressively worded notice.
    Players who have not built an Inn may now rent a room for the night using a new service called “Heirloom Bed and Breakfast.” Please be advised that HeirBnB is used at your own risk.

    Raids and Dungeons

    New loot option: Personal Style Loot. Functions similar to Personal Loot, but items are only rewarded if they’d look good with your transmog.
    Added a new notification for the “Twitch Plays Raid Finder” feature implemented in Patch 4.3.2. You will now be properly informed when your fellow raid members are being controlled entirely by a chat room.
    Typing “LFG” or “LFM” into trade chat will now cause you to just open the Group Finder instead.
    Onyxia will now use her Deep Breath ability less often. Didn’t see that one coming, did you?
    Timewalking has been extended to include dungeons from future expansions.
    Yeah, Gul’dan’s got skulls. What are you going to do about it?

    New World PvP Zone: Splashran

    If you loved Ashran, and miss the full 3-dimensional movement of Vashj’ir, you’ll love our brand new World PvP Water Park: Splashran!
    Revisit the glory days of questing in Vashj’ir, mixed flawlessly with the excitement of the Gurubashi Arena!
    Experience the freedom of fighting your enemies outside of the confines of things like “spatial awareness.”
    Take on exciting, interactive rides and attractions, including “Five Different People Shouting Five Different Orders At Once,” “Why Is Everyone Just Fighting In The Middle,” and “That One In The Mines That We Haven’t Really Figured Out Yet.”
    Need a break from the action? Enjoy the Lazy River! Kick back, relax, and let the Honor flow while everyone else does all of the actual work.
    Children’s tickets 50% off with adult purchase.
    Note: to ensure safety of our guests, players will not be allowed entrance to the wave pool if they have consumed any food or beverages within the last 30 minutes.


    The Diminishing Returns system has been expanded to include defensive cooldowns and healing spells.
    Dampening no longer applies to Restoration Shaman, as their healing spells are already pretty moist.
    PvP rewards vendors have been moved to the Garrison, which has been moved to Ashran.
    In addition to being able to share items, screenshots, and achievements on Twitter, you can now share Arena matches on Vine.
    Cleave is a Warrior ability.
    This isn’t a new change, we just thought we’d remind you. Please stop naming every single 3v3 Arena composition after it.
    Players who have earned the Deserter debuff by leaving a Battleground early will now be court-martialed.
    Healers who queue for an Arena Skirmish will only be placed in a match if they’re really, really sure about it.
    Arathi Basin: The Lumber Mill, Blacksmith, and Farm flags have all been moved to the road connecting the three points, because apparently that’s where you all want to be anyway.
    Strand of the Ancients: Attacking players who resurrect will now be unable to leave the graveyard until they pick up a bomb because seriously guys use the bombs.


    All races have learned a new language: Emoji! Share your true feelings with your friends and foes in an exciting new method that’s totally not confusing at all.
    The /laugh voiceover audio for all races has been replaced with a recording of Ben Brode. Including the Gnome Female. Especially the Gnome Female.
    Will of the Forsaken has been renamed to Won’t of the Forsaken.
    Every Man for Himself has been reworked. It now gives Human players a 1200 point bonus to their Arena Rating.

    Death Knight

    The Knights of the Ebon Blade have finally reached an agreement with the Lich King, successfully ending the Scourge Strike.
    Dancing Rune Weapon is now only usable in Dance Studios.
    To avoid spoilers, the “White Walker” and “Winter is Coming” talents have been removed until everyone’s caught up on Game of Thrones.
    In order to help Death Knights stop being such downers at parties, we’ve added a new stance: Birthday Presence.
    Because we’re tired of hearing you shout it on voice chat all the time, Bonestorm has been renamed “Swirly Body Sticks.”
    Abomination’s Might, but also might not. You can never be too sure what Abomination’s up to.
    Due to global warming, Glacial Advance has been reduced by 20%.
    Castigator no longer throws a Crocolisk at your target. Sorry for the confusion.

    Demon Hunter

    Demon Hunters are now immune to Blind. We’re not sure how it was working before. They’re wearing blindfolds, for pete’s sake.
    Spectral Sight will now properly highlight Jaina Proudmoore when activated.
    In addition to Havoc and Vengeance, Demon Hunters may now select their third specialization: Forgiveness.
    This spec utilizes the power of positive thinking to defeat their foes, with abilities such as Mindfulness, Active Listening, and Understanding.
    Undertake an epic questline of quiet contemplation and reflection of self-worth to obtain the powerful artifact: Kravnogoth, the Calmbringer.
    The talent “Nemesis” has been removed from Demon Hunters, and given to Paladins instead.
    Its tooltip now reads: “A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.”
    Sorry for the mixup. We only recently learned what Nemesis means.
    Unleashed Power should only be used in designated enclosed areas. All Demon Hunters are expected to leash their powers responsibly when in public parks.
    Eye Beam has been given an extensive polish pass, resulting in many improvements to aesthetics, build quality, and customer usability. We’re very excited to introduce the all-new iBeam SE Pro.


    Druids with Glyph of the Cheetah active will now receive a buff for eating donuts.
    All Druid forms have been converted to .PDF.
    To better promote security and combat identity theft, Swipe has been replaced with Chip and PIN.
    After careful breeding and training, Wild Charge has been domesticated.
    Druids who choose the Balance specialization are now way better at skateboarding, slacklining, and plate spinning than other specializations. Because, like, they’re good at Balance. Get it? BALANCE? HA.
    Choosing the Starlord talent will no longer Stop This Feeling. Ooga-chaka!
    New Ability: Travel Agent Form:
    Allows the Druid to assist adventurers in finding the best deals on travel and accommodations from the most reputable Inns and Flightmasters on Azeroth.
    Benefits of booking your trip through a Druid with a registered Travel Agent Form include travel insurance and group discounts.
    Replaces Travel Form
    Note: Travel Agent Form is not associated with HeirBnB or Flyt.


    Stampede now summons all pets that your character has ever tamed, all pets that your character has ever thought about taming, all pets that your character’s pets have ever thought might be fun to hang out with, and all pets that the enemy target just really hates being killed by.
    Marksmanship Hunters must once again choose the Lone Wolf talent to play without a pet. However, to select this talent, you will first have to watch as your beloved companion sadly sulks away, occasionally glancing back at you to see if you’ve changed your mind, while listening to “In the Arms of an Angel” at maximum volume.
    You monster.
    No, Draenei Hunters are not “Demon Hunters,” despite their shared ancestry with the Eredar.
    Several new mechanical pets have been added, accessible only to Gnome Hunters:
    Mechanical Conch
    Mechanical Shrubbery
    Mechanical Pet Rock
    The talent “Barrage” has had its functionality extended to also pull extra packs from completely different dungeons.
    The talent “A Murder of Crows” can now be customized into one of several alternate options, including:
    A Bellowing of Bullfinches
    A Parliament of Owls
    A Convocation of Eagles
    A Muster of Peacocks
    A Kettle of Vultures


    In an effort to reduce confusion caused by too many spells following the “Arcane ____” naming convention, we’ve just removed all of them.
    Mage Armor has decided to embrace its inner beauty, and donated its icon to charity.
    Phoenix’s Flames is now 60% harder to spell properly on the first try.
    Casting Blink will now occasionally cause the Mage to inform nearby players of the current location of the cavalry.
    Arcane Familiar has been kind of distant lately, and has been renamed to “Arcane Acquaintance.”
    The Fire Starter talent now also allows the Mage to melt bullets in midair, just like in that Stephen King novel.
    Rune of Power’s tooltip has been updated.
    It now reads: “Immediately causes the boss to cast an AoE damaging ability at the Mage’s current location.”
    Functionality unchanged.
    All Teleport spells have been randomized, and will now occasionally send the Mage to random locations in the world. This is to make up for all of those times we asked for a portal to Dalaran and got sent to Theramore or Stonard instead. Maybe now you’ll stop being such a jerk, Colin.
    Dragon’s Breath is actually not as bad as you’d think. Smells like cinnamon, really.


    Tiger Palm has been reworked. It now soothes the target upon use, removing Enrage effects and muscle tension. Renamed: “Tiger Balm.”
    Leg Sweep is no longer considered acceptable for use in karate competitions.
    Mana Tea has been made 500% bigger. Oh, the huge Mana Tea!
    Song of Chi-Ji has had its cooldown increased from 30 seconds to 12 hours. It’s not that it’s overpowered, we’re just getting tired of Chi-Ji’s playlist.
    The “Lifecycles” talent has been renamed “Circulation” to prevent it being confused with those awesome motorcycles from TRON.


    Look. We already gave you guys Ashbringer. Isn’t that enough?


    New Shadow Spell: Summon Wiggly. Summons a pet tentacle to follow you around. Has no combat benefit, it just goes wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle. Yeah.
    We’ve checked the math on this one, and it works out.
    We’ve accidentally broken the “Schism” talent. Fortunately, we have the proper tools to fix it, and we know the pieces fit.
    Only you can prevent Holy Fires.
    Lightwell has been re-added to the game. However, in observance of Lightwell Savings Time, it must now be cast one hour earlier.
    We’ve discovered that the “Halo” talent was actually created over 100,000 years ago specifically to combat a parasitic lifeform. We’ve disabled it until we can figure out what it really does.
    Corrected a grammatical error with Piety. It is now correctly named. “Pie, TY!”
    Apotheosis is now 30% more difficult to pronounce.
    The Shadow talents “Legacy of the Void,” “Reaper of Souls,” and “Fortress of the Mind” have been removed so as not to cause confusion with expansions for other Blizzard titles.


    We’ve buffed the Anticipation talent. Just wait ‘til you find out what we did! It’s gonna be awesome.
    Corrected an issue with Hemorrhage that caused it to occasionally leave love bleeding in the caster’s hands.
    Using Pistol Shot will now cause Outlaw rogues to declare the current time of day, which is always high noon for some reason.
    Rogues can no longer Pick Lock. They can, however, continue to Pick Warrior, Priest, and/or Hunter.
    We felt the name of the “Thuggee” talent did not properly fit into the Assassination Rogue’s class fantasy. We’ve renamed it to “On Fleek.”
    Death has found out that you’ve been Cheating it all these years, and isn’t pleased. It’s pretty miffed about it, to be honest.


    Sentry Totem, Windwall Totem, and Stoneskin Totem have been re-added to the game.
    Shamanistic Rage has been nerfed. It is now known as “Shamanistic Irritation.”
    Healing Rain has been buffed. It is now known as “El Niño,” which is Spanish for “The Niño.”
    Sentry Totem has been removed from the game.
    Echo of the Elements no longer works on ducks.
    Windwall Totem has been removed from the game.
    Magnitude has had its functionality extended to include a magnetic personality and a lot of attitude. It’s definitely going to be the life of any party. Pop pop!
    Ancestral Swiftness now reduces your haste and attack speed when selected. We brought in a genealogy expert, and it turns out your ancestors were actually pretty slow.
    Ghost Wolf has been renamed “Bark Bark Dog Dog.”
    Stoneskin Totem has been removed from the game.
    Spirit Link Totem should no longer incorrectly result in a 404 error.


    Several Warlock spells have been renamed:
    Soul Leech has been renamed “Lasting Impression.”
    Demonic Empowerment has been renamed “Demonic Impowerment.”
    Demonbolt has been renamed “Impbolt.”
    Shadowy Inspiration has been renamed “Shadowy Impspiration.”
    In addition, all Warlocks have a new ability, usable only while mounted on their Dreadsteed, named “Imp My Ride.”
    Designer’s Note: it’s imperative to us that we don’t improperly represent the nature of the Warlock class, and feel that these changes are an impeccable improvement.
    We’ve also added several new Warlock spells themed around the Warlords of Draenor, similar to Hand of Gul’dan and Eye of Kilrogg. These spells include:
    Coccyx of Durotan
    Toenail of Grommash
    Gall Bladder of Blackhand
    Absolute Corruption should now corrupt absolutely, as intended.
    The Soul Harvest talent can no longer be selected unless the Warlock has previously used the Sow the Seeds talent, because that’s just how nature works, okay?


    Special attacks that fail to critically strike will now immediately cause the Warrior to Enrage.
    Die by the Sword now properly kills the Warrior when used, as intended.
    Using Charge repeatedly on multiple targets will no longer incorrectly lock you out from using it until you visit a bank.
    Heroic Leap has had its cooldown reduNO PATH AVAILABLE
    Battle Cry may now only be used upon the realization that you are merely a simple tool used by your superiors to do what they are unwilling to do themselves, and that your only contribution to this world is cold-blooded murder. Just… just let it all out. Yeah. There you go.
    Meat Grinder now properly creates delicious sausages.
    Outburst has had its effect increased by 2 seconds which is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS AND I SWEAR IF YOU CALL HR ON ME ONE MORE TIME I’LL…
    Anger Management has replaced Outburst for Fury Warriors.
    It turns out that Revenge is actually best at room temperature. Who knew?

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 06.04.2016, 22:52

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 07.04.2016, 11:04

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 07.04.2016, 16:36

    Oglaf! :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 09.04.2016, 10:19

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 09.04.2016, 19:12

    "You are a wizard, Har... wait... BURN THE WITCH!!!"

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 09.04.2016, 19:13

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 10.04.2016, 10:05

    Das ist doch bestimmt kein Zufall... (Na, wer sieht es?)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 11.04.2016, 09:51

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 15.04.2016, 07:55

    Das Japanisch kann ich nicht lesen, vielleicht stimmt die Übersetzung ja wirklich... aber irgendwie ein Schild, das ich gerne an diversen Orten aufhängen würde :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 15.04.2016, 15:34

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 16.04.2016, 20:03

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 17.04.2016, 10:47

    Genial :D :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 17.04.2016, 23:19

    irgendwie passend zu dem "Rätsel" heute...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 20.04.2016, 01:35

    Dieser Moment, wenn du feststellst, dass die Entwickler im WvW deinen Turm erobert haben...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 10.05.2016, 23:12

    Quelle: http://empyronaut.deviantart.com/art/Why-the-13th-Black-Crusade-REALLY-failed-606357470

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 11.05.2016, 18:00

    Typische D&D Gruppe (links nach rechts):
    Monk, Cleric, Bard, Ranger

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 15.05.2016, 11:09

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 15.05.2016, 18:30

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 15.05.2016, 19:08

    XD XD XD

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 28.05.2016, 17:58

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 31.05.2016, 21:37

    Die müßt ihr jetzt aber auch bauen ;P

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Jassafer - 01.06.2016, 08:42

    Isst man als Space Marine eigentlich gern Chili con Carnifex ... ?

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 01.06.2016, 14:08

    Tyranidenbarbecue hatten wir schon, also ist das Chili bestimmt auch irgendwo auf der Speisekarte :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 01.06.2016, 17:02

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 08.06.2016, 12:45

    "Linkskatholische Vorzeige-Emanzen haben mein Kreuz an der Wand in einer Moschee versteckt!" Und was ist euer "Problem"? :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 08.06.2016, 15:47

    Subventionierte Schein-Emanzen haben meinen Mut zur Wahrheit in eine Anarcho-Kita entführt!

    What the...?!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 08.06.2016, 20:33

    Hasserfüllte Homo-Emanzen haben mein heimattreues Herz vegan zubereitet und aufgegessen.....

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Arameth - 08.06.2016, 21:51

    Inländerfeindliche Chaosemanzen haben meine Urgroßmutter in einer Moschee versteckt

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 09.06.2016, 01:29

    Marxistische Links-Emanzen haben meine Vorfahren zum Kopftuch gezwungen.

    Familienfeindliche Vorzeige-Emanzen haben meinen Taufschein in eine Anarcho-Kita entführt.


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 12.06.2016, 11:11

    Das hat heute jemand, dem ich folge, auf deviantArt gepostet - Titel: "If Monty Python had written the Horus Heresy."

    (2x Klick aufs Bild zum Vergrößern)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 12.06.2016, 11:57

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 14.06.2016, 00:56

    Vorhin bei der E3 PC-Konferenz

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 14.06.2016, 03:18

    Ein Blood Raven! :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 16.06.2016, 11:53


    Ein paar Antworten kannte ich tatsächlich noch nicht ^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 16.06.2016, 12:00

    Beste Lehrer-Korrektur: Saturn was NOT a single lady! :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 16.06.2016, 12:30

    "April Ham Lincon" ist mein Favorit.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 21.06.2016, 02:27

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 21.06.2016, 20:20

    Vorhin drüber gesprochen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc72aW1P2lE

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 26.06.2016, 09:43

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 30.06.2016, 11:49


    (aber kann mir jemand die Night Lords erklären?)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 30.06.2016, 13:09

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 30.06.2016, 23:46


    Haben vorhin übrigens festgestellt, daß die Isländer wohl mit Warpunterstützung gewonnen haben - immerhin sind es die Thousand -sons ;)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 03.07.2016, 12:14

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 03.07.2016, 12:32

    das hab ich auch letztens gelesen, genial :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 05.07.2016, 09:39

    Erst ein WTF!?

    Dann was Humorvolles

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 07.07.2016, 20:32

    Mal wieder einer für Daniel ;)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 08.07.2016, 16:03

    Unsere Rollenspielrunden in zwei Bildern:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 11.07.2016, 16:23

    Der Anfang war ziemlich Standard, aber die letzte Schlußfolgerung... :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 11.07.2016, 19:31

    Die Zeitung hat folgendes geschrieben: "In Deutschland herrscht akuter Fachkräftemangel"

    Wieso, kann ich gar nicht nachvollziehen. :roll:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 12.07.2016, 08:59

    Pokemon 40K

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 12.07.2016, 12:28

    Dank Angels Cosplay (!)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 12.07.2016, 12:41

    Für Elder Scrolls Fans

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 12.07.2016, 14:41

    cool :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 12.07.2016, 20:57

    Wie manche Tiere entstanden:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 13.07.2016, 09:11

    Part 3^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 18.07.2016, 00:04

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 18.07.2016, 10:57

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    wenn denn die Server mal wieder laufen würden...

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 09.08.2016, 10:27

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 15.08.2016, 12:07


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 15.08.2016, 13:52

    :D :D :D :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 15.08.2016, 21:07


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 25.08.2016, 15:01

    Warhammer/Starwars Crossover

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 02.09.2016, 18:04

    Nada in Space! :O

    Böses WhatsApp!!! Nimm dir ein Beispiel an dieser vorbildlichen Seite ohne aufdringliche Werbu... wait. o_O

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 02.09.2016, 20:46


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 29.09.2016, 17:15

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 30.09.2016, 19:07

    Ey Robo-Micha Maaaaaan!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Arameth - 01.10.2016, 00:43

    WTF? :shock:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 01.10.2016, 13:15

    Steht bei Destiny - Rise of Iron am neuen Treffpunkt. :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 04.10.2016, 11:38

    What not to do around a commissar:

    Unless you have a death wish (since you're drafted into the Guard, we already KNOW you have a death wish) these are the things you should avoid doing around your Commissar unless you want to be shot for a number of reasons:

    - Do not retreat until he says so.
    - Do not look like you will retreat before he says so.
    - Do not think about retreating before he says so.
    - Do not think about thinking of retreating before he says so.
    - Do not retreat even WHEN he says so.
    - Do not refuse to retreat when he says so because you will later be shot for insubordination.
    - Do not be incompetent in battle, he'll execute you for being useless.
    - Do not move too far away from a Commissar attached to your squad, he might think you are retreating without his command.
    - Do not fap to the women that are xenos, heretics, or mutants while in the field of battle... or outside.
    - Do not fap to human women either, he'll execute you for dereliction of duty. Also, Slaanesh worship.
    - Do not fap AT ALL Because it is heresy. No! Fap to the Corpse-Empero- wait, I kinda gave that away, didn't- *BLAM* HERESY!!
    - Do not mock anyone in the upper command structure, social status and organizations, it's the same as treason and treason kids is HERESY.
    - Do not look at your commissar with a grimdark look, he'll assume you want to kill him. Unless you're a Catachan. He doesn't need to see the look to know you want to kill him.
    - Do not interrupt him while speaking, he'll execute you for the insubordination.
    - Do not worship the ruinous powers even if your commissar is.
    - Do not look like you are worshipping the ruinous powers.
    - Do not think about worshipping the ruinous powers.
    - Do not think about thinking about worshipping the ruinous powers.
    - Do not think AT ALL or he'll think you are thinking about worshipping the ruinous powers.
    - Do not find out about the Ruinous Powers. Best you can hope for is being sterilised and mind-wiped.
    - Do not fall ill. Nurgle worship.
    - Do not fall seriously ill. Serious Nurgle worship.
    - Do not think about getting ill. More Nurgle worship.
    - Do not think abou- To Hell with this, you are already thinking about getting ill *BLAM*
    - Do not openly question his orders.
    - Do not question his orders behind his back either.
    - Do not suggest your orders are suicidal.
    - Do not suggest that said "suicidal" Commissar should join the enemy, if he is able to kill his squad so quickly.
    - Do not suggest anything, lest he take it for Heresy.
    - Do not mention that the Ministorum Priests are better motivators. *BLAM* Insubordination!
    - Do not mention that the sanctioned Psykers scare you more than him. *BLAM* Insubordination again! Actually that's acceptable, the mutant witch must be thoroughly abhorred and constantly monitored for heresy. UNBLAM!
    Commissar did I just see you execute a guardsmen and than bring him back to life? Could that perhaps be a bit of chaos sorcery? *Flashes Inquisitorial Seal* I think we need to have a little chat back aboard my ship. Seize this Commissar on suspicion of Heresy!
    - Do not mention that he is the most useless unit to have in a command squad. *BLAM* Insubordination again! Why won't you die!?
    Oh holy terra you're Unblamming made him a perpetual. Take this guardsman back to the ship as well and tell the captain to prepare for Exterminatus this whole page is corrupted.
    - Do NOT interrupt him while attempting to execute someone unless you have a pretty good reason as he'll execute you along with the one about to be executed.
    - DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES challenge him or her in a western shootout. Why? Because they'll *BLAM* kill you all in LESS than a splitsecond, now get back to the front, or you'll join him.
    - Do not ask a Commissar for a bullet in the head. He will have you flogged for cowardice.
    - Do not ask a Commissar for a flogging. He WILL have you shot in the spine for being a Slaaneshi Cultist. Not that that's a bad thing, being a Sla-*BLAM* HERESY!
    - Do not, in any way, shape, or form, give a zealous Commissar an Assault Cannon. You will have no unit.
    - Do not, under any circumstances, give a zealous Commissar a Deathstrike Missile Launcher. You will have no army.
    - Do not give a Commissar a cookie, or he'll think you are trying to poison him. You chaos worshipping freak.
    - Do not be bald, then you are a Genestealer.
    - Do not be balding, then you are becoming a Genestealer.
    - Do not think about balding, then you are thinking about becoming a Genestealer.
    - Do not think about thinking about balding, you don't wanna become a Genestealer.
    - Do not add to this list, or else he will have you shot for insubordination. He- Yes, Sir!... No, sir... Sir? *BLAM* HERESY
    - Do not use an axe as a last-ditch weapon. Khornate behaviour. Acceptable if having said, "For the Emperor!" and dying soon afterwards for the Imperium.
    - Do not eat your rations in a particularly vigorous manner. Khorne worship.
    - Any alteration of the standard uniform shall not be tolerated. Tzeentch worship.
    - Growing facial hair in the pres*BLAM*. More Tzeentch worship.
    - Do not cut yourself while shaving your facial hair. More Khorne worship.
    - Surviving a life threatening injury at the hands of the enemy. Serious Tzeentch worship.
    - Do not bring prostitutes to the base while your unit is on leave. Slaanesh worship (and just plain improper behavior).
    - Waking up lat*BLAM*. Cowardice.
    - Do not give a zealous Commissar a spacecraft. You will have lost a planet.
    - Do not deface or lose your Imperial Infantrymen's Uplifting Primer. (even though any veteran guardsman will tell you most of pages are complete bullshit)
    - Calling your self a member of the "Astra Militarum" *BLAM* HERESY! we are and always have been the Imperial Guard: Hammer of the Emperor!
    - Do not Lose your issued Lasgun. Unless it's loss is unavoidable in*BLAM* A proper guardsman would never lose his Lasgun.
    - Do not remind him that technically Commissars are outside the chain of command and cannot order you. So next time a fraking com*BLAM*. Cursing Commissars is HERESY!!!

    What to do around a Commissar

    - Worship the Emperor
    - Talk fairly loudly about how the chaos gods suck. (Except for slaanesh who is just bad damn thing dosen't need to suck any more.)
    - Make sure all your gear is organized, cleaned, maintained, and free of non-standard issue modifications.
    - Do go into rage mo-*BLAM* Getting angry is Khorne worship. (Raging over the filthy xenos is acceptable though.)
    - Praise him on a job well done when circumstances are right-*BLAM* Kissing ass is borderline Slaneesh worship.
    - Shine his laspistol when he isn't using it.*BLAM*Handling your superior officer's weapons is grand treason!
    - Give him a blowjo-*BLAM* SLAANESHI HERETIC!
    -Charge towards Khorne Berserkers even if you don't want to.*BLAM* Suicidal charges are borderline Khorne worship. Neglecting to charge however is disobeying orders. So either way you get *BLAM*ed.
    - Go to battle even if you're feeling sic-*BLAM* Spreading sickness to your comrades is serious Nurgle worship.
    - Compliment his marksmanship skills.*BLAM* WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT KISSING ASS!!? Pff, missed me...
    - Let him know in advance when you're having a sick day so he won't execute you for dereliction of du-*BLAM* NURGLE WORSHIPER!
    - Have your uplifting primer on your person. Failure to present it on request will result in BLAM.
    - Bring him a captive Eldar *BLAM* XENOS LOVING FILTH!! ("I'll be happy to take that captive off your hands commissar.")
    - When the rest of your squad looks like they are gonna fall back, step away from the Commissar's general direction as he might choose to execute you to make an example for the rest of the men.
    - When the rest of your squad looks like they are gonna fall back, step towards the Commissar's general direction as he might choose to execute you to make an example for the rest of the men.
    - When you are about to do something that can only be described as batshit insane and a Commissar's around suggest it to him, if you survive said suicide mission he'll probably favor you a bit, which probably means that he MIGHT actually think about who's he shooting at.
    - If you're the guy at the wheel of a transport, DRIVE HIM CLOSER! HE WANTS TO HIT THE ENEMIES OF THE EMPRAH WITH HIS SWORD!
    - Prior to giving him wargear, make sure that you haven't cleaned it, most Commissars prefer the bloodstained wargear look. *BLAM* failure to clean blood off of your weapons or uniform is an offence against the Departmento Munitorum policies!
    - Make sure you're the only man left in the squad other than the Commissar when retreating, the Commissar rulebook says that if the squad he is attached to only has one man left, he isn't allowed to make his face blow up because he'd end up looking stupid and it's a waste of ammo since there is nobody to inspi *BLAM* Commisar Does what he wants!
    - If the Commissar looks pissed read (or at least pretend to read) an Imperial Creed book or something, he can't shoot you because you're reading Imperial Creed stu-- *BLAM* Now you are no longer reading it. Situation resolved.
    - Bring an RPG or other Big Fucking Gun in case he tries to blam you. Make sure you say "you've been bla-*BLAM* HERESY! (pssst! Make sure you say "You've been BLAMMED!" AFTER you kill the Commissar and know there aren't more on the battlefield. WHO'S LAUGHING NOW COMMISSARS!?)*BLAM* HERESY!
    - If your Commissar has a bolt pistol make sure there that when he starts *Blaming* that there are 10 people closer to the commissar then you. That way after he's done blaming the rest of your platoon he might think you 'suitable inspired' so as to not blam you. *CLICK* See it works! *BLAM* RELOADING IS ONLY A TEMPORARY INCONVENIENCE TO THE AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM!
    - Instead of DYING, try to acquire the Enemy's head. Minor kudos for a Grunt, Some kudos for an NCO Equivalent, and perhaps at least a bit of respect from the Commissar him/herself for an enemy Commander, or said Commander's Lieutenants. Possible points if you shout out: "DEATH UNTO THE ENEMIES OF MA-..." *BLAM* Borderline Khorne-Worship! (ALL foes of mankind must be cleansed. Punishing such actions is heretical in of itself commissar.) Unblam

    Inquisitorial Decree: Commissars are henceforth forbidden from Unblamming The practice of resurrecting the dead is chaos sorcery. Loyal imperial citizens who have been accidentally *BLAMMED* can take solace in the fact that their souls will spend eternity basking in the Emperor's divine light.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 05.10.2016, 09:05

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 18.10.2016, 22:47

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 19.10.2016, 10:14

    Eins fehlt mir dabei.

    From Software: "See those mountains? When you go near them, they're going to stand up and kill you."

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 24.10.2016, 09:06

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 26.10.2016, 21:01


    Rowan Atkinson Live - Pink tights and plenty of props

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 29.10.2016, 22:31

    Destiny: Geist-(Geist-)Hülle zu Halloween :D

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 30.10.2016, 20:41

    Ich habe noch etwas Besseres als Geist Geist:

    Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish!

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 31.10.2016, 01:49

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 01.11.2016, 23:30

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    VincentWeynard - 09.11.2016, 00:34

    Wir sprachen davon. Fürs Rockharz:


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 09.11.2016, 03:48

    boah sehen die scheiße aus :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 14.11.2016, 00:58

    Passend zur orkigen Stimmung:


    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 18.11.2016, 01:12

    2x klicken zum Vergrößern

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 18.11.2016, 22:03

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    SilasColdfire - 19.11.2016, 01:16

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 06.12.2016, 11:25

    Jemand auf DeviantArt hat einen Comic aus einer Szene gemacht, die ich für eine meiner 2485431 unfertigen Geschichten geschrieben habe... Fühle mich geehrt, und knuffig ist das Ganze auch noch :D

    (2x klicken zum Vergrößern)

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 06.12.2016, 14:28

    Wie niedlich^^

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 22.12.2016, 15:46

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    JabezP - 22.12.2016, 18:15

    ^ Den wollte ich auch gerade posten :lol: Irgendwie leider wahr...

    Außerdem tut gerade mein Hirn weh.

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Dianthis - 23.12.2016, 17:04

    autsch! :cry:

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Ragnar Wulfgrimmson - 24.12.2016, 00:47

    Re: Witzige Bilder, Comics etc.

    Eviron - 24.12.2016, 23:15

    Hat er mich gerade beleidigt!?!? 0___0#

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